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Bones - 9x6 - The Woman in White


9x5 | 9x7

Exibido em: 21-Out-2013

Mini Sinopse: A equipe do Jeffersonian investiga a morte de Nancy Handelman. A tensão aumenta quando eventos inesperados atrasam um casamento temporariamente, ao mesmo tempo em que Max chega à cidade com uma mala suspeita, cheia de dinheiro.
Ultima edição: SilmaraEditar minissinopse

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Comentarios - Bones - 9x6 (278)

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Booth's Vows: ''Do you remember the last time that we were here? Standing right around this spot, it was right in the beginning before we really knew each other... I was trying to get away from you because you were irritating me and you chase me down and you caught up to me and I said to you 'hey listen, I just have to get all my ducks in a row', and then you said to me... Brennan: 'I can be a duck!' Booth: We have been chasing each other for a long time. We've been chasing each other through wars and serial killers and ghosts and snakes. Chasing you has been the smartest thing I've ever done in my life and being chased by you has been my greatest joy. But now, we don't have to chase each other because we caught each other.''

Brennan's Vows: ''When Hodgins and I were buried alive, we each wrote a message to someone we loved in case our bodies were ever found. Hodgins wrote to Angela and I wrote to you. Dear Agent Booth, you are a confusing man. You are irrational and impulsive, superstitious and exasperating. You believe in ghosts and maybe even Santa Claus and because of you I've started to see the universe differently. How is it possible that simply looking into your fine face gives me such joy? Why does it make me so happy that every time I try to sneak a peek at you, you're already looking at me. Like you it makes no sense, and like you, it feels right. If I ever get out of here, I will find a time and place to tell you that you make my life messy and confusing and unfocused and irrational and wonderful. This is that time, this is that place.''

2013-10-22 01:08:22Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Bones: Oh, I'm sorry. Am I allowed to kiss him now?
Father: It's really just a rehearsal, Dr. Brennan.
Bones: Because we are sleeping together.
Booth: No, shh
Bones: Sleeping, of course, is a euphemism for sex.
Booth: No! I'm really sorry, Father.
Bones: You don't have to apologize, Booth. It's not like he's
going to be jealous.


2013-10-22 21:37:10Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*

2013-10-21 23:41:38Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
"Dear Agent Booth, you are a confusing man. You are irrational and impulsive, superstitious and exasperating. You believe in ghosts and maybe even Santa Claus and because of you I’ve started to see the universe differently. How is it possible that simply looking into your fine face gives me such joy? Why does it make me so happy that every time I try to sneak a peek at you, you’re already looking at me. Like you it makes no sense, and like you, it feels right. If I ever get out of here, I will find a time and place to tell you that you make my life messy and confusing and unfocused and irrational and wonderful. This is that time, this is that place."

2013-10-21 23:44:50Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
lindo :´)
nao acredito que finalmente descobrimos o que a brennan tinha escrito no bilhete!
a roupa dos squints ahuhsuas

2014-04-04 18:33:12Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*

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