
Listas de Rhuan:
Melhores episódios já feitos
Melhores séries já feitas

Melhores episódios já feitos (28)

Formato Texto
Better Call Saul - 6x7
Plan and Execution

Better Call Saul - 5x6
Wexler v. Goodman

Breaking Bad - 4x13
Face Off

Breaking Bad - 4x12
End Times

Breaking Bad - 5x16

Breaking Bad - 4x11
Crawl Space

Breaking Bad - 5x15
Granite State

Breaking Bad - 4x10

Breaking Bad - 5x14

Breaking Bad - 3x13
Full Measure

Breaking Bad - 5x11

Breaking Bad - 5x7
Say My Name

Breaking Bad - 5x5
Dead Freight

Game of Thrones - 4x9
The Watchers on the Wall

Game of Thrones - 3x9
The Rains of Castamere

Game of Thrones - 6x9
Battle of the Bastards

Hannibal - 2x13

House, M.D. - 8x22
Everybody Dies

House, M.D. - 5x24
Both Sides Now

House, M.D. - 4x15
House's Head (Part 1)

House, M.D. - 2x24
No Reason

Mr. Robot - 4x13
Hello, Elliot

Mr. Robot - 3x6

Mr. Robot - 2x12

Mr. Robot - 1x8

Rick and Morty - 4x6
Never Ricking Morty

Sherlock - 2x3
The Reichenbach Fall

Westworld - 1x10
The Bicameral Mind

Uma lista de Rhuan

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