IMPORTANTE: O Banco de Séries não serve para assistir séries! Somos uma rede social onde os fãs de séries podem controlar os episódios que assistiram, dar notas, comentar, criar sua agenda, saber quando passa o próximo episódio. Somos totalmente contra a pirataria e não disponibilizamos conteúdo que fere direitos autorais.

This Is Us By julhana 🍃

Episodio 1x1 - Nota 10 2016-10-23 21:13:14


Episodio 1x2 - Nota 10 2016-10-23 21:12:28

o jack alcoolatra
eu amo a beth tanto
minha familiazinha
o kevin ligado pro randall

Episodio 1x3 - Nota 10 2016-10-23 21:15:00

nossa eu amo o randall tanto.
achei lindo explicar pq o nome dele eh diferente dos outros dois e achei lindo a explicaçao td lindo nota 10 te amo this is us

Episodio 1x4 - Nota 10 2016-10-20 15:17:14

a melhor serie do mundo eu n acredito q vou chorar literalmente td episodio
jack vivo amanha

Episodio 1x4 - Nota 10 2016-10-23 21:16:28

nossa o jack ta morto dms kalsaksljasdklad a musica .
amei a abordagem de racismo
odiei essa heteragem q vao colocar pro kevin mas n se pode ter td n eh mesmo

Episodio 1x4 - Nota 10 2016-10-23 21:17:52

AH E A MOÇA NA FOTO!!! lindo gostamos
e a carinha do randall n sabendo como contar pro kevin q ele tem ""outro"" pai ai q dor

Episodio 1x5 - Nota 10 2016-10-26 15:47:52

''I painted this because I felt like the play was about life, you know? And life is full of color. And we each get to come along and we add our own color to the painting. You know? And even though it's not very big, the painting, you sort of have to figure that it goes on forever, you know, in each direction. So, like, to infinity, you know? 'Cause that's kind of like life, right? And it's really crazy, if you think about it, isn't it, that, a hundred years ago, some guy that I never met came to this country with a suitcase. He has a son, who has a son, who has me. So, at first, when I was painting, I was thinking, you know, maybe up here, that was that guy's part of the painting and then, you know, down here, that's my part of the painting. And then I started to think, well, what if... we're all in the painting, everywhere? And-and what if we're in the painting before we're born? What if we're in it after we die? And these colors that we keep adding, what if they just keep getting added on top of one another, until eventually we're not even different colors anymore? We're just... one thing. One painting. I mean, my dad is not with us anymore. He's not alive, but he's with us. He's with me every day. It all just sort of fits somehow. And even if you don't understand how yet, people will die in our lives, people that we love. In the future. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe years from now. I mean, it's kind of beautiful, right, if you think about it, the fact that just because someone dies, just because you can't see them or talk to them anymore, it doesn't mean they're not still in the painting. I think maybe that's the point of the whole thing. There's no dying. There's no you or me or them. It's just us. And this... sloppy... wild, colorful, magical thing that has no beginning, it has no end... this right here... I think it's us.''
eu n acredito q perderam essa oportunidade de falar this is us

Episodio 1x6 - Nota 10 2016-11-03 11:13:19

o kevin falando sobre o jack morto de nv :'(
ai eu amo a kate tanto curiosa qnt ao relacionamento dela com a bec :'(
randall pearson eu te amo entende isso eu pausei o eps varias vezes durante a apresentaçao dele pq a vergonha era tanta eu fiquei me contorcendo igual a beth just dont look aaaaa foi mt engraçado e vergonhoso
a conversa do jack com ele no escritorio meu deus do ceu eu amo eles demais demais q DOR

Episodio 1x9 - Nota 10 2016-11-30 19:55:04

"She had three wildly different kids. Along with their own sets of problems. Our marriage wasn't always perfect. I certainly wasn't. And she had her own things to deal with, too. But she kept everything out. She always made sure we were all safe."

''-Are willing to hold him up, no matter what comes his way?
-Are you willing to raise this young boy into a strong man?
-Are you willing to push him to the best men in the world he can be?
-Are you willing to lift him to greater heights even if it huts?
-You can stop, all right. I think that's enough.
-I won't stop!''

Episodio 1x14 - Nota 10 2017-09-27 18:44:58


Episodio 2x1 - Nota 10 2017-09-27 17:38:14

Things not said, advice not given, envelopes unstamped, regrets enveloping me. Is it easier there? I wonder. I ponder, I guess... Yes. I guess, yes. Do you think of me as I do of you, my son? My son. My... son. The things you'll do, I'll never know. The pain. The secrets. Oh, to be given a chance, a start, the restart, the fresh start. Will love come for you, as it did for me? Find you, wreck you, save you, change you? And if life breaks for you the way it would not break for me, if love hunts you, finds you, captures you, will you hold it tight... nurture it, protect it? I hope you will. I hope you can. This father's advice is not required, it has no call, so instead I'll share some from another. It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. And now, an addendum to my earlier advice, if I'm so lucky as to still have your ear. I loved you, I lost you. And I advise you, 'twas better than to never having had loved at all. But now, with more years, with more time, more perspective, I see things in a slightly new way. So here, my good son, is a father's advice, updated and recalled. It's better to have loved and lost, surely... but try not to lose it at all.

Episodio 2x1 - Nota 10 2017-09-27 17:45:14

meninas q ta triste da like

Episodio 2x1 - Nota 10 2017-09-27 17:51:43

~ o quao poetico foi q eles iniciaram o 2x01 enganando a gnt igual no 1x01? so q a farsa durou bem menos foi so aqls segundos iniciais da gnt pensando q a kate ja tava cantando e q a beth e o kevin ja tinham adotado e q o kevin tava pedindo a sophie em casamento
~ eu estranhei dms quando apareceu q a beth e o kevin iam adotar por sistema privado mas n esperava q eles fossem adotar uma criança eles conseguiram ser mais puros e lindos doq eu tinha imaginado e o desenvolvimento disso vai ser tAO LINDO LINDO LINDO LINDO e complexo pq eh complicado adotar criança mas vai ser lindo pq td nessa serie eh lindo
~ a kate gnt por onde eu começo ela eh o amor da minha vida ela eh linda e ver ela tomando coragem de tentar foi lindo e vendo ela se defender foi lindo (msm q equivocadamente) oq NAO eh lindo eh o rumo q o relacionamento dela e da bec tomou e vai tomar vai ser horroroso e eu me recuso a ver
~ mais horroroso ainda eh o fato do JACK ESTAR MORTO eu ja to ha uma temporada gritando em td episodio ELE MORREU BIANCA ELE MORREU AH NAO e n canso gnt pq n da p acreditar eu nao aceitoooooooooooooo vao ter q me aturar gritando q n aceito ate A MINHA morte eu n aceito q "everything's gonna be fine. jack, look at me. a few months from now, everything will be back to normal." :)

Episodio 2x2 - Nota 9 2017-10-10 13:51:59

tô sem coragem de assistir

Episodio 2x3 - Nota 9.5 2017-10-13 17:45:15

ela falando he's just like you pra urna e ele tomando a pilula delicia era td q eu precisava o kevin viciado tb
mank do ceu o cachorro q a kate tava abraçando qnd descobriu q o jack morreu hahaha realmente otima a situação por aqui
randall pearson eu te amo mais q TUDO entende isso
a anne com o william uma delicia msm isso n eh msm temporada passasa a gnt chorava por um pai defunto agr choramos por dois pais defuntos qm sera o proximo

Episodio 2x6 - Nota 10 2017-11-03 20:00:08

chorei o episódio TODO

Episodio 2x8 - Nota 10 2017-11-16 21:41:55

o kevin tendo flashbacks, ngm reparando q ele ta DOENTE, ele smp sendo negligenciado perante o randall e a kate (n to culpando ngm nem nd mas eh doloroso dms q ele smp teve pedindo ajuda e ngm nunca VE), ele finalmente indo pedir ajuda pro randall (lindo, ele ajudou o randall temporada) e BOOM o bebe :(((((((

Episodio 2x10 - Nota 10 2017-11-30 06:37:10

o jack falando q n vai estar la pra tds as escolhas do randall
eu pensei q ele ia mostrar o nome do irmao no memorial
o pacman :'(
a bicicleta T_T
a deja chamando o randall de foster dad durante a apresentaçao eu chorei tantoooo msm rindo um tico do comic sans com degrade colorido no trabalho
"your brother's gonna be okay. things are gonna be different for your brother now, but he's gonna be okay. you know, that's the thing about the three of you. there's always a blind spot. i'd be with one of you having a great time, and then, bam, something happens to the other and i realize i should have been looking in that other direction. it's been that way since you guys were babies. and when one of you falls down... the other one's standing up."

Episodio 2x11 - Nota 10 2018-01-11 17:29:53

o tanto q eu chorei com esse episodio... e ainda assim n se compara com oq eu chorei com a rebecca indo deitar no chao com o kevin. chorei tanto q vou chamar de chovi.

Episodio 2x12 - Nota 9 2018-01-23 16:31:32


Episodio 2x13 - Nota 10 2018-01-27 20:05:43

q se foda tb

Episodio 2x14 - Nota 10 2018-02-04 15:53:43

parabens pra amiga q disse dia 29 de setembro de 2017 q o jack ia morrer no dia do super bowl vc estava certa mas a q custo

Episodio 2x17 - Nota 10 2018-03-15 14:19:06

eh mt dificil dar nota p tiu pq por exemplo esse eps merece 10 mas ai eu penso em the car e caraca deveriam haver niveis de nota 10 especificamente p tiu eu to falando mt serio pq td eps eh perfeito mas alguns sao mais perfeitos q outros e eu preciso poder expressar isso

Episodio 3x1 - Nota 10 2018-09-26 19:13:33

deja: i just came here to say i'm gonna do something really great with my life and you're gonna miss it. and my mom's gonna miss it, too, but that's okay 'cause i met these people. they think i'm exceptional. that's the word they use about me. and they actually want me. like, they want me so bad that they plan out weird conversations to tell me. 
jack: i couldn't pay for the umbrella. i started the night with nine bucks. 5 bucks to get in, 2 bucks for a candy apple and a hot chocolate, which is kind of a rip off in my opinion, but that's neither here nor there. that left me with two dollars. and if i bought the umbrella, then i wouldn't have enough for any of the games. i didn't know if you wanted to play any games, but i couldn't take that chance because, well, i brought you to a carnival, and you don't bring a girl to a carnival and not let her play any games. i've been having a hard time since i got back. making money... finding my place. i don't like talking about the war or my brother. it makes me sad. it makes me angry. but i like talking to you. a lot. you make me feel like i'm home. and i never really felt like that before. i'm sorry it was such a lousy first date. i mean... i'm really, very sorry. 
bec: it's a hard no on cats? 
jack: allergic. 
bec: oh. and mushrooms? 
jack: oh, i hate 'em. no, like, i passionately hate them. 
bec: oh, yeah, it was a... pretty bad first date. 
jack: i know. 
bec: my girlfriends told me i'm supposed to pretend to forget something in the car if it's a really great first date. that way the guy has to come and return it the next day, but... this was not that kind of first date, and i'm not that kind of girl. plus, the mushrooms are a non starter for me. oh, but the way that you look at me, wow. 
beth: look, i adore you, bro in law. okay? i know i don't always say it out loud because it kind of ruins my schtick, but i do. you know, you're the only person who talks to my kids like they're people and not just kids. you're kind. you're funny. and everything about the way you look says people should hate you, but somehow everybody loves you. i love you.
with just seconds left to play, terry bradshaw's pass was deflected. all seemed lost for pittsburgh until, in a miraculous turn of events, the ball fell right into the hands of star running back franco harris, who ran it in for the game winning touchdown as time expired. it's just one of those plays that'll go down in history, a single moment that changed destiny forever. and while there may be heartbreak tonight in oakland, here in pittsburgh, they're calling it the immaculate reception. a reminder for all of us, i think, that sometimes a ball has to bounce off one person a few times to wind up in the hands of the right guy and make a story truly immortal.

Episodio 3x2 - Nota 9 2018-10-10 20:53:54

a bec falando sozinha lembrando do jack 😥

Episodio 3x3 - Nota 9 2018-10-10 21:44:08

a carinha da bec qnd o jack foi lavar a louca...
a beth rodando a aliança 😥😥

Episodio 3x4 - Nota 9.5 2018-10-18 19:55:26

"i wonder what happens next to me. it's weird, isn't it, the way we think about our lives? what's next? what happens next? always moving forward. i wonder if things would make more sense if you looked at everything in reverse. like, if you started at the end and moved backwards and tried to figure out how you got there. i wish i could do that right now."
"now, remember... big brothers look out for their little brothers. it's their only job. it's the only thing that matters. and you know what? all these little guys in here, every single one of them, they have the same birthday as your little brother."
"he's there now, and he's struggling. look, i just need to be where he is. okay? even if i can't get to him. even if i can't do anything for him. i just need to be there. he's my little brother, doc. it's my job to take care of him. that is my only job."
"well, 11:58 pm... made it just by the skin of our teeth. october 18th after all. 18 is a very lucky number. very lucky number indeed."
"no one tough wears glasses."
"what about superman?"
"superman doesn't wear glasses."
"he does when he's clark kent."
"not when he's superman."
"he's a tough guy in disguise. that's you, nicky. you're clark kent. you're ck. tough guy in disguise."

Episodio 3x4 - Nota 9.5 2018-10-19 15:46:48

foi mostrado po. respeita o dan fogelman.

Episodio 3x5 - Nota 9 2018-10-30 21:34:52

o toby depre 💔
o racismo com randall 💔
"jack pearson don't die." 💔

Episodio 3x6 - Nota 9.5 2018-11-05 08:56:55


Episodio 3x7 - Nota 9.5 2018-11-20 19:15:49

o jack chorando :(

Episodio 3x8 - Nota 9 2018-11-23 07:35:42

qnts graças

Episodio 3x9 - Nota 9 2018-12-13 20:08:59

tess ♡

Episodio 3x10 - Nota 9.5 2019-01-16 01:02:56

"my god, son, what a force you will be."


"I WON."

Episodio 3x11 - Nota 10 2019-01-23 21:15:41

i never got to tell him

Episodio 3x12 - Nota 9 2019-02-13 23:05:19

rebecca e kevin eh smp garantia de lagrimas pqp chorei mt com o jogador contando pra ela q o kevin pesquisou lugares pra ele frequentar caso fosse transferido e DESMORONEI com ele bebendo e ele no banco do carona com a rebecca pequetuxinho e agr dps da recaida :(((

Episodio 3x12 - Nota 9 2019-02-14 11:35:54

esse homem eh um monstro

Episodio 3x13 - Nota 10 2019-02-20 19:03:12

our little island girl, who danced before she could walk.

Episodio 3x14 - Nota 10 2019-03-09 17:40:16

oq q eh essa nota seus arrombado

Episodio 3x14 - Nota 10 2019-03-23 10:28:06

i want to pretend that it's not true oh baby that you're gone 'cause my world keeps turning and turning and turning and i'm not moving on

Episodio 3x15 - Nota 10 2019-03-13 23:21:42

you're everywhere

Episodio 3x16 - Nota 9.5 2019-03-21 19:33:47

impecavel qm n ta gostando enfia uma barrinha de chocolate no cu

Episodio 3x17 - Nota 10 2019-03-28 17:49:43


Episodio 3x18 - Nota 9.5 2019-04-04 19:28:43

most people dont win, randall. but you did. you won the lottery. you won it twice. once when you got adopted and then again when you met beth. i dont know whats going on between you two but you got to get it together. you own it to the world that let you win the lottery twice.

Episodio 4x1 - Nota 9.5 2019-09-24 23:18:09


Episodio 4x3 - Nota 9 2019-10-09 16:49:20


Episodio 4x4 - Nota 9.5 2019-10-16 22:56:22

jesus o kevin eh perfeito

Episodio 4x5 - Nota 9.5 2019-10-23 21:33:49

ai a beth falando pra tess q n vai permitir q ela fale besteira sobre 3 das pessoas favoritas dela e a beth colocando o refri no copo pra tess e pro randall e falando "william" e a beth dando molho de pimenta pra rebecca e falando do pai dela

Episodio 4x6 - Nota 10 2019-11-01 16:01:14

"this one's for you pop" *bola no laguinho*

Episodio 4x7 - Nota 9.5 2019-11-07 00:18:01

lost - frank ocean

Episodio 4x8 - Nota 10 2019-11-16 20:06:47


Episodio 4x10 - Nota 9.5 2020-01-16 19:22:22

meu deus a sophia casada kkkkkk e a sopHIE LIGANDO PRO KEVIN Q INFERNOOOO
ai o primeiro eu te amo do jack e da bec 😣😣😣
ah mas se alguma coisa acontecer com o randall ole ole ola

Episodio 4x11 - Nota 10 2020-01-22 23:04:24

i'm gonna be that guy, randall. okay? i'm the guy that's gonna get you through this.

Episodio 4x12 - Nota 9.5 2020-01-29 20:39:22

"trust me, kevin. this is the ending everyone wants. and they still won't see it coming."
"until it blacked out, wasn't it, like, the perfect movie? i mean, the real ending could never have been good enough. this way, we can imagine the perfect ending to the perfect movie for the rest of our lives. let's never watch the real ending."
"wow." "yeah." "that was better than i could've possibly imagined." "yeah."

Episodio 4x13 - Nota 9 2020-02-14 21:31:04

o final da historia da kate pequetuxinha com a rebecca :( a mandy tava tao linda pqp o sorriso mais lindo do mundo

Episodio 4x14 - Nota 10 2020-02-20 02:16:36

gnt serio qnd o kevin olhou pra colina falou q eh lindo msm e o jack tinha razao e A CASA COMECOU A SER RABISCADA E FOMOS PRO FUTURO DA FINALE DA S3 AI SERIO NUM DA GNT ESSA SERIE ME QUEBRA DEMAAAAIS

Episodio 4x15 - Nota 9.5 2020-02-26 14:41:14

o dan fogelman me faz chorar com cada coisa... tipo carta colecionavel de jogador de baseball

Episodio 4x18 - Nota 10 2020-03-25 23:13:51

obrigada por tudo dan fogelman e caitlin thompson agr me adotem

Episodio 4x18 - Nota 10 2020-03-26 07:24:13

cê eh filho único?

Episodio 4x18 - Nota 10 2020-10-28 01:44:26


Episodio 5x1 - Nota 10 2020-10-27 23:19:32

"our babies are gonna be fine. they're gonna be fine. and i know that that sounds crazy, but i can see it. we're gonna have 2 beautiful healthy babies and they're gonna be amazing and we're gonna be amazing parents. together. and hell, i say we just get married. let's shock the world and get married. we'll live happily ever after and all that."

"i wonder if i'll have sons. i hope they're like their father."

Episodio 5x2 - Nota 10 2020-10-28 10:39:02

"i said "is there ever gonna be a time when i am not on these meds? i mean is this ever gonna end?" and he says "one day at a time." one day at a time... an excellent tv show and a terrible answer to my question. now, i don't know how it feels to stare down alzheimer's. but i do know how it feels to look at your life and to see all the things that you want from it and to have them all seem so unattainable. rebecca had a bad day. she's gonna have more. my long winded advice is for you to remind her that to you her happy future is very real. one day at a time."
"it's a great show."
"the reboot is better."
"i know! i'm the one who started the hashtag to get it revived after it got cancelled."
"is that right?"

Episodio 5x3 - Nota 10 2020-11-11 11:27:57

julhana, [11.11.20 11:09]
amiga os casais dessa serie sao totalmente toxicos pra nos pessoas q vivem no mundo real

🍋 julia, [11.11.20 11:13]
o casal de doentes mentais
finalmente um casal realista nessa serie

Episodio 5x4 - Nota 10 2020-11-18 11:31:43

randall: "gandall gearson gout!"

randall: "i know that folks are struggling right now. at a time when my birth father didn'’t have a family, this community was his family. when i'm having a hard day at work or get frustrated that things aren'’t moving fast enough, i remind myself that i am doing this for him. i'm doing this for william hill. because you all were his family. which means that you'’re my family, too. i'm not gonna cry today. i know a lot of you like to take bets on that, so... thanks for your time, philadelphia. we'’ll talk again tomorrow."

ellie: "so look, you... you deserve to name this baby whatever you want. but does it have to be chloe?! one time. i went out just one time... two years after doug died. a few months ago, i... decided that i couldn't have this baby, and i made an appointment to have an abortion. and i got as far as the parking lot at the clinic. for me... that wasn't the right choice. so, am i having second thoughts? yeah. about pretty much my entire life. except this. except you and toby. about that i am sure. hundred percent sure, kate."

kevin: "i've been thinking a lot about mom, you know? she's stuck out there at that cabin. she's using her phone to stay connected to the family, and i just thought... how nice it would be to do something really great. like take her to the oscars. or, like, to win an oscar, and then i could stand up in front of everyone and just thank her for everything she did for me. i'd like to do that while she can still remember, you know?"

randall: "i'm not ready to laugh about it yet."
beth: "oh, no, not yet?"
beth: "okay, will you let me know when you are? because, um, i have so much laughter on the inside of me, i just... would like to get that out."

deja: "malik told me about the internship. you're ruining my life. you know that, right?"
randall: "i do."
deja: "thank you."

toby: "i think i love this melted wax baby. whatever her name will be."

jack: "i'm an ordinary man. and for me, the way my dad treated me, to get out of that house an ordinary man, that is an accomplishment in my book. but... our kids, i want them to know their dad sees greatness in them. i will kill myself to make them feel that way. even when... even when deep down i just want to hold my kid and tell him to go take a nap."
bec: "hey. i feel sorry for your dad. to have had a son like you and to have not seen what was right in front of him."


randall: "being me at my school i have to be the best."

Episodio 5x5 - Nota 9 2021-01-08 08:30:24

chorei 3x uhuu

Episodio 5x7 - Nota 9.5 2021-02-10 16:50:16

you're family

Episodio 5x8 - Nota 10 2021-02-17 14:50:31

"you're just the right amount."

"you're my brother."

"the new big three."

"you don't know his name, but nasir and his team are responsible for keeping us connected today."

Episodio 5x9 - Nota 10 2021-02-24 15:06:46

you are the air

Episodio 5x10 - Nota 9.5 2021-03-17 21:07:41

eu sou o kevin todinho serio

Episodio 5x11 - Nota 10 2021-03-25 14:18:29


Episodio 5x12 - Nota 9 2021-04-10 21:48:16

nao o ep terminando com montagem das ex do kevin vendo a revista sobre o casamento
gnt q horror a muie do grupo de apoio falando q n qria ter sido adotada . dai cresce igual os gallagher eu qro ver... achei horrivel ta amarrado randall pearson nem pense em vir de graça p cima de mim ein homem
o toby falando p madison do LAS VEGAS PLAYGROUND e q n gosta de passar 10h por dia com as crianças 😭
nossa fiquei tao brava com o jack nesse epkkkkk tava guardando o lugar de best man pro nicky eh o crl apagou ele da vida dele sem pensar 2x por causa de um mal entendido aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ngm eh perfeitooooo jack pearson vc chegou perto mas hj me dou o direito de estar BRAVISSIMA o nicky 50 anos apodrecendo em alcool e depressao caras

Episodio 5x14 - Nota 9 2021-05-12 21:21:53

"i'm a dancer who doesn't dance"
"may i have this dance?"


Episodio 5x15 - Nota 9.5 2021-05-19 23:25:45

there are some love stories that are written in the stars. there are other love stories that are written together. two people the universe had no plans for writing their story in the stars together that's pretty fantastic to me, isn't it?

Episodio 5x16 - Nota 9.5 2021-05-26 18:56:51

mds q horror eu amo a madison e o kevin juntos tanto vsf dan fogelman VAI SE FUDER DAN FOGELMAN VOCE REUNA O TOBY E A KATE AGR MSM

Episodio 6x1 - Nota 9.5 2022-01-05 17:48:47

death with dignity na primeira e na ultima premiere
o kevin indo dormir com a kate aos 5 anos pos explosao do challenger falando "mom and dad are gonna die one day" e o kevin indo morar com a kate no presente dps de ver q n ia funcionar a proximidade com a madison pos separaçao ainda sem saber processar morte e so sabendo se abrir com a outra metade dele. ele falando pra kate q eh injusto q o mundo nao pare pra rebecca, q o mundo tem q parar pra ela. e a kate falando q o mundo precisa continuar girando pra q eles passem por esse momento escuro como eles ja passaram antes e vao passar dnv e q a luz precisa entrar. 😣😣😣😣
a rebecca falando "i think that randall might be the catcher in the rye, jack. i think he might spend his whole life trying to save everyone and he won't be able to. i just worry that his life will be this beautiful but perpetually disappointing ride." e tambem o jack falando "well, he... he gets it. his brain's just protecting itself. yeah that kid he's gonna grow up faster than we can handle. one day he's gonna have it all figured out. i mean hell it's not like he's gonna wind up some 40 year old man who can't stop talking about the challenger explosion." e a montagem inicial tendo incluindo as cenas do piloto com ele falando dessa porra de explosao pras minas antes de se demitir do the manny e agr ele PRESTES A VOLTAR PRO THE MANNY

Episodio 6x2 - Nota 9.5 2022-01-12 18:33:25

as roupas do nicky aksjfjjffk
ain 🥺🥺 o nicky merecia tanto esse episodio e ELE MERECE UM AMORRRR E FELICIDADE!!!
a deja mentindo pro randall e indo pra harvard engravidar do malik 🙃🙃

Episodio 6x3 - Nota 9 2022-01-20 17:03:25

phone? gone
food? maybe

Episodio 6x4 - Nota 10 2022-01-26 12:13:19

okay ma don't let me keep you

Episodio 6x6 - Nota 9 2022-03-06 21:36:37

eu rindo por 5 minutos qnd a julia gritou MATA ELE KEVIN dps q o elijah falou q o kevin pode esperar sentado pela madison

Episodio 6x7 - Nota 10 2022-03-20 22:38:35

yes, ma'am

Episodio 6x8 - Nota 9.5 2022-03-20 23:25:09

kevin pearson my beloved

Episodio 6x9 - Nota 9.5 2022-03-28 22:30:33

rip katoby

Episodio 6x10 - Nota 9 2022-05-04 22:20:35


Episodio 6x11 - Nota 9.5 2022-05-04 23:05:46


Episodio 6x12 - Nota 9 2022-05-06 22:44:11

o episodio montado pelo editor de good trouble

Episodio 6x13 - Nota 9 2022-05-06 22:44:50

nao quiseram se dar o trabalho de escalar 3 atrizes na vespera do fim da serie

Episodio 6x13 - Nota 9 2022-05-06 22:45:50

o discurso do randall e a musica original com a melodiazinha q tem tocado na serie a serie TODA dsd o piloto eh dan fogelman e siddharta khosla vcs sao ARTISTAS

Episodio 6x14 - Nota 9 2022-05-13 20:52:30

sophie era um rumo inesperado em q planeta jesus

Episodio 6x15 - Nota 10 2022-05-13 21:38:53

a revelaçao do miguel e da rebecca juntos foi no ep de thanksgiving e um episodio de thanksgiving td dele em homenagem a ele honrando ele contando sobre ele foi,.,.,.,.,,. tudo e 💔

Episodio 6x16 - Nota 10 2022-05-13 22:45:11

ela cuidando deles, eles cuidando dela 🤍
she was magnificent
our mother was magic

Episodio 6x17 - Nota 10 2022-05-20 21:10:29

"i thought i was gonna lose you that day. and i sense that you felt it, too. there was a moment, right after the first child came out, and you started crashing. and that little voice in my head kept saying, 'you're gonna lose the mother. save the children if you can.' but you came through. you survived. you survived just to lose a child and then a husband. and, still... what a thing you made of it all. what a big, messy, gigantic... spectacular thing. i said it to you once. i say it again. you're as tough as they come, rebecca pearson. and you, my dear, have earned a rest."

"this is quite sad isn't it?"
"the end? oh, i don't know. the way i see it, if something makes you sad when it ends, it must have been pretty wonderful when it was happening. truth be told, i've always felt it a bit lazy to just think of the world as sad, because so much of it is. because everything ends. everything dies. but if you step back... if you step back and look at the whole picture... if you're brave enough to allow yourself the gift of a really wide perspective... if you do that... you'll see that the end is not sad, rebecca. it's just the start of the next incredibly beautiful thing."

"you tell him hey."

Episodio 6x18 - Nota 10 2022-05-24 23:19:53

my show.

Episodio 6x18 - Nota 10 2022-05-24 23:36:22


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julhana 🍃

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