Retrospectiva 2023 - Kléver

2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

10 Melhores séries vistas em 2023

* 3 episódios pelo menos

10 Piores séries vistas em 2023

* 3 episódios pelo menos

Maratonas/Séries mais assistidas em 2023

* Este dado pode conter falhas para novos usuários do site pois também conta as séries que você marcou inteira como vista este ano.

Badges Desbloqueados em 2023 (10)

Series adicionadas na grade em 2023 (8)

Series Finalizadas em 2023 (5)

Series abandonadas em 2023 (1)

Comentários mais curtidos

The Haunting - 2x9 - The Beast in the Jungle (2 curtidas)
Yellowjackets - 2x9 - Storytelling (1 curtidas)
Tantas perguntas, meu Deus….
Yellowjackets - 2x8 - It Chooses (1 curtidas)
Trilha sonora incrível, mas tenho receio da série estar se arrastando demais.
Yellowjackets - 1x2 - F Sharp (1 curtidas)
Misty muito maluquinha, gente.
The Haunting - 1x10 - Silence Lay Steadily (1 curtidas)
Final Incrível.

Series assistidas por genero:

Somente levando em conta os principais generos
Drama - CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, CSI: NY, Downton Abbey, ER, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Oz, Psych, You, Severance, Spinning Out, The Last of Us, Silo, Yellowjackets, The Bear
Comédia - Psych, South Park, RuPaul's Drag Race, How I Met Your Father, My Love Mix-Up!, The Bear, Extraordinary
Crime - CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, CSI: NY, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Oz, Psych, You
Reality - RuPaul's Drag Race
Dorama - My Love Mix-Up!
Familia - Downton Abbey, Extraordinary
Ação - CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, CSI: NY, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Record of Ragnarok
Romance - You, How I Met Your Father, My Love Mix-Up!
Aventura - Overlord, The Last of Us, Extraordinary
Anime - Overlord, Record of Ragnarok

Episódios com melhor nota

Breaking Bad - 5x1 - Live Free or Die - 10
Breaking Bad - 5x2 - Madrigal - 10
Breaking Bad - 5x3 - Hazard Pay - 10
Breaking Bad - 5x4 - Fifty-One - 10
Breaking Bad - 5x5 - Dead Freight - 10
Breaking Bad - 5x6 - Buyout - 10
Breaking Bad - 5x7 - Say My Name - 10
Breaking Bad - 5x8 - Gliding Over All - 10
Breaking Bad - 5x9 - Blood Money - 10
Breaking Bad - 5x10 - Buried - 10
Breaking Bad - 5x11 - Confessions - 10
Breaking Bad - 5x12 - Rabid Dog - 10
Breaking Bad - 5x16 - Felina - 10
Breaking Bad - 5x17 - El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie - 10
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - 1x1 - Pilot - 10
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - 1x2 - Cool Change - 10
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - 1x3 - Crate 'n' Burial - 10
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - 1x4 - Pledging Mr. Johnson - 10
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - 1x5 - Friends & Lovers - 10
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - 1x6 - Who Are You? - 10
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - 1x7 - Blood Drops - 10
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - 1x8 - Anonymous - 10
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - 1x9 - Unfriendly Skies - 10
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - 1x10 - Sex, Lies and Larvae - 10
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - 1x11 - I-15 Murders - 10
CSI: NY - 7x2 - Unfriendly Chat - 10
CSI: NY - 7x3 - Damned if You Do - 10
Downton Abbey - 4x7 - Episode 7 - 10
Downton Abbey - 5x2 - Episode 2 - 10
Downton Abbey - 5x3 - Episode 3 - 10
*Limitado a 30 episódios

Episódios com pior nota

South Park - 1x1 - Cartman Gets an Anal Probe - 8.5
RuPaul's Drag Race - 15x7 - The Daytona Wind 2 - 8.5
Brooklyn Nine-Nine - 8x8 - Renewal - 8.5
The Haunting - 2x7 - The Two Faces, Part Two - 8.5
The Haunting - 2x8 - The Romance of Certain Old Clothes - 8.5
The Haunting - 2x9 - The Beast in the Jungle - 8.5
Spinning Out - 1x1 - Now Entering Sun Valley - 8.5
Record of Ragnarok - 1x1 - Ragnarok - 8.5
Record of Ragnarok - 1x2 - Worthy Opponent - 8.5
Yellowjackets - 1x5 - Blood Hive - 8.5
Yellowjackets - 1x7 - No Compass - 8.5
Yellowjackets - 1x8 - Flight of the Bumblebee - 8.5
CSI: NY - 7x7 - Hide Sight - 8
CSI: NY - 7x11 - To What End? - 8
Oz - 2x3 - Great Men - 8
Oz - 6x1 - Dead Man Talking - 8
Spinning Out - 1x5 - Two for $40 - 8
Yellowjackets - 1x4 - Bear Down - 8
CSI: NY - 7x8 - Scared Stiff - 7.5
Oz - 1x5 - Straight Life - 7.5
Oz - 4x2 - Obituaries - 7.5
CSI: NY - 7x10 - Shop Till You Drop - 7
Spinning Out - 1x8 - Hell Is Real - 7
The Bear - 1x2 - Hands - 7
The Bear - 1x3 - Brigade - 7
The Bear - 1x1 - System - 6.5
RuPaul's Drag Race - 15x4 - Supersized Snatch Game - 6
Severance - 1x7 - Defiant Jazz - 5.5
Severance - 1x6 - Hide and Seek - 5

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