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The Middle - 5x13 - Hungry Games


5x12 | 5x14

Exibido em: 05-Fev-2014

Mini Sinopse: Frankie tem um cupom pra um restaurante all-you-can-eat, enquanto o pastor visitante tem uma conversa sobre os possíveis conflitos na família.
Ultima edição: JanaEditar minissinopse

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Comentarios - The Middle - 5x13 (153)

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He's not invisible, just ignore him.

2014-02-06 13:11:21Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Reverend: So, Brick, what do you mean, you feel invisible?
Frankie: No. He's not invisible! Just ignore him....

"Look, I don't know what you think is happening here, but I got to tell you, this is not a family in crisis or whatever-- like, at all. I mean, yeah, some of the time, we can't stand each other, and if my sister goes to my college, I will be forced to change my name and get a cheap Mexican face transplant. But we are tight. We hang with each other and we goof on each other and we crack each other up, and we're always there for each other. I think that's because we have parents who every day, a million times a day show us what being a family is really all about. I mean, they have our backs, and we have theirs. And isn't that the whole point? Just having each other's backs? I mean, right? That's basically what Jesus is saying. I know it's not pretty to look at, but we get the job done. It's like a crappy-looking football team that manages to win 10 games every season. We win ugly. It's just how we roll." (Axl)


2014-05-26 20:09:06Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Fiquei muito agoniada por eles não conseguirem ir comer logo, tava pesando em mim a situação já.

No mais, foi tudo bonitinho, uma lavagem de roupa suja e conselhos for free.

A bíblia que o Mike atirou e pegou na cabeça da mulher foi demais, dei até um gritinho de 'PQP' e gargalhei horrores.

2014-02-06 23:57:13Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Tava na mesma agonia, kkk

2017-05-24 07:48:41Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Ri demais com o Mike tacando a bíblia na mulher kkkkkkk e mds, até eu fiquei com raiva daquele reverendo, e olha que eu nem participava da escola kkk.

2014-02-07 14:33:12Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Me deu uma agonia eles com fome, desesperados para comer e o reverendo segurando eles.

2014-02-11 05:31:35Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
nossa..nem me fala!! até eu fiquei com fome kkkkkkkkkkkk

2014-03-04 11:19:30Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*

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