IMPORTANTE: O Banco de Séries não serve para assistir séries! Somos uma rede social onde os fãs de séries podem controlar os episódios que assistiram, dar notas, comentar, criar sua agenda, saber quando passa o próximo episódio. Somos totalmente contra a pirataria e não disponibilizamos conteúdo que fere direitos autorais.

This Is Us By wemerson

Episodio 1x1 - Nota 9 2016-11-09 15:37:21

K: Do you remember what Dad used to say? When something crappy would happen to us? Whenever we'd get down, whenever we felt like life wasn't going our way? [...] Come on, Kev. You remember. What did he say? About the lemons? "There's no lemon...
K/K: sour...
K: ...that you can't make something resembling lemonade."

Episodio 1x2 - Nota 9 2016-11-09 15:45:15

J: Okay. Dad's off. Deep breaths, and... first came...
K: me
J: and dad said...
K: gee..
J: and then came...
K: me
J: And Mom said...
K: Whee
J: And then came...
R: me
J: And we said...
R: That's three.
J: Big Three?
K/R/K: Big Three!

Episodio 1x2 - Nota 9 2016-11-09 16:01:48

R: What are you doing out here?
J: I don't like sleeping far away from you. No more drinking.
R: You can't just stop...
J: I can. For you, I can. I will. You know, when I was a little boy, I didn't know what I wanted to be when I grew up. Adults always ask little kids that. You know? I never had a good answer. Not until... not until I was 28. Till the day that I met you. That's when I knew exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up: I wanted to be the man that made you happy.
R: You make me happy.
J: Not always. Not lately. From here on out, I'm gonna be an 11 for you, baby. Screw that. I'm gonna be a 12 for you, from here out. I'll be an 11 for the kids, but you get a 12. Do you forgive me?
R: You slept outside our bedroom door like a Labrador. Of course I forgive you.

e depois disso, aquela cena final veio como um soco no estômago

Episodio 1x3 - Nota 8.5 2016-11-09 16:26:57

"Hey, where are you? I've called you, like, ten times. Listen, um... Can we just hire one of those services that comes in and, you know, packs everything for you? I think Jason Momoa told me about a guy who does that. Let's get that number from Momoa's office. His assistant. That, uh... Dahala Mapuana, I think her name was. Or was it Patty? You remember Jason Momoa. He's the, uh... he's the original Dothraki guy."

Episodio 1x4 - Nota 9 2016-11-10 20:28:03

vitoria mesmo vai ser quando eu conseguir terminar um episodio dessa série sem chorar....o que foi aquela cena da branca de neve?? que tapa

Episodio 1x4 - Nota 9 2016-11-10 21:01:21

I was a little boy, living in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. Which is pretty much the whitest place on Earth. I had this little notebook... and every time I met a new black person, I would put a mark in this notebook. And every time I met a black man, I wondered if, somehow, if that man could possibly be my father. But I couldn't say that. You know, I couldn't say it out loud because I loved my father. My white father. And my white mother. I'm a strong, successful, black man [...] The fact that my daughter doesn't find anything unusual about her playing Snow White? That's the whole idea. Right?

Episodio 1x5 - Nota 9.5 2016-11-08 18:55:48

"I mean, my dad is not with us anymore. He's not alive, but he's with us. He's with me every day. It all just sort of fits somehow. And even if you don't understand how yet, people will die in our lives, people that we love. In the future. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe years from now. I mean, it's kind of beautiful, right, if you think about it, the fact that just because someone dies, just because you can't see them or talk to them anymore, it doesn't mean they're not still in the painting. I think maybe that's the point of the whole thing. There's no dying. There's no you or me or them. It's just us. And this... sloppy... wild, colorful, magical thing that has no beginning, it has no end... this right here....I think it's us."

Episodio 1x5 - Nota 9.5 2016-11-10 21:06:12

vcs n tem ideia do quanto chorei com a kate falando sobre assistir os jogos com o jack e "apresentando" ele ao toby

Episodio 1x6 - Nota 9 2016-11-10 21:21:05

"You're looking for me to give you the black person seal of approval for any messed-up parenting decision you make [...] Okay, so you just want to hold him back because he's black? [...] Jack, Randall is special. So, if you're looking for somebody to make you feel better about denying him a special opportunity, you may just have to find yourself another black person.

O: What happened to you?
K: What happened is my dad died. That's what. And I hated him for it. And I couldn't eat for a month, and I used to wake myself up crying, so I could cry myself back to sleep again. That's what happened.

"So, my mom was skinny and gorgeous. Well, is gorgeous. She still gets hit on by everyone. She once was asked if she was a model when she had the flu. Pretty hard growing up with a mom like that. I spent all my time comparing myself to her, and then I took it out on her. And now we barely talk, and it sucks."

Episodio 1x7 - Nota 8.5 2016-11-20 16:30:08

[anitta's voice]: cês pensaram que eu não ia fazer vocês chorarem por uma máquina de lavar, né?

Episodio 1x7 - Nota 8.5 2016-11-20 16:42:51

"It means you treated me like a dog. And just like a dog, I kept coming back again and again, just hoping for a scrap from you, like a crumb of affection or kindness or respect."

"I'm still black. Come on, let's go."

"Baby, one day, I'm gonna buy you the best washing machine in the world."

Episodio 1x8 - Nota 9 2016-12-02 12:34:09

"I hate going to Grandma and Grandpa's. Whenever we take pictures, they always say, "Okay, okay, now one with just the twins."

“I'm thankful for my family. I'm thankful we're all safe. And there's no one in the whole world that I'd rather be too hot or too cold with.”

quando vc descobre pq de todas essas tradições o baque é ainda maior

Episodio 1x9 - Nota 9.5 2016-11-30 00:58:16

"The moment I saw you, I knew you were my boy. You weren't a choice, Randall, you were a fact."

"Relax your eyes and look through's right there in front of you"

vou desidratar c tanto líquido q já expeli pelos olhos assistindo essa série

Episodio 1x10 - Nota 9 2016-12-12 23:24:40

"Thank you, Randall. But, you know, the only thing I did that day was nudge a man in a direction he already wanted to go. If at some point in your life, you find a way to show somebody else the same kindness that your parents showed you, that's, uh, well, that's all the present I'll need."

Episodio 1x11 - Nota 8.5 2017-01-19 11:28:37

W: I can feel it now, Randall. This cancer is coming for me sooner than later. I can feel it. Now, Jessie can handle it. He's seen this stuff. He's been helping me make arrangements, taking me to some of the best state-funded nursing homes, trying to find a good place to go before this gets really bad.
R: What are you talking about?
W: I will not put this on you, Randall. I won't do that to your family.
R: It's our family, William. Look, this is your home now. You've lived in this home, and... if it comes to that, you can die in it. You're not gonna be crawling underneath someone else's porch like some dog.
W: I don't want to do this to you.
R: I can take it.

Episodio 1x12 - Nota 9 2017-01-22 20:17:28

"I like to think that maybe one day, you'll be an old man like me, talking a younger man's ear off, explaining to him how you took the sourest lemon that life has to offer and turned it into something resembling lemonade. If you can do that, then you will still be taking three babies home from this hospital, just maybe not the way you planned."

a química entre o milo e a mandy é uma coisa linda de se ver, e esse episodio só reforçou o quanto o jack é incrível e o quanto queríamos que ele não tivesse morrido........

Episodio 1x13 - Nota 9 2017-01-25 11:23:12

o episódio que mostra o jack fazendo vogue é o mesmo que contém cenas de seu funeral, meu emocional oscilou de uma forma......@nbc colabora miga

Episodio 1x14 - Nota 9 2017-02-08 02:18:46

"I will love you today and everyday for the rest of my life...Rebecca, you have changed the way I think about love...I pledge myself to you."

kkkkkkkkkkk cada k é uma lagrima

Episodio 1x14 - Nota 9 2017-02-08 02:21:23

"You walking into my fourth grade class, Sophie. That's the best thing that ever happened to me in my entire life."

Episodio 1x15 - Nota 8.5 2017-02-15 04:26:38

"im trying to think of what my dad would do"

se a intenção dessa série é desestabilizar meu emocional semanalmente.....ela tá conseguindo

Episodio 1x16 - Nota 9.5 2017-02-22 13:19:58

"I haven't had a happy life. Bad breaks. Bad choices. A life of almosts and could-haves. Some would call it sad, but I don't. 'Cause the two best things in my life were the person in the very beginning and the person at the very end, but that's a pretty good thing to be able to say, I think."

quem morreu de chorar com esse ep me add vamo fazer uma terapia em grupo

Episodio 1x17 - Nota 9.5 2017-03-08 14:40:48

B: I guess I'll cancel the caterers, flowers and white doves
R: You got white doves?
B: They don't make black ones, Randall.
amei o destaque que a beth teve esse episodio EU SIMPLESMENTE AMO ELA

"How can I be sad when I got a kid like you?"
pela promo eu achando que o jack iria trair a rebecca ja tava triste DAI DEPOIS DESSE EP MEU AMOR SÓ AUMENTOU, SE É POSSIVEL

"I refilled ALL of his pills.... I loved him too, Randall, and I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye"

eu preciso de um psicologo, eu nao vou aguentar a season finale, falando sério

Episodio 1x18 - Nota 9.5 2017-03-19 09:21:11


Episodio 1x18 - Nota 9.5 2017-03-19 09:29:13

"That would be some way to leave us. You know? Three teenagers, and you yeah...."

a cena da discussão do jack e a rebecca........porra que cenão bicho

"You're not just my great love story, Rebecca, You were my big break. And our love story, I know it may not feel like it right now, but, baby I promise, it's just getting started."

Episodio 2x1 - Nota 9 2017-09-27 14:34:01

ok miga @nbcthisisus, já descobrimos a causa da morte não precisa nem exibir a cena

Episodio 2x1 - Nota 9 2017-10-02 21:20:11

'"''"Get in the car, Jack. You are my husband, and I am your wife, and if you have a problem, we will fix it together. I just need you to get in the car. So we can go home. A few months from now, everything will be back to normal.""""
logo depois vem esse final com esse grito da rebecca

Episodio 2x2 - Nota 9 2017-10-11 00:35:40

"Diamonds diamonds are for anyone, okay? My wife is not anyone. You know Mary Tyler Moore? The actress? Good, you know Farrah Fawcett? Now, if you smush 'em both together, that's my wife."

Episodio 2x3 - Nota 9 2017-10-12 16:51:14

J: Well You know, my life before I met you, Bec it wasn't great. I just kind of tried to get away, you know? Get away from my neighborhood. Get away from my father. Just get away from everything. But now they say that if I want to fix myself, I've got to sit in that. I've got, I've got to sit in all the ugly, horrible years. And they say that on the other side of it, there's relief. That's what they say. But I feel like I'm holding on by a thread. I love the night that you planned for us. But it's been awhile since we and I didn't want the first time again to I didn't want to feel like I was feeling.
R: Baby, you are the strongest person I know.
J: I don't know.
R: But I do. I know. Where are you going?
J: I'm gonna get back in the car 'cause I miss talking to you and I'm not ready to stop yet.
meu deus eu to muito louco de amor

"this house is crazy"
que cena BRILHANTE essa da deja perguntando sobre as regras e flashback da annie com o william THIS IS US EU TE AMO

"You know what I thought of, the first time I heard your name? I thought of the expression "Deja vu". Because you remind me a little of myself, when I was your age. These are my parents. Jack and Rebecca, they adopted me the day I was born, this is my birth father,
William. I met him for the first time last year. My whole childhood, I felt split inside. There are these people that I lived with, and then there were my birth parents, who I had never met. But I thought about them all the time. But here's the thing. My life turned out pretty great. And it's not just my big house, or my super-fine wife, all right? I've got this big, amazing extended family. I've got this big, amazing, beautiful life. And if I'm seeing me in you, if seeing you is giving me that sweet, sweet deja vu feeling, I think that means it's gonna happen for you, too".
aaaaaaaa eu to muito fora de mim

Episodio 2x4 - Nota 8.5 2017-10-24 15:43:03

Randall: How can Grandma be racist? She never says anything mean to me about being black.
Jack: That's not always how racism works, kiddo.
Rebecca: Yeah. Do you remember how we were talking about what Martin Luther King Day means?
Randall: Someone shot him because he wanted to get black people equal rights. Did Grandma shoot him?
Rebecca: No, no.
Jack: Look, you know how sometimes mom gets really mad at me and she says some things that aren't really nice but she makes it sound nice? Like, "Jack, I love when you leave your muddy boots in the middle of the living room" So racism can sometimes be like that. You know, people don't actually say bad things to people that are different than them. What they say sounds fine. But there's this mean undertone to it, you know?
jack e rebecca falando sobre o racismo com o randall se tornou uma das minhas cenas preferidas

randall e beth dois paizões da porra bicho

Episodio 2x5 - Nota 9 2017-10-30 00:08:04

"No black man will ever be jealous of being auctioned #AmericanHistory"
eu amo o randall demaissss

B: You are a miracle. You know that, Jack? Coming from your dad and being the dad that you are, you are a freaking miracle.
J: Yeah, well, takes one to know one, Bec.

e esse final?? eu to muito chocad

Episodio 2x6 - Nota 9 2017-11-04 01:54:20

aqueles comentários que emocionam tão quanto o episodio...tenham certeza que eles comemoraram junto com vocês ♥

Episodio 2x6 - Nota 9 2017-11-04 02:52:50

R: 'Cause what's Cher without Sonny? Right?
J: I think it's the other way around.
R: I don't know how any of this would work without you.
J: We don't need to worry about that. Because you got me, babe.
eu amo meus pais

"I've been here before, Tess. You think that you're at the beginning of your journey, right? But you also began a long time ago. Do you know that? 'Cause I was there, and somebody else was there, too. Somebody really good. And we lost a baby, and we thought it was an ending, but it was also a beginning."
que cena INCRÍVEL, se a nomeação ao emmy da mandy não vier depois desse 2x01/2x06 nós pegamos a força

also, o pessoal da caracterização sempre mandou bem demais, porém depois desse superaram bicho

Episodio 2x7 - Nota 9 2017-11-16 18:52:55

"I don't have to go wedding dress shopping. Listen to them break it to me that none of the pretty ones come in my size. Oh, and I don't have to listen to those random wedding guests come up to me every five minutes and say, "Oh, your father would have loved the day." Oh, and then, "Who's gonna walk you down the aisle?" And father-daughter dance. Like, whatever. This is way better. Just get it over with."

"Our courtship has been unconventional, so if you want to get married at city hall in front of a bunch of strangers, then that's what we'll do. But if there is any part of you that wants the big wedding, even though it can be scary and emotional and cliche I think you deserve that, kid. You deserve to walk down the aisle between your two stupidly handsome brothers and feel them love the crap out of you. You deserve to spend an obscene amount of money - on the perfect white dress. So, if any of that sounds good to you, then I think that that's what we should do. I know that everyone that you want to be there can't be there. But I think, I will be waiting that that's what he would want. In fact, I know it is because I asked him. So, what do you say? Will you, please marry me?"

"I'm married to a black queen"
eu amo meu irmão randall

Episodio 2x8 - Nota 9.5 2017-11-19 15:39:36

"that beard for a movie?"

Episodio 2x8 - Nota 9.5 2017-11-19 15:47:55

"Hey. I got this at a very hopeless time in my life. Someone very special gave it to me back in Vietnam. It's a Buddhist symbol of purpose. I was feeling very lost when I got that, but I put it on, and I moved forward, and you know when I was wearing it? The day you were born, the moment you came out, my number one, and when I held you, for the first time, right here in this hospital, it hit me like a bolt of lightning. You were my purpose, Kevin. And I swear to you, son, I swear to you, you will find yours."

me respeita this is us, chorei o episodio inteiro aaarrrrr amei que o logan finalmente teve a chance de brilhar como teen kevin e o justin arrasou DEMAIS nesse episodio

Episodio 2x9 - Nota 9 2017-11-30 14:46:02

"My mom was tough. I mean, you know that. You've seen it. She was just a closed steel door. And even if you could get through, there was a room full of spikes right behind it.
And I always wanted to have a daughter, because I wanted to do it a different way.
I wanted to be the mom that had her arms wide open, just waiting for you to fall in if you needed it. And, somehow I don't know we just never got there, did we? No. It's not your job to make me feel better. It's not. It's my job. It's my job to keep standing there with my arms wide open, waiting for you to maybe someday fall inside if you needed it. And if you do, I'll love you. And if you don't, I'll love you, too. Because that's what it means to be a parent. You'll see one day."

não basta esse monologo LINDO que me fez chorar largado, ainda colocam a bec na porta da kate de braços abertos!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mandy moore, chrissy metz sempre dando um show a parte e a hannah zeile simplesmente arrasou, o teen big three está podendo mostrar nessa season que são maravilhosos, assistir this is us é 42 minutos de sofrimento, só posso ser sadomasoquista e não sei

Episodio 2x10 - Nota 9 2017-12-08 02:02:22

R: How are our plants doing tonight?
D: The one that's listening to Beyoncé is a half inch taller than the others.
R: Way to go, Queen Bey. Hey, guess they like, uh, Lemonade as much as water.

"I'd be with one of you having a great time, and then, bam, something happens to the other, and I realize that I should have been looking in that other direction. It's been that way since you guys were babies, and when one of you falls down *kevin sempre preso* the other one's standing up *kate seguindo em frente*"

fiquei muito triste com a ida da deja, gostei muito da personagem, agora nada mais do que justo eles conseguirem adotar aquela criancinha fofa.....gente esse final jurei que iria acontecer um acidente

percebam que sempre que alguma cena triste com o monologo de algum personagem acontece, eles SEMPRE colocam um instrumental que eu já ate decorei

Episodio 2x11 - Nota 10 2018-01-13 23:40:07

R: "We're here for you, Kevin"
B: That is some white people-level repression, babe.
R: Well, I was raised by white people, so
B: Everybody knows.

"Jack is untouchable. Okay, he is the saint we'll never meet. Who none of us will ever live up to"
meu deus amei a interação desses 3 como nunca achei que seria possível amei esse "big three"

"Toby, those four lived through something very unique together. They lived through the loss of the best man that any of us will ever know. And that's why they get to be on the inside, Toby. That's why they get the lightsabers"
< /3

"I came here today because last year, when I was at my lowest Bro, I was crying on the floor and I was shaking, and hey, Kev, look at me. Please. You were there for me, man. And I wanted to be there for you today and I wasn't. I did a bad job today and I'm sorry"
< /3

esse episodio foi muito incrível, TUDO funcionou muito bem e This Is Us tem esse sucesso porque nos identificamos demais, querendo ou não...o roteiro desse episodio foi demais, as atuações foram incríveis, eu tava sentindo a angustia na cena da terapia, podemos entender o lado do kevin e porque ele não é um personagem raso como eu e acredito que mais algumas pessoas achavam. Eu amo essa série DEMAIS.

Episodio 2x12 - Nota 8.5 2018-01-23 13:06:39

"How to explain this, um See, your mom your mom and dad, they were one. There was there was no Jack, and there was no Rebecca. It was just it was just Jack and Rebecca."
é isto...this is us você me quebrou mais uma vez e nem precisou de muito, só umas cenas de fundo enquanto o miguel falava isso

a cena deles no shopping foi legal...jack é um paizão bicho, logan shroyer, niles fitch e hannah zeile vcs são lindos

o cast ganhou o sag awards eu me senti um pai orgulhoso da minha familia

Episodio 2x13 - Nota 10 2018-01-24 15:29:29

*jack pearson respira*

oi amor da minha vida ta tudo bem???? eu te amo muito sabia meu principe dono do meu coração coisa mais linda feita por deuses senta aqui toma uma agua deixa eu fazer carinho no seu cabelo

Episodio 2x13 - Nota 10 2018-01-24 15:53:10

eu não lembro a ultima vez que fiquei triste assim com a morte de um personagem, mesmo sabendo que ele já tá morto saber a causa e assistir a cena é bem mais triste...desde que comecei this is us é só tristeza uma cena feliz ali, amorzinho aqui e depois puft

Episodio 2x13 - Nota 10 2018-01-30 23:32:03

R: I think it's hard to picture myself outliving Dad, you know?
K: You got a few years before you got to start worrying about that, right?
R: It goes quick, bro. He's already been gone for 20 years. He's already been gone longer than we had him.

a música final com essa cena?????????????? porra eu to muito triste

Episodio 2x14 - Nota 10 2018-02-08 01:29:13

B: How could you possibly joke right now?
J: Well, it's because I still got the only thing that I've ever really needed.

"We didn't know that we'd never see him again. Um When you lose someone when you lose someone suddenly, and unexpectedly, it hurts differently. I had a tooth that got infected once. Woke me from the dead of sleep, middle of the night. It was this dull, throbbing, excruciating pain, it was awful. But then, the pain changed. It became sharper. Like sudden, direct bursts of pain that came out of nowhere. Boom, boom, like a lightning strike. That's what unexpected loss is like. It's like, uh, a lightning bolt you can't even see reaching inside of you and tearing out..."
puta que pariu

"He died because of me. Because in the scariest moment of our lives he couldn't bear to disappoint me. So, if for once, once a year, I want to beat myself up for it, please just let me."
chorei demais

"No, no, no, no, we're not, we're not gonna, we're not gonna do that right now, Miguel. No, because I have to go in and I have to talk to my kids and I have to ruin the rest of their life. So I'm gonna be strong for them. God help me, I'm gonna be strong for them and if you can't be strong either, then you need to take a walk around the block until you can."
meu deus abençoada seja mandy moore que atuação bicho, será que a justiça vem agora??

eu esperei tanto por esse episodio e quando ele chegou eu não sei o que falar aqui, talvez tenha sido de todas as séries que assisto o episodio que mais me fez chorar, toda a verdade passada pela atuação, rudo que o jack representava para essa família (e para nós), a força da rebecca, a forma como cada um passa esse dia e a forma como o dia deles acabaram, e a cena da rebecca descobrindo sobre a morte? parecia que tinha sido alguém que eu conhecia, e esse é o intuito certo? this is us vence pela simplicidade...acho que esses flashbacks de luto vão ser os piores talvez nem esteja preparado...e esse plot twist no final? eles sabem escolher atores hein...impressionante

Episodio 2x15 - Nota 10 2018-02-11 13:26:38

R: How are you always so sure about these things?
J: How is the snow still gonna fall if you're not around to see it? Just wouldn't seem right.
R: Why is this your favorite tree?
J: Because this is where you find out you're okay.
eu nao tava preparado

"When I had to speak at my mom's funeral, I was really worried that I, uh, might get choked up. And Jack told me that if I were to get emotional, that I should just stop and take a sip of water. But I'm not sure if there's enough water in this world to get me through today."
eu to muito mal miguel < /3

"I mean, as parents we talk a lot about what we want for our kids, right? I mean, I know I think about it a lot. What I want for mine. And I can come up with a fancy word that's gonna make me sound a whole lot smarter than I actually am, but the one word I keep coming back to is "okay." I want my kids to be okay, Mel. I want my family to be okay. So, will you help me? Will you help me take care of my family? Because I see it, Mel. I see it so clearly. I see my family okay in that car."
misericórdia isso com as cenas paralelas me destruiram mais que tudo, a rebecca com os olhos abertos na ponte que ela tanto temia e todos os flashbacks da família essa série é uma obra de arte real

Episodio 2x15 - Nota 10 2018-02-11 13:34:53

K: He did a pretty good job taking care of his family, now, didn't he? -
R: Yeah.
K: Yeah. And so will you.
R: Oh. I can't, not without him.
K: Now, hold on. Hold on, now. You are the same woman who lost a child and rolled out of my hospital with three babies just the same. You're as tough as they come, Rebecca Pearson.
R: Not without him.
K: Bullcrap.
R: Not without him!
K: Bullcrap. Rebecca? Rebecca.
R: I know. I know. I know. Take the sourest lemons and make something resembling lemonade, right?
K: You didn't just make something resembling lemonade, dear. You made one of the sweetest damn pitchers of lemonade - I ever saw.
quando o dr. k apareceu eu já estava deveras emocionado pois sabia que viria algo destruidor eu só não esperava o monologo dos limões que eu tanto amo que cena linda e mandy moore você merece todos os awards existentes

Episodio 2x16 - Nota 8.5 2018-03-02 17:36:03

"This Is Us: últimos episódios da temporada serão mais alegres afirma produtor"

finalmente alguém teve dó do publico

Episodio 2x16 - Nota 8.5 2018-03-07 22:45:38

"You are my daily meteor shower. Thank you for marrying me"
quão sortudos eles são por ser completarem tanto...encontrar um bb que lhe diga isso hoje em dia........

o kid kevin chorando achando que os pais iriam se separar e logo mudando o humor chamando os irmãos para o quarto HAHAHAHAHAHAAHH

Episodio 2x17 - Nota 9.5 2018-03-14 14:17:46

"It just didn't seem very deja vu to me. But then I started thinking, isn't it weird how everyone goes to sleep at night? Like, everyone in the whole planet. All these people. People I'll never know. Some are poor. Some are rich. Some sleep in beds. Some sleep on the floor. But, at the end of the day, everyone sleeps. And I guess, if you think about it hard, you know, got other stuff everyone's got, too. Things that hurt them. Things that make them feel better."
lindissima falou tudo

eu assistindo o episodio jurei que todos iriam amar pois foi um puta episodio daqueles que só this is us sabe fazer, mas dai vi alguns comentários criticando e tipo mesmo não mostrando os outros plots, mostrar esses paralelos de fases da vida da deja com todos os membros da familia pearson foi incrível, a cena inicial mostrando todos os partos, e logo depois a leitura da MESMA historia, durante o episodio as cenas no hospital e as cenas das perdas. Quem diria que aquela garota que chegou no inicio da season e que algumas pessoas não conseguiam entender o motivo dela ser tão fechada com o randall e a betty sendo tão maravilhosos, não imaginávamos pelo que ela tinha passado, pela infância perdida, toda carga que ela vinha carregando, ninguém vem do mesmo lugar, todos temos historias diferentes e nem sempre as mesmas oportunidades, montagem maravilhosa demais EPISODIO LINDO É MESMO THIS BIG, AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL LIFE

Episodio 2x18 - Nota 10 2018-03-18 18:19:09

"We are gathered here today on Jack and Rebecca's 40th wedding anniversary to witness a renewal of their vows."
meu sonho um episodio no estilo "what if" e todo esse sonho da kate trouxe um gostinho disso

R: Deja never turns this around and ends up in jail. Go.
B: She might kill us both in our sleep. Go.
R: She might kill us both not in our sleep. Go.
B: She'll make Tess resent us and end up on the pole. Go.
R: Wait, Tess will resent us, and Deja will end up on the pole? Or Tess will resent us, and also be the one who ends up - on the pole?
B: Both on the pole.
R: Damn.
B: Out of your system now?

"I want to be a singer like you. I want to be a mom like you. I want to have a marriage like yours. Mom, you are not You are not in my way. You are my way."

"Can I marry you one day?"
colocaram logo essa cena no casamento, eu amo essa série demais e todo esse futuro da série vai me deixar louco, o que mais gostei foi o kevin e a zoe aparentemente juntos...será que o toby entrou mesmo em depressão? e quem seria a possível pessoa do randall e tess?

Episodio 3x1 - Nota 9 2018-10-05 00:42:03

R: I don't know how you're gonna make this right with Oprah, but I know.
B: I made a donation to her foundation.
beth eu te amo entende isso

é incrivel que this is us chega em sua terceira temporada sem deixar a peteca cair e entrega episódios maravilhosos, o mais incrivel de tudo é de que não precisa de muita coisa para marcar, séries como this is us acontecem raramente e deixam um marco, um roteiro muito do bem feito, atuações impecáveis, uma soundtrack maravilhosa e uma historia muito da amarradinha...

Episodio 3x2 - Nota 8.5 2018-11-16 02:14:45

T: I'm staying after school for TSA.
R: You're doing airport security training?
R: It's a Taylor Swift Appreciation club.

"I'm the only one in the family who's gonna carry on a piece of dad"? KATE POR FAVOR EU TE IMPLORO nao fala tanta merda

"You spent the whole day seeing its problems, trying to fix them. I'm not even sure you know why. We are not our problems."
pORRA, quando percebi que era a ChiChi anos depois fiquei impactado

nossa a desvalorização com a rebecca é tão triste, segurou a barra sozinha após a morte do jack e além de lidar com o próprio luto teve que cuidar dos 3 e seus respectivos fim do episódio ainda se culpa pela kate

Episodio 3x3 - Nota 8.5 2018-11-17 01:31:20

"oh, my god, miguel is so on point"
HAHAHAHAHAHA EU AMO ESSA MULHER fiquei triste pela demissão, alô randall foco nesse mulherão ao seu lado

W: You're the bass.
B: I'm the what now?
W: It's the quietest instrument in the jazz quartet. The solo gets all the glory, but the bass holds down the root.
B: Yeah, but everybody remembers the trumpet.
W: Yeah, but people who really listen, they hear the bass. There's gonna come a time in your future where you need to be the soloist. Put your needs front and center. Make Randall hold down the root for a while, and when that time comes, Beth, I want you to promise me you won't just sit there silently, fiddling with your wedding ring, like you're trying to remind yourself why you got married in the first place.

R: Do you do you have a dream? Sorry. Is that a stupid question?
J: No.I just, no one's ever really asked me that before.
ai gente eu amo tanto esse casal, aquela cena da rebecca vendo o jack tirar a mesa deixou meu coração tão quentinho, ela tava atirando no escuro se ela seria uma versão da mãe no futuro que ficaria esperando um marido que não ajudaria em nada...

"Kate? I know you're going through a rough spell right now, and I'm not gonna lie to you. It's gonna last for a long time, but you'll be okay...oh, and you're gonna be a mom."
chorei demais nessa cena, foi incrivel a interação entre as 3 fases da kate e o jack THIS IS US EU TE AMO

Episodio 3x4 - Nota 8 2018-11-17 01:51:54

"He's a tough guy in disguise, that's you, Nicky, you're Clark Kent, you're CK, tough guy in disguise, just a matter of time before people realize you're actually Superman."

sos não entendendo as criticas sobre o episódio, totalmente construído na retrospectiva até o dia do nascimento do nick...e alguns momentos do jack na série como o "breathe" com o randall descobrimos a origem (aliás, fiquei bastante triste pela amputação do amigo dele, vi no fim do episódio ele lendo o e-mail do kevin atualmente mas não sabia que iriam mostrar), o final do episódio mostrando todos os nascimentos do dia 18 e todos os garotos se encontrariam na guerra anos mais tarde, por questão de minutos TUDO poderia ter sido diferente, essa série qualquer dia me mata.
ps: milo ventimiglia continua um homão da p**** mesmo com essa cueca...

Episodio 3x5 - Nota 8.5 2018-11-18 01:25:15

"And do I really want to spend my time trying to explain what it's like to be black to a white movie star?"
"Sounds exhausting...well, it seems to me, you need to decide what you can handle, and if he's worth it to you."
amo quando abordam essas questões, os dois casos de racismo tratados no episódio, o do randall bem mais escancarado porém o da zoe bem tipico ao invadir como ela mesmo disse a "white person's space" to adorando a personagem

beth eu te amo entende isso, eu tenho vontade de proteger a qualquer custo

pesado descobrir o fato do toby ser tão "palhaço" hoje em dia, pois viu nisso uma forma de ajudar a mãe superar problemas antigos EU AMO ESSA SÉRIE

Episodio 3x6 - Nota 8.5 2018-11-22 00:24:36

"You know what Randall told me one time? He called me exceptional, and he said it so easy, like it wasn't a big deal. I remember thinking, he must think people have told me this before. I bet he's told you before that you're exceptional, because you are. You know, but I don't know that Randall thinks so. I mean, he loves you like he's in a Disney movie or something, like he hears tiny forest animals singing or playing kazoos or something whenever you walk into a room, but if you're sad, then you should talk to him. He'll tell you you're exceptional, and he'll say it so easy that you'll believe it."

Episodio 3x7 - Nota 8.5 2018-11-23 20:33:59

essa sequência final me tirou uns 5 anos de vida do tanto que fiquei triste

Episodio 3x8 - Nota 9 2018-12-14 23:27:35

K: Your first kiss, and your first boyfriend...
T: Or girlfriend.
K: Or girlfriend, yeah, or girlfriend.
porra, uma das maiores audiências dos estados unidos tocando nesse assunto de descoberta com tamanha naturalidade para vários americanos que assistem essa série em família, espero que diálogos sejam promovidos THIS IS US EU TE AMO

"In heartbreak, ten years after her husband and my best friend died, and your mother had remarried Rebecca and I found each other, and we filled a hole in each other's lives, now, you don't have to be happy for us, but we're not gonna apologize for being together, so take all the shots at me that you want to, leave me out of the family vacations, leave me out of the inside jokes, but the one time a decade that you see rebecca, you show my wife some respect."
miguel sweetie nunca te critiquei

e essa cena do randall de cueca? me engasguei não esperava isso tudo...sterling k brown além de talentosíssimo é bem abençoado best of both worlds

Episodio 3x9 - Nota 9 2018-12-16 04:03:05


Episodio 3x9 - Nota 9 2018-12-19 00:05:39

"Look at me, you see me? look at your dad, you see him? do you see anything other than two people who love you more than any two people could ever love anyone in the entire world?"
porra, tô só o meme do bob sponja cercado de corações eu amo uma família pra logo depois vir o baque da beth e randall possivelmente separados, bom que já tirou a possibilidade de ser a beth a pessoa quem a tess e randall iriam visitar NÃO MEXE COM MEU CASALZÃO THIS IS US

Episodio 3x10 - Nota 8.5 2019-01-18 17:22:16

"I just hope the universe puts the right person in your path, like your mom was for me. You know, someone who brings out all the the good stuff in you, all your best stuff, because, my God, son, what a force you will be."

Episodio 3x11 - Nota 9 2019-01-29 01:22:22

A forma que o episódio foi construído, e assistir ele me fez refletir muito sobre como nossas escolhas, atitudes e o passado em geral reflete muito em nosso futuro, imagina se o jack e nicky não tivessem ido para a guerra, imagina se esse incidente com a granada não tivesse ocorrido, imagina se o kevin não tivesse começado essa procura pelo passado do pai, e se o jack tivesse voltado ASSIM COMO O KEVIN FEZ, obrigado mais uma vez this is us o sag awards foi mais que merecido

Episodio 3x12 - Nota 8.5 2019-02-16 23:48:00

desde criança o kevin nunca gostou de parecer vulnerável... a surpresa e o orgulho da rebecca proud mom e ainda amo a forma que a série alterna como por exemplo a cena entre a rebecca e kevin no presente "looks like it's you and me" e logo voltamos para o passado "mother-son day. It's gonna be fun"

Episodio 3x13 - Nota 9.5 2019-03-03 00:07:08

que comentário precioso AMEI

Episodio 3x13 - Nota 9.5 2019-03-03 00:35:26

"Dad, I want you to know that I'll be happy. I'll find love, great love, oh. With a man who reminds me so much of you it's scary, but I can't be me without you."
to chorando

"I guess he gave me that air that you said I don't have on my own [...] Bethany, I don't know if I made the right decision for you, but I didn't have time to question myself, your father was gone, my air was gone, and I just had me and my worries, wanting my last child to be okay, our little island girl, who danced before she could walk."

eu sou o maior beth stan do mundo inteiro a personagem é uma deusa e a susan é uma força da natureza ela tava incrível como sempre, assim como o casting desse episódio todas as fases da beth e a phylicia como a mãe eu fico muito chocado... eu amo this is us pela construção linda que temos durante os episódios, como os dilemas passados da beth com o trabalho foi mostrado aqui que a personagem não teve a oportunidade de continuar o sonho tudo em sua vida foi milimetricamente calculado diferente da criação que o randall teve... agora que fizeram uma perfeição de episódio introduzindo o passado da beth (inclusive amei ver que tantas pessoas também a amam irei criar um clube) eu exijo que mostrem o inicio da relação com o teen randall e de bônus ter mais tempo de tela do niles fitch pois que garoto lindo

Episodio 3x14 - Nota 8.5 2019-03-15 04:39:05

mandy moore arrasa em todos os episódios mas nesse em particular ela arrasou em TODAS as cenas principalmente quando ela percebeu que o jack não estaria ali foi impecável demais... assim como todas as cenas do big 3 e mostrando a relação do kevin e da kate (eu inclusive queria mais cenas do big 3 teen, os atores são maravilhosos), o unico defeito do episódio foi o randall pedir algo assim para a beth a pessoa que sempre o apoiou, entendo o ponto dele mas para tudo se tem uma solução ele soltar essa assim logo quando a beth se libertou e vai atrás de seu sonho foi triste

Episodio 3x15 - Nota 9 2019-03-17 23:53:36

praticamente o episódio inteiro com um único cenário, um roteiro muito bem construído e elementos criando toda a tensão como o miguel e o joguinho, atuações maravilhosas destaque para a mandy moore e chrissy metz... porém concordo com alguns comentários que li por aqui, se o episódio fosse feito em plano sequencia seria extremamente impecável os cortes quebraram alguns momentos pra mim...

Episodio 3x16 - Nota 8.5 2019-04-19 13:02:48

como li em um comentário aqui, as qualidades do randall sempre se sobressaíram, desde criança pôde-se observar seu jeito mas ele não deixa de ser o pai e marido maravilhoso que é... todos nós temos defeitos

Episodio 3x17 - Nota 9 2019-04-19 14:23:14

finalmente um episódio que pudemos ver o inicio da relação beth e randall o que significa mais screentime para o niles fitch muito meu crush... a relação beth e randall é linda mas muito bom mostrar que nem toda relação é perfeita, que os problemas irão aparecer, que divergências são comuns e que o companheirismo deve prevalecer sempre... a cena dos votos foi incrível e eu espero que esse casalzão encontre uma saída

Episodio 3x18 - Nota 9.5 2019-04-19 23:07:56

"I don't think we figure out exactly who we are all at once. I think it happens over a long period of time, just, like, piece by piece, you know? A couple years ago, I get close with your dad, and I find a piece of myself in that, and then I meet your aunt, and I, and I find another piece of myself. Honey, I think that's sort of how it works, you know. I think we go through this life slowly but surely, just collecting these little pieces of ourselves that we can't really live without until, you know, eventually, we have enough of them to where we feel whole, and you think that'll happen for me? Nah, probably not. I mean, you're not that special. Do I think it will happen for you? I know it will happen for you. Tess Pearson, you, my niece, have so many years ahead of you to find all of your pieces."

cada celula do meu corpo vibrou com o randall cumprimentando a beth com "babe," eles realmente construíram tudo para uma separação no futuro felizmente não foi o que aconteceu, não tô chocado com a "her" ser a rebecca, minha maior surpresa foi o uncle nick estar ali presente e a kate não
(quero parabenizar o casting da série pois as escolhas são sempre maravilhosas MAS A ATRIZ QUE FAZ A TESS ADULTA INCRÍVEL A SEMELHANÇA)

Episodio 4x2 - Nota 9 2020-10-28 20:53:14

So I'm your uncle kevin. I'm gonna teach you how to pick up girls, we're gonna do that, or boys, or robots, if that's what people are into in the future."

Episodio 4x3 - Nota 8.5 2020-10-28 20:48:59

"My math teacher looks like Zendaya."
"Wait, cute Spider-Man Zendaya or HBO drugged-out Zendaya?"

a montagem inicial do nicky evoluindo e logo depois perdendo a terapeuta foi triste, e ela saindo do consultório... é sobre isso sabe?

Episodio 4x4 - Nota 8.5 2020-10-28 20:38:49

permissão para falar sobre a perfeição que é o teen randall meu pai

Episodio 4x5 - Nota 9 2020-10-28 20:29:17

"You two don't like this thing you have in common, and I get that. It's scary, but it also made three of my most favorite people in the world who they are. William would also get anxious about things, he was sensitive and artistic and caring, but there's a fine line between caring and worrying, and sometimes that line gets blurry, from the moment I met your father, he was obsessed with making everything okay for everybody else, and that took some getting used to, but I loved him for it. 'Cause it meant he cared deeply, now, there's some things you get from your dad that you're gonna have to navigate around, but there are some gifts, too. You give everything your all, you're an amazing sister and daughter and friend and student. Now, look, we're gonna get whatever this is under control, okay? Believe that, but I will not have you talking ill about three of my most favorite people in the world. No way, no how. Are you hearing me?"

Episodio 4x6 - Nota 9 2020-10-28 18:49:21

J: I don't look at you and see color. I see my son.
R: Then you don't see me, Dad.

era um episódio assim que faltava, cirúrgico e necessário, randall eu te amo

Episodio 4x7 - Nota 9.5 2020-11-04 12:36:50

R: You hide wine in the pantry?
B: I got three kids, okay? Give me a break.

"This is way better than dinosaurs."
garoto atentadokkkkkkkk

"If you're competing with korey for your son, you're gonna win. I mean, that man in there, he could be, uh, albert einstein and you would still win. 'Cause our son is always gonna choose you, always, but if you do that if you make him choose then Randall's gonna miss out on something really special. Something something he really needs."
certeira caras

this is us entregando qualidade como sempre, as realidades diferentes no jantar dejik onde encontramos pais defendendo seus filhos mas que no fim tudo acabou bem

Episodio 4x8 - Nota 8.5 2020-11-05 03:10:13

essa série me faz chorar com pessoas colocando um lençol de elástico e esquecendo coisas

Episodio 4x9 - Nota 10 2020-11-05 03:21:26

pelo visto toda desgraça é pouca para a família pearson que episódio perfeito

Episodio 4x10 - Nota 9 2020-11-05 03:37:13

"Rebecca, if he is really your choice, this dark, complicated man make sure he gives you a great love story. One for the ages."
"Rebecca, I know this might be difficult to hear, but it appears you have what we doctors call 'mild cognitive impairment'."
"Rebecca Malone, I love you. Don't you ever forget it."

john e sophia foram um respiro pra esse episódio que só fiz chorar this is us vc vai pagar minha terapia

Episodio 4x11 - Nota 9 2020-11-06 21:22:55

I'm gonna be that guy, randall. Okay? I'm the guy that's gonna get you through this.

que o sterling é grandioso já sabemos, mas o niles também deu um show

Episodio 4x12 - Nota 9 2020-11-06 21:38:03

K: I'll see you next time someone dies.
S: I'm already looking forward to it.

só essa temporada shippei o kevin com 15 pessoas diferentes mas caras a sophie... saudades

Episodio 4x13 - Nota 9 2020-11-06 21:47:09

Obrigado por esse comentário, certeza que eles se sentem tão orgulhosos quanto

Episodio 4x13 - Nota 9 2020-11-06 22:12:43

A forma que vimos a mesma cena por diferentes pov foi tudo, e no fim de cada episódio cada baby do big three chamando o jack... this is us sendo perspicaz como sempre

Episodio 4x14 - Nota 10 2020-11-06 18:38:44

"Hey, guys. It's me, your dad. It's 1993 and you're all in your rooms here at the cabin, trying to figure out just what you're gonna put inside the capsule. To, refresh your memories: Kevin wishes he was seeing Jurassic Park with Sophie right now, my Katie girl is pouring her heart into it as per usual, and, Randall is overthinking his every move, no surprise there, bud, anyhow, I have this crazy idea to build a bigger house out here for me and your mom to grow old in, and your mom busted me while I was sketching it. I got embarrassed, crumpled it up, and tossed it in the trash. But then I thought to myself, you know, your mom believes in me, so why shouldn't I believe in myself, right? So, I go back outside to get my crumpled piece of paper out of the trash to put in the capsule, but it was gone. You know, at first, I thought maybe, the wind carried it away, or, a bird who's got a thing for architecture, but then, I realized that your mom must've taken it out of the trash, so that she could put it in the capsule, again, because she believes in my dreams. By the time you guys hear this, you're gonna be teenagers and probably harder on us than you already are. So, let me just remind you that your mom is the kind of woman who buries a crappy doodle because when it comes to the people that she loves, she does not mess around. And, Bec, if you're hearing this, and I've grown stupid in middle age, I don't tell you enough damn, do I love you."
vivendo a base de calmantes após isso aqui

Episodio 4x15 - Nota 8.5 2020-11-07 03:47:12

"You've always had that quality, Kevin. You make everything fun. Sometimes making people forget about their worries, or what comes next that's the most important thing you can do for someone."

O fato do randall ter procurado ajuda e não termos visto o rosto da terapeuta até o final por conta da resistência foi simplesmente TUDO, e não sei em que momento a madison evoluiu tanto, claro que vimos ela durante as temporadas mas eu nunca parei para pensar em como ela deixou de ser aquela personagem do grupo de apoio que fazia a kate revirar os olhos para melhor amiga, acho isso incrível.

Episodio 4x16 - Nota 8.5 2020-11-08 01:28:05

"My life has been full of "next times". Things I always assumed I would get to eventually. But now I realize that I am... running out of time to do them."

Mandy moore sendo impecável em 3 linhas temporais não choca ninguém, entendo todo o cuidado do randall com a mãe, mesmo não concordando com algumas atitudes no presente para ver a mãe bem

Episodio 4x17 - Nota 9 2020-11-08 01:57:07

"I'm not a neurologist, Randall, and I don't know your mother's condition. But I'm pretty sure you don't have all the time in the world to heal from the wounds that you have from her."

Amando a forma que a série está lidando com a saúde mental de pessoas pretas (no caso, do homem preto), entender que o randall perfeito idolatrado também tem seus defeitos assim como nós, é egoísta, e na vida vamos errar e já erramos, mesmo vindo aqui julgar as atitudes erradas que ele tomou assim como qualquer outro personagem da série, e no caso dele se intensifica por conta da ansiedade, mesmo sendo ficção this is us caminha lado a lado com a vida real, e vou fingir que não tô lendo esse desprezo pelo personagem chegando até a torcer pela separação com a beth (heresia), e por fim, sterling é uma emmy tape viva

Episodio 4x18 - Nota 10 2020-11-08 02:32:15

"I think the trick is, not trying to keep... the joys and the tragedies apart, but you kind of got to let 'em cozy up to one another, you know, let 'em coexist, and I think that if you can do that, if you can manage to forge ahead with all that joy and heartache mixed up together inside of you, never knowing which one's gonna get the upper hand... and, well, life does have a way of shaking out to be more beautiful than tragic, lot as good as the lemon thing, but it's the best I can do at short notice."


Amei todo o plot do futuro, a adelaide como irmã do jack eu realmente não esperava, provavelmente não mostram a kate pelo lance da perda de peso da atriz.

Episodio 5x1 - Nota 8.5 2020-11-08 03:01:38

Essa série é perfeita, dan fogelman é perspicaz demais caras, eles abordando a pandemia e usando essa nossa realidade na série me senti diferente sabe? não sei qual palavra usar, assim como o assassinato do george e os protestos, a reação deles descobrindo e não conseguindo ver o vídeo, eu me vi ali, no fim do episódio era só uma cartela de comprimidos e um copo d'água, e vamos de mais uma temporada de choros e surtos.

Episodio 5x2 - Nota 9.5 2020-11-08 03:29:43

"If I made things better for you, then where does that leave me? I'm sorry, but I can't do that, that has been my pattern all my life, and honestly, kate, it is exhausting. I'm exhausted."
Essa conversa foi extremamente necessária, é inegável o amor da kate pelo randall mas ele tinha que expor e ser cirúrgico nesse momento, this is us não cansa

Baby. You were born out of tragedy, multiple tragedies, all that loss, all that sadness, and look at what you've hung on your fence posts, llook right in front of you, right here in this room, and... I mean, look what you did with all of that. Do you see it? You are a beautiful, resilient man. The world is a brilliant, resilient place. We fight on. [...] This pain is not forever, this moment in time is not forever, nothing is forever, except us. We fight on."
lati tão alto que a luiza mel bateu aqui em casa

Episodio 5x3 - Nota 8.5 2020-11-15 04:25:00

"I had the greatest, most connected parents you can imagine, and they missed so much."

Amando essa atenção que os roteiristas estão dando para a madison que saiu de melhor amiga da Kate e que tinha algumas frases divertidas para uma personagem profunda com seus problemas reais, a cena dela e Kevin sendo vulneráveis um com o outro foi tudo

Episodio 5x4 - Nota 8.5 2021-02-15 20:39:02

"I'm an ordinary man, and for me, the way my dad treated me, to get out of that house an ordinary man, that is an accomplishment in my book, but our kids, I want them to know their dad sees greatness in them. I will kill myself to make them feel that way, even when deep down, I just want to hold my kid and-and tell him to go take a nap."

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