IMPORTANTE: O Banco de Séries não serve para assistir séries! Somos uma rede social onde os fãs de séries podem controlar os episódios que assistiram, dar notas, comentar, criar sua agenda, saber quando passa o próximo episódio. Somos totalmente contra a pirataria e não disponibilizamos conteúdo que fere direitos autorais.

Bones By Beatriz

Episodio 1x1 - Nota 10 2017-03-29 17:14:05

Sou bem daquelas pessoas que não superaram o final da série ontem e já correm pra assistir tudo de novo

Episodio 1x1 - Nota 10 2017-03-29 17:19:38

"What's it going to take?"
"Full participation in the case"
"Not just lab work, everything"
"What? Do you want me to spit in my hand? We're Scully and Mulder"
"I don't know what that means" ♥

"She's good"
"Oh, she's amazing"

"A case this big and the Director is going to create a special investigation and if I line all my ducks up in a row I could maybe, maybe I can head it up"
"I don't know what that means but I think I could be a duck"
"You're not a duck, ok. On this one we stick to the book. Cops on the street, Squints in the lab"
"Well in that case, the Jeffersonian will be issuing a press release identifying the girl in the pond"
"You do that, I'm a dead duck. What are you trying to do?"
"Blackmail you"
"Blackmail a Federal Agent?"
"I don't like it"
"I'm fairly certain you're not supposed to"

Episodio 1x2 - Nota 9 2017-03-29 18:19:08

Eu passo o episódio todo rindo lembrando das coisas que vão acontecer mais pra frente e ahh ♥ Que delícia.

Episodio 1x2 - Nota 9 2017-03-29 18:20:40

"You know I told them to tell the press is was an undercover operation"
"But it would be a rose garden ceremony. That's an honor, right? I thought you FBI guys loved your medals"
"There's no pleasure in taking someone's life. Nothing to celebrate"
"You saved so many people, Booth. Don't forget that"

Episodio 1x3 - Nota 8.5 2017-03-29 19:30:34

Booth: "Omnia Mea Mecum Porto". What's that mean? Regular people stay out. Brennan & Zach: I carry with me all my things.

"Gentleman, give my forensic anthropologist some room"
"Your forensic anthropologist?"

Zach: Sometime when you're not busy, I wonder if I could ask you a few questions about sexual positions.
Booth: If you even try, I will take out my gun and shoot you between the eyes.
hahaha ♥

Episodio 1x4 - Nota 8.5 2017-03-29 20:28:26

"Come on now, you've partially digested dismembered skeletal remains to examine, that should put a smile on your face"

"Everybody is pumping me"
"For information on the case"
"Bones, they're only pretending to be interested in the case"
"They're hitting on you"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure. You're the hottest thing this town has seen in a long time"

"I should just become a vegetarian"
"Or as an alternative just don't eat people"

Episodio 1x5 - Nota 10 2017-03-29 21:23:16

"I'm afraid Angela might quit"
"I'm amazed she stuck it out this long"
"Oh, because she's human. I'm sorry, Bones, it's just that, you know, uh... Angela didn't get the same training that the rest of you got on, uh, planet Vulcan"
"I don't know what that means"

"I thought we were close. All of us. What else don't I know? Is Zack from another planet?"
"Oh, come on. That one's obvious"

"You look nice. Better than nice, you look, uh... very..."
"Bones, how did you know I was gonna keep your promise?"
"What promise?"
"To get Shawn and David back with Margaret Sanders"
"Maybe I was lying. To catch the bad guy. I learned that trick from you. The end justifies the means. Booth. I knew you'd back me up. I knew you wouldn't make me a liar"
"Hmm. How did you know?"
"Because you want to go to heaven"
"But you don't believe in heaven"
"But you do"

Episodio 1x6 - Nota 10 2017-03-29 22:52:41

Eu tenho um carinho bem grande por esse episódio, nao sei ao certo porquê djjddkdkdk mas a Brennan na boate e chapada é sensacional

"Where did you find her?"

Angie: They got freaked out by stage six.
Brennan:What's... what's stage six?
Angie: One, spend the night.
Two, spend the weekend.
Three, exchange keys.
Four, sexy weekend getaway.
Five, extended vacation, inevitably followed by six-move in together.
Brennan: I'm an anthropologist. I know the stages of everything, you made those up.

Ahh, Brennan ♥

Episodio 1x6 - Nota 10 2017-03-29 22:53:02

Socorro melhor comentário

Episodio 1x7 - Nota 10 2013-10-14 23:50:55

"Reason for wanting a gun?"
"To shoot people"
"Not a good response"
"It's the truth"
"You know, I'm writing 'self defense in the performance of my duties pursuing suspected felons as contracted out to the FBI'."
"So I can shoot them"

Episodio 1x8 - Nota 9.5 2017-03-30 10:40:15

Vamos dar a atenção necessária pro Zack e o Booth tentando fazer com que a Brennan desse soquinho na mão deles dlkjmdsklfkdk

Episodio 1x8 - Nota 9.5 2017-03-30 10:43:34

Zach: You're supposed to bump my fist with yours.
Brennan: Why?
Zach: I'm told it's a widely acknowledged gesture of mutual success.
Angela: I love it when you two impersonate earthlings.

"Bones, you okay?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Because the nutty professor's grading your paper. What'd he give you anyway, huh? I was always happy with a B"
"I never got a B and I never will"
"That's my girl" ♥

Episodio 1x9 - Nota 10 2013-10-14 23:53:01

"What are those little tiny lights dancing on the ceiling?"
"For the third time, those are minute firings of neurons on your optic nerve due to your reaction to the anti-fungal cocktail"
"Wow, whoa. They're beautiful"
"You are stoned, Agent Booth"

Episodio 1x10 - Nota 8 2017-03-30 10:49:57

A Brennan chantageando o Booth pra dirigir dksjfnksjd ai eu amo meus pais.

Episodio 1x11 - Nota 8.5 2017-03-30 11:07:18

A entrevista dela, claramente eu se tivesse que dar entrevistas do gênero. As caras que o Booth fazia enquanto ouvia ela falando com a apresentadora kdjfnkdsjfndjk

"U.S. Marshals!"
"Forensic Anthropologist! That's why no gun"

"Our relationship has taken a whole new turn" ♥

Episodio 1x12 - Nota 10 2017-03-30 11:46:50

A melhor coisa de rever depois de tanto tempo é reconhecer participações especiais

Episodio 1x13 - Nota 8.5 2017-03-30 16:10:54

Booth: Ok, Hodgins, suit up, you're coming with us. We're going to the barrio.
Hodgins: Field work, cool! Do I get a gun?
Brennan: You can't arm Hodgins and not me!
Booth: What is with you people and the guns?!

"I never said anything about FBI. She's my partner, ese. And if anything happens to her, I will find you and I will kill you. I won't think twice. Come here, look in my eyes. Look at my face. If anything happens to her, I will kill you. This is between you and me, and nobody sees, nobody knows. You got nothing to prove, understand? You understand?"

ahhh, Booth protegendo a Brennan. Some things never change ♥

Episodio 1x14 - Nota 8.5 2017-03-30 17:05:07

"You know you've done a couple of cases without me and you miss me"
"Zack misses you, not me"
"Goodman has ordered me to investigate the other extra body"
"Well then you better get on that. Next time you know, you miss me pick up the phone call me we'll do lunch or something"
"I do not miss you!"
"Yeah you miss me. C'mon"
"I do not miss you!"
"Say it, you miss me"
"No, I don't"
"You miss me. You miss me" esses dois ♥

"You knew that when you asked me what I thought. You testing out my instincts, Bones?"
"Poking and prodding. I learned from the best" ELA APERTANDO A BOCHECHA DELE, ai eu sofro muito

"Hey, you know, your people are my people"
"What, I have people? Hey, I have people"

Episodio 1x15 - Nota 10 2017-03-30 18:47:03

"I know it's hard for you to admit you're wrong about something but I really don't care about your feelings right now, I'm more concerned with your life"

"I'm not letting you out of my sight until I find out who is trying to kill you"

Brennan: I'm probably more valuable here
Booth: No, you're definitely more valuable alive. Alright? I'm not leaving you alone

"You know, I let you down, Bones. I'm sorry"
"You saved my life"
"Yeah but you know, I shouldn't shouldn't have gone down like that"
"What a pair" WHAT A PAIR


Episodio 1x18 - Nota 8 2017-03-30 20:05:43

Hodgins eu te amo tanto

Episodio 1x19 - Nota 9 2017-03-30 20:08:18

Booth entregando o brinco pra ela no final ♥

Episodio 1x20 - Nota 9 2017-03-30 21:09:32

Amy: it's okay, Booth is cool
Cullen: You heard the lady, you're cool.
Brennan: Yeah, right.

Episodio 1x21 - Nota 9 2017-03-30 21:10:45

"I'm your partner. Let me be your partner"

Episodio 1x22 - Nota 10 2017-03-30 22:29:08

"I miss that. Someone caring where I am all the time"
"Bones! Bones! You up there? Come on. Let's go. Chop chop"


Episodio 2x1 - Nota 9 2017-03-31 01:17:44

Ahhh, ver todo mundo não gostando da Cam agora é tão engraçado djdkdkdk eu também não gostei quando vi a série pela primeira vez, mas ela é tão maravilhosa que não consigo sentir majs antipatia. E não consigo não rir quando vejo ela com o Booth agora depois de tudo o que acontece nessa série kdkdkdkkkkk (isso não conta como spoiler né? se alguém considera, perdão e me avisemm)

Episodio 2x2 - Nota 9 2017-03-31 15:45:02

Eles dando facadas no manequim!!! O zack e a angela foram os melhores

Episodio 2x3 - Nota 9.5 2017-03-31 17:13:39

"You know, no one we've talked to had recognized either Kelly or Dylan. We could ask them"
"Because they share the same unique sociocultural identifiers as Kelly Morris"
"You mean like, teenagers"
"Yeah. Exactly"

"I hate this part where you stand with a gun and I have to go do the looking"

Angie: Dr. Saroyan, I don't want to be overly dramatic or anything but if you lose Brennan, you lose us all.
Cam: Really?
Angie: Really. And Booth too. ♥

"I'm with Bones, Cam. All the way. Don't doubt it for a second"

Eu amo tanto todos eles ♥ Você também, Cam.

Episodio 2x4 - Nota 10 2017-04-01 21:22:04

"You know, if you had a pet pig, what would you name him?"

"I got something for ya"
"A bottle of hard liquor?"
"The next best thing. Meet... Jasper"


Episodio 2x5 - Nota 9 2017-04-01 22:22:54

Ai, que saudade dessa época da série ♥♥
Rebecca ♥♥
Cam e Booth, a coisa mais wtf porem hoje em dia acho hilário
Hodgela no comecinho ♥

Episodio 2x6 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-01 23:02:46

Hodgins: Oh, I could kiss you!
Angie: That would require permission, which I deny.
♥ Hodgela ♥

Episodio 2x7 - Nota 10 2017-04-02 00:02:04

Angie: Childhood should be all about swings.
Zack: Swings?
Angie: Yeah. You know, how high can I go? If I twist the chains, how fast will I spin?
Hodgins: What if I try to jump off before the swing stops?
Angie: Exactly.
Hodgins: I miss that feeling.
Angie: Yeah, me too.
Brennan: I miss organic chemistry class.
Zack: I miss my first microscope.
Booth: Great. Yeah. And I miss normal people. Can we go on?
hahaha ♥

Brennan: It's hard to believe when you see women trying to disguise or change themselves. I never understood that.
Booth: Well, I mean, no, of course you wouldn't.
Brennan: Why?
Booth: Well, it's just, you know... someone who looks like... you... well, wouldn't... Just because of the way you look.
Brennan: I don't understand. What way do I look?
Booth: Well, you know, you're... you're structured. Very well.
Brennan: As are you. ♥

Episodio 2x7 - Nota 10 2017-04-02 00:05:15

Eu AMO esse episódio! É um dos que mais me marcaram. Amo como abordam essa temática do absurdo que é esse tipo de concurso, ainda mais com crianças envolvidas. A Brennan falando com as meninas e mostrando aquelas fotos é hilário. Sem contar com o Hodgins e a Angela no balanço, é a coisa mais fofa.

"You should never indulge in a romantic relationship with someone you work with" rindo até 2050

Episodio 2x8 - Nota 10 2017-04-02 01:16:03

The Roxie to my Tony 😭
To em prantos

Primeiro caso undercover deles :(

Episodio 2x9 - Nota 10 2017-03-22 15:35:29

Resolvi rever esse episódio depois de 6 anos e me senti vendo pela primeira vez de tanta tensão que senti ♥ Um dos meus favoritos da série, sem duvida.

Episodio 2x10 - Nota 9 2017-04-02 09:47:49

"I'm sorry, my social skills are very limited" a Brennan sou eu

"We're partners, you know? Together all the time, right? You're a woman and I'm a man and I never had a relationship like this where we were, like two guys, except you're not, ya know, a guy. Yeah"
"No, no, I'm not. Should I feel odd about wanting to hang out with Will?"
"No, of course not. You know, because essentially, I mean, you're a guy like me. But not really"
"That would mean that, to me, you are essentially a woman. Yeah, I can see that"
"No, no, no. I'd prefer not to be a woman, if you don't mind"
"I'm merely trying to follow your reasoning, Booth"

"It's a good thing I like being alone"
"You know what? Bones, you're not alone. Okay? Come here"
"Hey, you're my partner. Okay? It's a guy hug. Take it" ♥

Episodio 2x11 - Nota 9 2017-04-02 10:42:38

O tapinha do Zack na Brennan e vice versa kjdnsdkjfn é tanta fofura ♥


"I wish you wouldn't keep letting me hug you when I get scared"
"Hey, when I get scared and I'll hug you. We'll call it even"

"I'm just one of those people who doesn't get to be in a family"
"Listen, Bones, hey. There's more than one kind of family"

"He's your squints, not my squints"
"No, Booth... we are all of us, your squints" ♥

Episodio 2x12 - Nota 10 2017-04-02 11:54:52

"You're a smart, strong, confident woman"

Brennan: Yeah, it's pretty big, right? Bigger than the one you have.
Booth: Excuse me. It's not the size that matters. It's how you use it.
Brennan: Well, I think size is pretty important.
Booth: The point is that you shouldn't have a gun in the first place!
Angie: If you do have one, bigger is always better.
Booth: You're not helping!
Angie: Right, yeah. This does seem like a private conversation.

Booth: You know, I could have the Bureau pull your license
Brennan: Yeah, and I could assign Zack as your forensic anthropologist.

Episodio 2x13 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-02 12:17:31

A cara da Brennan quando o Booth atira no palhaço vale por tudo. Gordon Wyatt 💖

Episodio 2x14 - Nota 8 2017-04-02 12:35:12

"Why do you call your psychiatrist 'Gordon Gordon'?"
"Because that's how he introduces himself. You know: 'Hi, I'm Gordon. Gordon Wyatt'."
"Like 'James. James Bond'."
" 'Bond. James Bond', not 'James, James... James'... whatever"

"Wow. Those socks. Those are...amazing"
"That's right. The socks, the tie, the belt buckle... all escape valves for my socioeconomic rage"
"I hate psychology"
"Oh, you know, they help me deal with the day-to-day irritations of dealing with people that are more privileged"
"I slept with Sully last night"
"Oh. I thought you already..."
"No. Last night"
"Ah. It's really none of my business"
"Except we're partners"
"Yeah, there's that..."
"And you...told me about your socks"
"Sex. Socks. Pretty much the same word"
"Do we have a case, or are you just visiting?"
"Yeah, I'll fill you in on the way. It's messy, better get some protection"
"Let me get my gumboots"
"Yeah. I'm gonna need a flashier tie"

Episodio 2x16 - Nota 9 2017-04-02 14:28:10

"No Bones, no Bones. I... was the second 'Bones'." Preciosa demais ♥

Episodio 2x16 - Nota 9 2017-04-02 14:33:00

"Give it time, Bones, okay? Give it time. Everything happens eventually."
"All the stuff, okay, that you think never happens, it happens. You just gotta be ready for it"

Acho que essa fala do Booth é de longe a minha favorita da série. Cheia de significados ♥

Episodio 2x18 - Nota 9 2017-04-02 16:47:32


Episodio 2x20 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-02 20:16:23

Booth: You believe in love, don't you?
Brennan: I believe that dopamine and norepinephrine simulate euphoria because of certain biological triggers like scent, symmetrical features...
Booth: Symmetrical features.
Brennan: Yes, it's an indication of a good breeder. You appear to be a very good breeder.
Moço que não sei o nome: How long have you two been going out?
Brennan: What?
Brennan & Booth: We're... We're partners.
Moço: Me and my partner talk baseball.

"I'm not as cold as everyone thinks, Booth" eu sei, meu anjinho :(

Hodgins e Zack recriando o assassinato dskfjnsk eu amo esses dois juntos :/


Episodio 2x21 - Nota 10 2017-04-02 21:42:02

"I'd like to marry you"
"Kinda sudden, Bones. Let me think about it"

Angie: Will you be my maid of honor?
Brennan: I'm completely, totally honored.
Angie: Really? I thought I'd have to tell you what a maid of honor...
Brennan: I don't even care how awful the bridesmaids' dresses are, I'm so glad you asked me.
Que amizade ♥

Hodgins: Hey man will you stand up for me on Saturday?
Booth: Sure, against who?
Hodgins: No, no I mean be my best man?
Booth: Sure, wow.
Hodgins: Yeah I know, big honor.
Booth: No, no yeah that, but you didn't give me much time to put a bachelor party together.
Hodgins: No, no. No bachelor party.
Brennan: Is that Hodgins?
Booth: Yeah, he wants me to be his best man. Well if there's no bachelor party what do you want me to do?
Hodgins: Stand there, make a toast, hand over the ring, tongue kiss the maid of honor at the reception when people clink glasses.
Booth: Nice. Excellent. Okay. So who's the maid of honor?
Hodgins: No idea, but most of Angela's friends are really hot.
Brennan: Well, I'm the maid of honor.
A cara do Booth nessa hora dkjfnskjgnfk


Episodio 3x1 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-02 23:49:57

O Booth pedindo o episódio quase todo pra ela ir junto com ele usjdkdjd e só de lembrar que no começo da série ele tava de má vontade com isso 💔 amo o desenvolvimento dos personagens dessa série, em tão pouco tempo já mudaram tanto!

E de fato, Zack is irreplaceable :(

Episodio 3x1 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-03 00:14:50

Zack: Why are you listening to my chest?
Booth: Because I thought you were dead.
Zack: Why?
Booth: Why? You're lying on a stainless table for dead people.
Zack: I got tired.
Booth: New rules, okay? Sleeping is for couches and beds, stuff like that.

Booth: Look, there's something else I gotta know and it's important. Are we solid?
Brennan: You and me? Yeah.
Booth: No, not just you and me. Squints too. Zack is back for good. Angela and Hodgins have their head back in the game. Cam, she's locked in.
Brennan: Why are you asking me this?
Booth: Because, you and me, we are the center.
Brennan: And the center must hold.
Booth: So, are we gonna hold?
Brennan: Yeah. We'll hold. We're the center.
Booth: The center.

Episodio 3x2 - Nota 9 2017-04-03 09:43:40

Angela 💖
Esse final deles sentados na escada, tão lindo < 3

Episodio 3x3 - Nota 8 2017-04-03 10:27:26

"I'll tell you why: here we are, all of us, basically alone, separate creatures, just circling each other, all searching for that slightest hint of a real connection. Some look in the wrong places, some... they just give up hope because, in their mind, they're thinking, 'oh, there's nobody out there for me', but all of us, we keep trying over and over again. Why? Because every once in a while... every once in a while, two people meet and there's that spark, and yes, Bones, he's handsome and she's beautiful, maybe that's all they see at first, but making love... making love... that's when two people become one"
"It is scientifically impossible for two objects to occupy the same space"
"Yeah, but what's important is we try, and when we do it right, we get close"
"To what? Breaking the laws of physics?"
"Yeah, Bones a miracle. Those people with their role-playing and their fetishes and their little sex games, it's crappy sex, well, you know, at least compared to the real thing"
"You're right"
"Yeah, but... Wait a second, I just won that argument?"


Episodio 3x4 - Nota 9 2017-04-03 11:32:39

Sweets ♥
E pensar que eu não ia com a cara dele quando vi pela primeira vez jsdkfnsdkfn mas ele é um amor :(

Episodio 3x4 - Nota 9 2017-04-03 11:46:53

Booth: We agreed to see another therapist, not be action figures for a 12-year-old.
Sweets: I'm 22, Agent Booth. I have a doctorate in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, where my dissertation on the effects of job stress was published.
Booth: That's great. I'm sure your mother is really proud of you, Sweets.

E assim nasce um dos maiores brotps dessa série ♥

Angie: Is it always like this when you two are together?
Brennan: Yes.
Booth: No.
Angie: It's kinda hot.

Sweets: Must be a challenge for you to access those feelings.
Brennan: Okay, stop. You don't know Booth. You don't know me, you have a limited view of us based on superficial data you've accumulated on a standardized questionnaire, and a subjective analysis from talking to us that is not at all scientific, so back off.
Sweets: Just trying to help.
Brennan: By questioning his humanity?
Booth: Okay, Bones, now you're going a little bit overboard. He's just a kid. Right? I mean, the worst thing that's probably ever happened to him was he lost at Mortal Kombat.

Sweets: Are you normally this protective of him, Dr. Brennan?
Brennan: We are partners. Our lives depend on being protective of each other.
Sweets: And you feel the same way, Agent Booth?
Booth: Sweets, I can only hope that one day you know what a real partnership is.
Sweets: You two are very close, that was evident in your superficial, standardized questionnaire and my unscientific observations.
Booth: Yeah?
Sweets: You complement each other.
Booth: No, she never compliments me. Did you compliment me in the questionnaire?
Brennan: "Complement," not "compliment." "Ple." He means that we complete each other, as a team.
Sweets: There's clearly a very deep emotional attachment between you two.
Booth: We're just partners.
Sweets: And why do you think I would have thought otherwise?
Booth: 'Cause you're 12.
Brennan: Don't read into anything that Booth said. We're professionals. There's a line that doesn't even need to be there.
Booth: Not at all, I mean, if there were no more murders, I would probably not even, you know, see her.
Brennan: That's very true.
Booth: Might have coffee.
Brennan: Probably not.
Booth: What?
Brennan: What?
Booth: You wouldn't even have coffee with me?
Brennan: Well, in your scenario, we wouldn't even know each other because there are no murders.
Booth: Were. I said "no more murders."
Brennan: Then fine. I mean, we could have a coffee. So that's clear, then? I mean, we'd have coffee and that's our relationship? Coffee.
Booth: Yeah, let's move on.


Episodio 3x5 - Nota 10 2017-04-03 12:28:20

ESSE EPISÓDIO É UM CLÁSSICO! Amo forte sdkfjnskgjn Os gritinhos do Booth, ele com medo de palhaços, sem contar nas fantasias.

Zack: I will be the back end of a cow.
Hodgins: So, no costume?

Brennan: Torture dungeon. Muahahahaha.
Booth: Yeah, okay. Clown, scary.
Not you.

Booth: Wow!
Brennan: How do I look?
Booth: Good! Wonder-ful. Get it?
Brennan: Yeah.
Booth: 'Cause you're Wonder Woman.

"Now can you see why I hate clowns?"

Brennan: We could be Wonder Woman and Clark Kent after a really, really bad date.
Booth: Yeah, bad date because you shot me.
Brennan: It was only a flesh wound. And you dropped me on my head.
Booth: After you shot me. Okay, I think I got you on this one. Okay, Wonder Woman?
Brennan: I'm sorry you had to kill someone. I know you hate that.
Booth: Yeah, he had it coming.
Brennan: You hate it. I'm sorry that happened to you.
Booth: We saved the girl. That's a pretty good date.
Brennan: Except not really a date.
Booth: I know. It was...
Brennan:... work. Not a date.
Booth: Really, really hard one.
Brennan: And we're not really Wonder Woman and Clark Kent. We're Brennan and Booth.
Booth: Look, you're the one who brought up the date analogy.

Episodio 3x6 - Nota 10 2017-04-03 14:18:56

Booth: We are not looking for gorgonzola today!
Brennan: Gormogon. Gor-mo-gon.

Brennan: Wait, you have a password?
Booth: Yeah, Cam's. What? She won't mind. I know your password too. It's daffodil.
Brennan: I never told you that!
Booth: What? I got eyes. I mean you guys aren't exactly CIA material.
Hodgins: Daffodil?
Brennan: What? They're pretty.
Brennan: I'm changing my password.
Booth: Daisy?
Brennan: How did you know?
Booth: It's your second favorite flower. I know you Bones. Try a planet... Jupiter!

Booth: I'll tell you what else I know. What you're taking hard is, uh, the fact that it happened in your house.
Brennan: It's not my house!
Booth: Not where you sleep! Okay, you're favorite place, the house of reason, the Jeffersonian.
Brennan: No. It's not my favorite place.
Booth: Yes, it is.
Brennan: What, no it's not... How do you know?
Booth: Daffodil. Daisy. Jupiter. Okay, I'll tell you what else I know, you were hoping that it was gorgonzola.
Brennan: Gormogon.
Brennan: I'm offended! Because...
Booth: Because you were betrayed by one of your own.
Brennan: Yes. Are you going to betray me?
Booth: No.

Episodio 3x7 - Nota 10 2017-04-03 15:13:37

Sweets: Wow. With you people, it's really go, go, go, isn't it?
Hodgins: We're catching murderers.
Sweets: And that is so dope, alright? I'm running up a profile right now to help. I love being in the field.
Hodgins: Uh, you're in a secure lab.
Sweets: Dude, for eight hours a day, I'm surrounded by neurotics. Okay, to me, this is fieldwork. Uh, no offense, Dr. Brennan. I'll finish the profile.

Sweets ♥

Brennan: Did you bring that for me?
Booth: No.
Brennan: Good, because it's the wrong Smurf. I liked Smurfette. That's Brainy Smurf.
Booth: Well, Smurfette was a stupid, shallow Smurf who only had her looks. Look, you're better than Smurfette. You have your looks and a whole lot more.
Brennan: You did bring that for me to charm me in case I didn't find your humiliation story impressive, but I did, so...
Booth: Aha! So I did impress you.
Brennan: That's what impressive means, dummy. You're such a Philistine.
Booth: I'll tell you what. You can hold on to this, and it will remind you how far I've come.
Brennan: I forgive you for snorting, Booth.
Booth:: Evolution is a long, long process. It takes hundreds of years.
Brennan: Thousands.
Booth: Why do you have to always correct me?
Brennan: To help you evolve.


Episodio 3x8 - Nota 10 2017-04-03 16:14:57

A Brennan gritando na hora de mentir dslkfnsdkjfnsfg
Eu amo tanto essa série, meu deus. Booth preocupado com ela é a minha coisa favorita. O beijo no rosto ♥

Episodio 3x9 - Nota 10 2017-04-03 17:32:46

"Santa myth is based on blackmail: be good or you won't get any presents" euuuuu

Ai, como eu amo esse episódio! Além de ser de Natal, o final dele é maravilhoso, um dos meus preferidos da série. Sem contar no beijo né sdlkfmsdklf eu acho hilário demais a reação deles e a Caroline toda sem graça. jdknsdkj "Thanks for the gum"

"Congratulations. I hear you have a suspect in the Santa slaying"
"Yeah. Well, it looks like the Easter Bunny has nothing to worry about"

Episodio 3x10 - Nota 9 2017-04-03 18:12:46


Episodio 3x11 - Nota 9 2017-04-03 19:11:27

"Why would I kill R.J.? Why would I kill the golden goose?"
"He wasn’t a goose. He was a man"
ahh Brennan ♥ sajkdfndkjf

O Hodgins com o liquidificador da Cam e a experiência dele com o Zack, amo

Episodio 3x12 - Nota 10 2017-04-03 20:15:35

"Just because I have breasts doesn't mean that I have magical powers over infants. You're the one with the son"
Brennan me representando com essa falta de jeito pra cuidar de criança.

O Booth com a chupeta sakjfndkjfndfk

"We will find out what happened to your mother. I promise. You know, Booth is an excellent investigator and, I don't like to boast, but I am the best in my field. What do you want? Ah. How, how about some visual and auditory stimulation? Okay. Let's see. Phalanges, phalanges, phalanges, dancing phalanges, dancing phalanges. ooth thinks bones are dry and boring, but... show me your phalanges!"

Episodio 3x13 - Nota 9 2017-04-03 21:13:25

Booth: How ya doing there, Bones?
Brennan: When it looked like my father might go free I got... This is very confusing for me.
Booth: You liked the idea of him beating the murder charge.
Brennan: Yes. But he did it. We both know my father did it.
Booth: Bones, wanting your father to come home instead of going to prison, that's... that's okay.
Brennan: But what I do... what we do is put murders like him away.
Booth: Okay. You're not Dr. Brennan today. You're Temperance.
Brennan: I don't know what that means.
Booth:: The scientist part of you got sidelined, temporarily.
Brennan: I still don't know what that means.
Booth: Bones, just, take the brain, okay, put it in neutral. Alright? Take the heart, pop it into overdrive.
Brennan: Sometimes I think you're from another planet. And sometimes I think you're really very nice. ♥

"I've worked with this woman. I've stood over death with her, I've faced down death with her. And Sweets, he's brilliant, he is, but he's wrong. She could not have done this"

Episodio 3x14 - Nota 10 2017-03-25 15:30:36

Booth: Everybody thinks they're the next Kelly Clarkson.
Brennan: Who's Kelly Clarkson?
Booth: American Idol, "Because of You?"
Brennan: Because of me?

Bebê 💖

Brennan: Yes, of course. Since I am the best in my field, it would be self destructive for me to work with someone who's beneath me.
Booth: Oh. Okay. Well that's good. 'Cause, um, you know, I have to be honest here. Sometimes I think that you think you're better than me.
Brennan: Well, objectively, I am more intelligent...
Booth: There you go...
Brennan: In certain areas, and in others... I understand my limitations, and I... admire your expertise.
Booth: You admire me? ♥

"Because you cut the cheese" isdjkfnfkjgfn

Episodio 3x15 - Nota 10 2017-04-03 23:59:14

Booth: The next time I die, I promise that I will tell you.
Brennan: I'll look forward to that.
Booth: Me too.

Booth: Bones broke into my house last night, all angry...
Brennan: There was a key!
Booth: ...because no one told her that I was dead. And I was just following protocol.
Sweets: Broke into your house?
Brennan: There was a key.
Booth: And barged into my bathroom.
Sweets: What were you doing?
Brennan: He was drinking beer and reading a comic book.
Booth: I was taking a bath.
Sweets: You read comics and drink beer naked?
Booth: Wait a second. Bones bursts into MY bathroom, alright, and I'm weird for being naked?

Precisamos falar de:
- O quanto eu acho hilário o tapa da Brennan no Booth quando ela vê que ele ta vivo;
- O Booth mandando ela bater no Sweets por ele ter escondido a verdade dela;
- Brennan irritada é uma coisa que eu amo ver.
- A Emily é uma atriz MUITO BOA. Muito mesmo. Amo ver como ela consegue expressar os sentimentos (reprimidos ou não) da Brennan.

Episodio 4x1 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-04 11:51:40


"Wexler is not special. You are" 💖
"You think I'm special?"
"Of course I think you're special, yes"

Episodio 4x2 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-04 12:09:41

"Thank you Sir Seeley"
"It's a pleasure, Lady Temperance"

Episodio 4x3 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-04 12:48:56

Daisy 💖

Episodio 4x3 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-04 12:54:41

Booth: You know what? If Mark and Jason don't know how lucky they are, they don't deserve you in the first place.
Brennan: All relationships are temporary.
Booth: No, that's not true, Bones. You're wrong. Okay, there is someone for everyone. Someone you're meant to spend the rest of your life with. All right? You just have to be open enough to see it. That's all. Come on, I'll buy you dinner. Hey, I can be fun in a strictly conversational setting.
Sweets: See? Surrogate relationship.
Booth: Surrogate nothing. Okay? It's a meal. With drinks. Just strictly conversational.
Sweets: I can come, too.
Brennan: Actually, our partnership does make it difficult to form other bonds. No offense.
Sweets: Our session isn't over yet.
Booth: How about Chinese?
Brennan: I feel more like Thai.
Booth: Thai? I got coupons to Hop Li.
Brennan: What, you're gonna take me out for a discount meal?
Booth: What? There's two for one, and then they throw in some...


Episodio 4x4 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-04 13:25:56

Booth: The dog should be, you know, in the cage. He killed Seth Elliot.
Brennan: It's not his fault. He's actually a very nice dog, aren't you? He reminds me of you.
Booth: Me?
Brennan: He's got warm and reassuring brown eyes, and he's capable of great violence. Booth: Hey, great. Thanks a million.

A Brennan falando do Ripley no final, com certeza pensando no Zack :(

Episodio 4x5 - Nota 9 2017-04-04 13:59:58

Brennan: But I don't want to be a writer anymore.
Booth: Oh, why? Because of what that publisher said? He was an idiot, did you see his glasses?
Brennan: But I don't wanna be a sexy scientist.
Booth: Well that's like me saying I don't want to be a sexy FBI agent. We can't change who we are

Booth: "Suspenseful, and chilling. Temperance Brennan leads the pack." "Anthropology has never been more exciting"
Brennan: You memorized my reviews?
Booth: Angela can scan these, and get them back on your computer.
Brennan: You know my reviews, Booth, but do you read my books?
Booth: Every single word.

Episodio 4x6 - Nota 9 2017-04-04 15:26:31

Angie: We just ended a relationship that was intense, both emotionally and sexually. Now rather than intense we’re just... plain tense. We don’t look at each other, everything is fraught with meaning. Brennan, you’re supposed to say something.
Brennan: Oh, I’m sorry. What am I supposed to say?
Angie: Something that will make me feel better.
Brennan: Oh, huh. Um, well, both Hodgins and you mean a lot to me, but since you’re my best friend, I... I guess I could fire Hodgins.
Angie: What? No. I... I don’t want you to fire him.
Brennan: That’s good, cause I would have disliked doing that.
Angie: Yeah, of course. Thank you, though, for the offer. It was... it was very sweet.
Brennan: So, I helped?
Angie: Oh, absolutely, sweetie. Thank you.

A cara da Brennan de felicidade por ter "ajudado" foi impagável sdjknskgjn e o Booth com a cadeira ♥

Episodio 4x8 - Nota 9 2017-04-04 15:29:24

Daisy e Sweets é algo tão fofinho ♥
Ao contrário de muita gente que assiste, eu amo a Daisy e pra mim ela é uma das melhores estagiárias.

Episodio 4x9 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-04 16:52:09

A Brennan defendendo o Booth e empurrando o Jared da cadeira ♥

Episodio 4x10 - Nota 10 2017-04-04 17:43:25


Episodio 4x10 - Nota 10 2017-04-04 17:46:49

Booth: Bones... All right, what I want you to do is take off your glasses, shake out your hair and say, "Mr. Booth, do you know what the penalty is for an overdue book?"
Brennan: Why?
Booth: Never mind

Booth: You want to get off the plane, to see those old Chinese bones. I’m sorry.
Brennan: It’s not your fault.
Booth: Yeah, it is, because I’m the one that dragged you out of pure science and pulled you into murder solving.
Brennan: That’s not how I remember it.
Booth: Really?
Brennan: Yes. As I recall, I had to force you to take me into the field.
Booth: Really?
Brennan: Yes. You didn’t want to, remember? This is all my fault.
Eli: Hey, are you two gonna make out?
Booth: Hey, quiet. You lost your right to talk.
Brennan: Why do people always think we’re going to make out? (POR QUE SERÁ)
Booth: I say we let him sit back there the entire trip back, by himself.
Brennan: He did kill someone. And he ruined my dig. Plus, you know he’s gonna try to drink all the champagne.
Booth: We’re going to need some for later. To us.

Episodio 4x11 - Nota 10 2017-04-04 20:18:29

Max: Can I ask you a question?
Booth: Sure.
Max: Are you sleeping with my daughter?
Booth: NO!
Max: Why not? Are you gay?
Booth: What? NO!
Max: She's not attractive enough?
Booth: Bones is beautiful.
Max: Is it because of me? Because I killed one man? We both know he deserved it.

Max representando a todos nós.

Episodio 4x12 - Nota 10 2017-04-04 21:13:17

Outro episódio clássico!!!
E eles discutindo no trailer sobre ser apertado/bagunçado? "Don't blame gravity for your lack of tidiness"
A Cara da Cam no computador foi tudo kdjsnfkdsjfn
Eu amo tanto esses episódios undercover que nem sei.
A Brennan toda animada com o numero de facas parecia uma criança ♥

Episodio 4x13 - Nota 10 2017-04-04 22:12:54

"We're Booth's people"

"Let's get this popsicle back to the lab"
"Hey, look at that. Bones made a joke"
"I can be quite amusing"

"Bones? What you're doing in the ice?"
"Well, I get nervous when you fall down and don't get up"

"I gotta stay up all night so who better to keep me company than you?"

"You're gonna make me fall"
"I'll never make you fall, I'm right here"

"You're the only FBI agent I want to work with"


Episodio 4x14 - Nota 10 2017-04-05 09:43:58

"If any group of people can murder someone... and get away with it... it would be us"
Eu amo minha família do Jeffersonian ♥

Episodio 4x15 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-05 10:22:01

EU ADORO ESSE EPISÓDIO!! O caso é bem simples, mas os diálogos dele são sensacionais demais. Eu amo muito o Fisher, meu deus ♥

Episodio 4x15 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-05 10:26:21

"Look, there's no one I trust more to get my back and crack it, than you"

Fisher: Okay, I admit it, I'm a geek
Brennan: You're Greek?
Angie: No, geek, sweetie.

Booth: So why wasn't Perotta with you?
Brennan: I was with Sweets.
Booth: That's like being protected by a Smurf.

Perotta: How are you, Agent Booth?
Booth: The only reason that I'm not coming in right now is because Bones told me not to. But she is your responsibility. Nothing can happen to her, okay? If anything happens to her, you know, that silky black hair and... that soft skin...

Perotta: In the meantime, please don't go out in the field without me.
Brennan: I don't need a sitter. Booth gets needlessly protective sometimes. I have no idea why.
Perotta: You really don't, do you?
Brennan: No.

Sweets: Oh, uh, hey, since we shared this brush with death, Dr. Brennan, I was wondering if I could also call you "Bones" in future moments of shared camaraderie?
Brennan: Don't call me "Bones"

Episodio 4x16 - Nota 9 2017-04-05 11:03:34

Eles discutindo pra ver quem ia dirigir o carro ♥
Acho esse caso meio meh, mas os ossos derretendo é interessante.

Episodio 4x18 - Nota 9 2017-04-05 11:58:38

Booth: Did you know that giraffes can weigh up to two tons?
Brennan: Yes, everyone knows that.
Booth: And they sleep less than two hours a day.
Brennan: That I did not know.
Booth: Yes! Pinky stumps the Brain.

Cam e Michelle ♥

A Angie nesse episódio tava sensacional.

Episodio 4x19 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-05 12:54:29

"You know, you're the only smart person I really like" < 3

Booth: We just got to stop hanging out with geniuses because you're going to figure out that I'm really stupid.
Brennan: What? Don't worry about that. I figured out a long time ago how stupid you are. What I just said is true and yet it really sounded wrong. What I should say is I don't care how stupid you are... It's not any better?
Booth: No. No. Not at all.
Brennan: Well, there is intelligence that I have and Mr. Nigel-Murray. And...Sweets...even though his is so misdirected as to be meaningless. And Hodgins, and Angela... not so much but she's very talented. But then there's another quality which is the ability to use intelligence. That is what you have.
Booth: Thanks, Bones


Episodio 4x20 - Nota 10 2017-04-05 14:50:47

"Women from Amazonian Tribes expressed their love by spitting in their partners. I hope we've progressed past that" hahaha

Booth: Okay, you know what? Sometimes love trumps logic.
Brennan: Love is a chemical process which causes delusion. An intellectuality rigorous person would never get married.
Booth: Never say never. 💖

"Just because I don't want to take port in meaningless ritual doesn't mean that I'm not a warm and affectionate person" A Brennan sou eu

Brennan: You know, intellectually I know that jealousy is absurd. But I see that it's real for people. I even experience it myself.
Booth: So... who are you jealous of?
Brennan: Angela. Hodgins. Cam. You.
Booth: Why?
Brennan: Because you all want to lose yourself in another person. You believe that love is transcendent and eternal. I want to believe that too.
Booth: Hey, you will. I promise. Someday you will. You will someday, okay? You will.
(You will, endeed)

Episodio 4x20 - Nota 10 2017-04-05 14:52:44

O Booth tirando a Brennan dos lugares pra ela não falar sobre a Daisy jdkfnsdkjfnsf Eu amo esse episódio.

Episodio 4x21 - Nota 9 2017-04-05 15:22:06

A BRENNAN NO INTERROGATÓRIO MARAVILHOSA a cara do Booth vendo tudo idjdkdksjd ai eu amo meu ship.

O Clark interpretando a vítima jddkdkkdkkk

O Gordon Gordon cozinhando pra eles no final 💖

Sweets é filho de B&B não tem jeito

Episodio 4x22 - Nota 10 2013-02-03 02:20:26

Esse episódio nunca perde a graça.

Episodio 4x22 - Nota 10 2017-04-05 16:13:42

Esse é, de longe, o episódio mais engraçado da série e sem duvida tá no meu top 5. A primeira vez que eu vi eu quase tive uma síncope de tanto rir e toda vez que vejo eu rio como se fosse a primeira. Eles roubando o corpo enquanto o Hodgins faz o discurso, usando o termo "translated" pra assassinado, Hodgins se chamando de King of the Funeral... é uma tirada melhor que a outra. Geralmente tenho a mania de escrever meus quotes favoritos nos comentários dos episódios, mas se eu fosse fazer isso aqui, ia ter que quotar quase o episódio todo.

Episodio 4x23 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-05 16:35:29

Brennan: No, I just mean that we should be designed so that we can handle the worst
Booth: We are designed that way. We aren't sent anything that we can't handle.
Brennan: I'm not convinced that loving someone is worth it.
Booth: I got a son, and it's worth it.
Brennan: Even if he died?
Booth: Whoa. Bones, don't even say anything like that. Don't even put that out there. It is worth it, and everything around it is worth it. Every moment, everything... is worth it, so eat the ice cream before it melts.

Episodio 4x23 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-05 16:41:22

Amo essas coisas que o Booth fala pra Brennan. Ela pode não acreditar nas mesmas coisas que ele, pode achar que a maior parte das crenças dele são besteiras ou algo bobo de acreditar no meio de toda a lógica que faz parte dela. Mas você vê, que mesmo não acreditando no que ele diz, ela reflete sobre isso, tenta ver pelo ponto de vista dele e consegue absorver parte disso. A mudança dela é bem notória desde o primeiro episódio e é algo feito de forma tão sutil ao decorrer dos episódios que se torna natural. Uma das coisas que eu mais amo nessa série é o jeito que trabalham com a evolução da Brennan, isso é lindo, e vocês ainda não viram nada. ♥

Episodio 4x24 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-05 17:16:05

O final desse episódio vale por tudo. A cena dela correndo, gargalhando e falando "we're bad" como uma criancinha feliz me deixa toda boba. Obrigada ao Booth por existir e por tratar a Brennan desse jeito fofo < 3 /2

Episodio 4x25 - Nota 10 2017-04-05 18:14:13

Sweets: The point of the exercise is not to explain, but to respond. Okay? Children can do this.
Brennan: Because it’s childish.
Sweets: Can we just try it, please?
Booth: All right, okay, fine, here we go. Are you ready? Hunger.
Brennan: Sex.
Booth: Whoa.
Brennan: Horse.
Booth: Cowboy.
Brennan: Child.
Booth: Baby.
Brennan: Booth.
Booth: What? Do you think I’m a baby?
Brennan: You’re a father.
Booth: Oh. Mother.
Brennan: Birth.
Booth: Happy.
Brennan: Sperm.
Booth: Sperm? Isn’t this getting a little weird?
Sweets: No, keep going.
Booth: Okay. Egg.
Brennan: I want a baby.
Booth: Whoa.
Brennan: Horse.

Brennan: I know people disapprove. If you’re uncomfortable, Fisher sells his sperm monthly, he’s very intelligent and...
Booth: Oh, Fisher? Oh, no, you are not having Fisher’s kids. You’d be giving birth to the spawn of Satan.

Booth: Would you come in there with me, to the operating room?
Brennan: No, I’ll see you in Recovery.
Booth: Oh, come on, what are you gonna do, sit in the waiting room and read all those old magazines for hours?
Brennan: I’m not a neurologist, Booth, or a surgeon.
Booth: Yeah, but you’re a genius. That’s good enough for me. ♥

Episodio 4x25 - Nota 10 2017-04-05 18:15:11

Esse episódio é muito hilário. Eu rio tanto da cena de todo mundo no laboratório quando a Brennan diz que quer ter um filho do Booth dkjsfnsdkfjnsdkjn

Episodio 4x26 - Nota 9 2017-04-05 18:43:06

O que eu mais gosto nesse episódio é ver os personagens como pessoas totalmente diferentes bsjdjdjdks o Sweets como barman é otimo

Episodio 5x1 - Nota 10 2017-04-05 21:43:23


Nesse episódio rola um tiro atrás do outro, meu jesus. Já começando no início, com eles recebendo a Brennan no laboratório. A Cam perguntando se podia abraçar ela, o Hodgins abraçando ela feliz da vida, ela sentando em cima do Booth sem querer e os dois partindo pro abraço ♥

"You're in love with Dr. Brennan" Cam mostrando o que todos nós sabemos.

"Ok, I got it. I got it. Just relax. Just trust me, alright? I'll take care of you. Shhh. I've got you. Breathe. I'll take care of you. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. I got you. I've got you, baby"

Avalon ♥

Episodio 5x2 - Nota 10 2017-04-05 23:47:41

Brennan: It stinks.
Booth: Yeah. Well you smell dead bodies and this stinks? Okay.

Essa cena final me destroi todinha, eu amo muito eles dois :(
O que eles fizeram pelo Wendell ♥ Ele é um dos meus estagiários favoritos.

Episodio 5x3 - Nota 9 2017-04-05 23:49:36

"You know what? You could make Santa Claus cry. You really could"

A Cam com a Michelle sdifjknsdfkjn ♥

Episodio 5x4 - Nota 10 2017-04-05 23:55:51

"I want to see the barbecued body"

Brennan: That's an excellent syllogism.
Parker: She thinks I'm silly?

Parker: Couldn't you be his girlfriend?
Booth: Buddy, you really gotta quit that.
Brennan: That would be inappropriate.
Parker: Why?
Brennan: Because... we work together.
Parker: That's a stupid reason.

Booth: Nope, Parker is right. You're awesome, Bones.
Brennan: Yeah. I'm awesome.

Somos todos o Parker.

Episodio 5x5 - Nota 10 2017-04-06 00:00:41

Esse episódio é um dos meus favoritos! Esse caso é maravilhoso.

Brennan: Oh, The Mummy, 1932.
Cam: You don't know who Britney Spears is, but you know this movie.

Brennan: Why are you so upset?
Booth: Because... what goes on between us is ours.

Brennan: I have to speak. I hate these things.
Booth: What are you talking about, Bones? You're great at these things. Listen, you changed history. How many people can say that?
Brennan: You can. Every arrest you make changes history. You make the world safer.
Booth:: With your help. So, Andrew... I thought you were going to take him to this thing. That's what he told me.
Brennan: I was, yes, but... you and I... This was our case and I guess... What goes on between us, that should just be ours. Isn't that what you said?

Episodio 5x6 - Nota 8 2017-04-06 10:09:07

Acho esse episódio bem zzz
A melhor parte é quando jogam pena neles dkdkdnkdnd

Episodio 5x7 - Nota 10 2017-04-06 10:53:38

"Temperance Brennan. You're in love with her. You're building a world around her, a family"

Gordon Gordon ♥

Episodio 5x8 - Nota 10 2017-04-06 11:33:14

Sarah ♥

Episodio 5x8 - Nota 10 2017-04-06 11:40:14

Pops: And don't worry... if you ever need a little privacy with the bone doctor, I'll make myself scarce.
Booth: Ok, thanks. But there's nothing going on between us.
Pops: You gay?
Booth: What? No.
Pops: She's a keeper. You should listen to me.

Pops: No, I like her. She's real. She's got balls.
Brennan: Well, ovaries actually.
Pops: Well alright. You got a pair of steel ovaries.
Brennan: Thank you.

Pops: She's got talent, charm, beauty, money. And you're just friends? I didn't raise you very well.

Pops: You remember what I told you.
Brennan: I remember
Pops: He's big and strong. But he's gonna need someone. Everyone needs someone. Don't be scared.
Brennan: Scared? What? I'm not scared of anything.
Pops: It all goes by so fast. You don't want any regrets.
Brennan: I don't understand.
Pops: Yes you do. Give me a hug.
Pops: Now listen. You remember? It's all in there. Everything you need to know. You just do what it tells you.
Booth: I love you, Pops.
Pops: I love you.

Booth: What did he say to you?
Brennan: Nothing. Just saying goodbye. You?
Booth: Me? Uh... nothing. Just... be a good boy. Stuff like that. We should go.
Brennan: Yeah.
Booth: I like that thing around your neck.
Brennan: What?
Booth: That thing that you're wearing around your neck. It looks really good.
Brennan: Oh. You've seen it before.
Booth: I don't think so.
Brennan: Well...thanks.
Booth: Sure.

Episodio 5x9 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-06 18:53:03

Boum-chica-au-au hsjsjdkdkdkk
Sweets, Fisher e Hodgins juntos AMO

"I don't understand your system, but I know it works..."

Eles discutindo o que era esporte ou não jskkkkkk fofos :(

Episodio 5x10 - Nota 10 2017-04-06 20:15:08

ZOOEY DESCHANEL ♥ Amo ver as duas juntas, melhores irmãs! Queria mais episódios com elas.

A Brennan tirando a roupa do Booth, ele contando santos e a Cam entrando na sala, eu passo mal dkfljdmslkfm

Todo mundo junto no natal é maravilhoso. Essa olhada que eles dão um pro outro, eu não aguento.

Episodio 5x10 - Nota 10 2017-04-06 20:22:46

"I'm sorry, Booth, but you're evidence now"

Brennan: I have to remove your pants.
Booth: All right, you know, I'm just gonna start reciting some saints, you know. St. Joseph, St. Peter, St. Paul, St. John...

Angie: Uh, are we doing experiments on Booth? Because if so, I'd like to help.
Booth: Make fun of the naked guy... knock yourself out.

"It's an uncanny resemblance. You're practically sisters"

Margaret: His eyes are too small to be really handsome.
Brennan: Well, I have to admit, I... find him pleasing to look at.

Brennan: Unwanted advice? You... you have to stop quoting Benjamin Franklin at me.
Margaret: Why?
Brennan: Well, I have no evidence of this, but I feel that every time you do that, it's not actually communication. I feel the same way when people tell jokes.

Max: Tempe, this is your gathering. Wouldn't you like to say something?
Brennan: Oh, um... Thank you, everyone, for coming. Let's eat.

Episodio 5x11 - Nota 10 2017-04-06 20:30:42


Booth: You know, I won't say anything about the scream if you don't say anything about the gun.
Brennan: Those terms are satisfactory.

Booth: Oh, you just said that aliens are nice.
Brennan: I did not.
Booth: You just basically said that aliens are nice anthropologists.
Brennan: I don't think so.
Booth: You think the aliens are you.
Brennan: You got me. You know, I'm one of them.
Booth: I knew it.
Brennan: I was sent down as an advance scout.
Booth: I knew it!

Episodio 5x12 - Nota 10 2017-04-06 22:26:12

Nossa muito obrigada por esse comentário! Eu até prefiro a demora, porque a série é além de ship, é sobre o companheirismo, a amizade, a evolução dos dois como pessoas ao decorrer dos anos, as coisas que eles superam juntos e ir desenvolvendo isso da forma que eles fazem nessa série é muito melhor do que fazer o casal ficar junto logo de cara. Sem contar que eles fazem de um jeito que não fica de enrolação. Enrolação pra mim seria se ficassem naquele fica junto-separa.

Episodio 5x12 - Nota 10 2017-04-06 23:23:36

Cam: Strange question, I know, but I gotta ask: are you by any chance pregnant?
Brennan: No. I haven't had sexual intercourse in quite some time.
Cam: Do you want to know why I'm asking?
Brennan: You're holding a home pregnancy test. I assume it's positive and you're worried about losing the most important person in this lab.

Cam: Is there any way I could just persuade you to look at these and guess cause of death? Brennan: Guess?
Cam: I need to get home to kill Michelle.

Angie: This is the first time I have ever been as paranoid as Hodgins.

Andrew: You mind telling me why it's so important you get in there?
Booth: They're my people.

Mr. White: You are not permitted to identify the victim.
Brennan: In order to recreate what happened to the skull, we need to encase it in flesh.
Angie: It's totally nondescript, as you can see.
Sweets: You know who I kind of see? Ricky Martin.
Hodgins: Alex Trebek.
Cam: James Garner.
Brennan: I see Booth.

Booth: Hey, guys, guys, listen. I'm gonna need some science, jibber jabber, to distract these guys.
Brennan: Oh, you know who can do jibber jabber?
Booth: Who?
Brennan: Me!
Booth: Perfect. My lucky day. Come on. All right.

Hodgins: I'm your guy. I love you. I love you and I want to help you in whatever way I can. If-if you want to move in together, if-if you want to get married...I'm here for you. And for the baby. In whatever role you need. ♥

Booth: You know, you must think I'm crazy for being so happy that it wasn't JFK.
Brennan: I'm very impressed. You wanted the truth, even if it was going to hurt you.
Booth: I learned that from you.

Eu amo esse episódio! Além dele ser um pouco tenso, é muito legal ver como a equipe toda se torna mais unida que o comum só pra contrariar a ordem desse pessoal que acha que pode chegar no laboratório e querer mandar em tudo e todos e de fato descobrir ir atrás da verdade.
O Booth dançando no começo foi impagável dsjkfnsdkgjnjk A Cam querendo matar a Michelle rendeu cenas engraçadas também e não canso de falar o quanto a Brennan é preciosa. ♥ Não tem nem duas semanas que a minha série acabou e eu já to morrendo de saudade, mesmo sem terminar de rever tudo ainda. :(

Episodio 5x13 - Nota 9 2017-04-07 10:19:57

Brennan: I... feel some anxiety.
Booth: Okay, about what?
Brennan: About your sudden abandonment of a belief system. Really, it's-it's making my stomach upset.
Booth: Okay, you know what? You are really just... Crack a window there, Bones, all right. Just get some air.
Brennan: You told me that my father's criminal past didn't matter, that the love between us was real and that was all that mattered. Because I believed you, my father and I have a relationship today.
Booth: Okay. I'm glad I could help out.
Brennan: But, I'm anxious because I can't see any meaningful difference between my father and your brother's girlfriend. Can you explain that to me? It's a question of logic, so I'm just going to be quiet now while you work your way through it.

Booth: Okay. I've really been thinking about what you said. What if I ruined it for him? What if he was really happy with her?
Brennan: I imagine you would never forgive yourself.
Booth: Thanks.
Brennan: Well, on the bright side, he might totally ignore you.
Booth: Great, thank you.
A Brennan sou eu tentando confortar as pessoas.

Brennan: When Booth and I first met, I didn't believe that such a thing as love existed. I maintained that it was simply brain chemistry. But, perhaps Booth is correct. Perhaps love comes first, and then creates the reaction. I have no tangible proof, but... I'm willing to accept Booth's premise.

A Cam com as aranhas sou eu todinha jdskfnsdkjgn Me identifiquei bastante.
Eu amo tanto o Vincent, ele é um dos meus estagiários preferidos

Episodio 5x14 - Nota 8 2017-04-07 10:24:20


Episodio 5x15 - Nota 10 2017-04-07 10:26:25

Ai, eu amo esse episódio! A japonesa seguindo eles pra todo canto, fazendo perguntas e a Brennan mandando ela anotar as partes importantes é ótimo sdlfkmsklgmsd
A Brennan reconhecendo que a Angela merecia uma porcentagem do que ela ganha com os livros e aumentando só por ela ser a melhor amiga dela ♥
Adoro também a referência aos livros dklsfndlnf já li uns e realmente é bem diferente da série, mas eles são bem legais também.

Pagina 187...

Episodio 5x16 - Nota 10 2013-05-19 23:57:05

“When you talk to older couples who, you know, have been in love for 30 or 40 or 50 years, alright, it’s always the guy who says, ‘I knew.’ I knew. Right from the beginning... I’m that guy. Bones, I’m that guy. I know.”

Episodio 5x16 - Nota 10 2017-04-07 10:45:06

De todas as séries que eu assisto/assisti, pra mim esse é o 100th episódio mais bonito e bem elaborado que eu já vi.
Amo ver o começo da história deles, de onde originou aquele relacionamento conturbado que eles tinham no início, como a Brennan e a Angela se conheceram, o temperamento do Hodgins... E o que eu mais gosto é a forma que misturaram a atualidade (deles contando a história pro Sweets) com o flashback, com isso você consegue perceber muito bem o quanto a união dessa equipe fez bem pra cada um deles com o decorrer do tempo.

Esse final esmaga meu coração (afinal o coração é um musculo que não pode ser quebrado etc etc etc), mas eu entendo muito o lado da Brennan. Não sei se sofro mais com o Booth chorando pela rejeição ou por ela chorando enquanto rejeita ele por medo de se entregar, mesmo claramente querendo ficar com ele :(

Eles se completam demais, embora sejam totalmente diferentes, eles tem um equilíbrio. Ele tem uma influência em desenterrar o lado mais emocional dela, enquanto ela faz ele tomar um melhor controle da vida.

Episodio 5x17 - Nota 10 2017-04-07 11:05:24

Mr. Buxley: You named the killer after me. I'da shed a tear if my duct worked proper.
Brennan: Awwww.
As caras do Booth pras cenas iniciais com o zelador kkkkkkkk

"I find I am uncomfortable with people who disliked me in high school" eu


A carinha dela enquanto eles dançavam juntos :( claramente ela queria não ter rejeitado ele no episódio passado

Brennan: Why are you so far away?
Booth: You know, just keeping room for the Holy Spirit.

Episodio 5x18 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-07 11:10:48

"So Brazil's a pretty expensive vacation for a schoolteacher" ata

Episodio 5x19 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-07 11:59:11


"That's our song" ♥

Episodio 5x19 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-07 12:04:29

Brennan: Our partnership is still important to me. You know that, right?
Booth: Sure. Yeah. Die for your, partner. That's the way I look at it.
Booth: Led Zeppelin is, like, the best rock and roll band ever. I mean, they had a reunion tour in '07 in London. I would have killed for those tickets.
Brennan: Really? My publisher offered me tickets, but when I heard "Zeppelin," I thought it was for some sort of air show.

Episodio 5x20 - Nota 10 2017-04-07 12:32:37

Booth: Want to know what I wished for?
Brennan: No, it doesn't matter. Completely irrelevant.
Booth: I wished... I wished that you could find happiness.
Brennan: I don't know what that means.
Booth: Happiness. Love, laughter, friendship, purpose... and a dance.
Brennan: Oh. Well, then thank you.

Angie e Hodgins ♥

Episodio 5x21 - Nota 10 2017-04-07 12:43:10

Caroline: So, how's your girlfriend holding up?
Booth: She's fine. She's not my girlfriend.
Caroline: Oh, so those little looks between you...
Booth: Nothing.
Caroline: Right. I hope you're more believeable on the stand.
hahaha ♥

Max: I was doing it for you.
Brennan: No! I don't want you to kill people for me! Just buy me a sweater, like a regular dad.

A cena do taxi :(

Episodio 5x22 - Nota 10 2013-05-17 21:24:22

Booth: "One year from today we meet at the reflecting pool on the mall, right by the..."
Brennan: "... coffee cart. I know. One year from today"

Episodio 5x22 - Nota 10 2017-04-07 22:55:20

Daisy: How angry would you be if it were not correct?
Brennan: You mean if I were wrong?
Daisy: I would never state it in those kind of bald terms.

Brennan: I'd like to accept.
Booth: I thought you already had. BRENNAN
Brennan: We've been partners for five years, Booth. I wouldn't make a decision like this without talking to you.
Booth: Bones, look, you don't need my permission. Okay, it's cool.
Brennan: You say that, but you won't look at me. You're the one who taught me the value of making eye contact. So, please...?
Booth: I'm sorry. I just... I don't do really good with change, I guess.
Brennan: Well, you're better than I am.
Booth: The pyramids are better at change than you are. It was a joke. Hey, I was being affectionate.
Brennan: Oh.
Booth: So, hey, what's a year?
Brennan: It's the time it takes the Earth to make a full revolution around the sun.

Booth: Sorry. Couldn't get a pass. I had to sneak off the base to come say good-bye. Listen, Bones, you got to be really careful in that Indonesian jungle, okay?
Brennan: Booth, in a week, you're going to a war zone. Please don't be a hero. Please just... don't be you.
Booth: One year from today, we meet at the reflecting pool on the mall. Right by the...
Brennan: cart. I know. One year from today.

Episodio 6x1 - Nota 10 2017-04-07 23:45:46

"I find it interesting that I'm only afraid of snakes when Booth is around to be jumped upon"

Caroline: Booth is coming, everyone is coming, but we need you, because you are the smartest.
Brennan: That's true, I am the smartest.

Booth: You beat up armed guerillas?
Brennan: I had to! You weren't there to save me.

Angie: Sweetie! Sweetie, can I get some attention over here?
Brennan: Yeah, it's very good to see you. Because you are my best friend and I love you like a sister. I assume, not having an actual sister to use as a control.
Brennan: Well, I already know how you are. You love living in Paris and you don't miss murders and violence.
Angie: What I did miss is... my period. I hope you're hugging me because you're excited about being an aunt.
Brennan: No, I'd have to be your sister to do that. Oh! Which I am, metaphorically.

A Brennan tendo conflito olho x cérebro kjdsfnsdkjfnjkkkkk que gracinha.
Falando em gracinha, eu queria dizer que está aberta a temporada de Emily Deschanel de franjinha e que essa é uma das melhores coisas que você vai ver nessa série. Idolatro muito mesmo esse cabelo, ainda mais lá pro meio da temporada ♥
A amizade da Brennan e da Angela é tão amorzinho. E o Hodgins todo bobo porque ia ser pai, gente... Eu amo todo mundo dessa série, não dá gente ♥
Outro momento ótimo foi a Brennan querendo abraçar a Caroline e ela assustada kjsadnddjkf

Episodio 6x2 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-08 17:14:52

Booth: Seven months ago you said you didn't want to be surround by the crime and death and sadness.
Brennan: Well, I needed time to rationally access the best use of my considerable skills. Factoring in that we have such a strong and mutually beneficial relationship I concluded that I could be most useful solving crimes.
Booth: Right. So your happy to be working together?
Brennan: That's what I just said.

Cam: So, what was it like to meet Hannah?
Brennan: Oh, she seems very pleasant and attractive. Her face fits comfortably within the golden ratio.
Hodgins: So, you guys did math together?
Brennan: No. The golden ratio is a formula that determines beauty, one to one point six one eight. For instance, the width of the mouth to the width of the cheeks...
Angie: So, she's hot?
Cam: I just assumed that when you guys got back for your trip that you'd be a real couple.
Brennan:: We were never a couple.
Angie: No, no, no. You were a couple. You just weren't having sex. Were you jealous.
Brennan: Of course not. I'm happy for Booth. Why would I be jealous?
Clark: Because its obvious you and Agent Booth were attracted to each other, I mean, even a blind man could see that. I just couldn't understand why you two did rip each others clothes off. I mean just get all butt naked and...

"Sometimes when I was away I would imagine us together" :(

"You're experiencing a rush of Dopamine, Norepinephrine and Serotonin with Hannah, those feelings are wonderful, I've felt them" You still do :(

Episodio 6x2 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-08 17:17:49

Eu achei hilário ser justamente ELE que não gosta de misturar a vida pessoal com a profissional falando essas coisas.

A Brennan falando que já fantasiou eles dois dskjfnsdkfns a cara do Sweets foi ótima.

Eu gosto da Hannah, ela é uma boa pessoa, mas ver ela com o Booth é horrível sdkfjnfkjdg Porém é ótimo porque a Brennan começa a perceber o arrependimento, por mais que tente negar o que sente, isso fica bem claro no final. E eu tenho mais vontade ainda de cuidar dela com essa franjinha porque ela fica muito fofa E TRISTE, eu não aguento isso

Episodio 6x3 - Nota 9 2017-04-08 19:02:54

Hannah: I wanted to get him something when I moved in, a present and... since you know him so well...
Brennan: A telephone. Get him a telephone!
Hannah: I was thinking something a little more personal.
Brennan: A vintage rotary phone. Booth loves them and hasn't been able to find the right one.
Hannah: Really?
Brennan: Yes. He's been looking. He says that's what a phone is supposed to be... indestructible and heavy enough to knock someone out.
Hannah: Yeah, that, that sounds like Seeley.
Brennan: His grandfather kept his rotary phone until it fell apart. Booth loved the feel of the Bakelite, the tick-tick-tick of the dial as it turned... he says the mechanics make it human.
Hannah: And lucky for me, he has a partner who knows him so well.

"I want you to be sure about this. About you and Booth moving in together. Booth will give himself to you completely. And it will be very painful for him if you aren't as serious about the relationship as he is" :(

Meus amigos, pra saber dessas coisas tem que ter um nível de amizade muito alto, viu? Só sofro mesmo já sabendo de tudo o que acontece.
A cara dela no final, eu não tô aguentando isso e ainda estamos no segundo episódio com a Hannah. E o pior de tudo é que não consigo odiar ela.
O "não-não" da Brennan quando o Booth sugeriu que os squints tivessem errados e as gírias foram ótimas.

Episodio 6x4 - Nota 9 2017-04-08 19:31:57

Booth: The perfect murder?
Brennan: I'm a forensic anthropologist. It would be odd if I didn't consider the perfect murder. First consideration, complete annihilation of the body. No body, no murder. Perfect.
Booth: So, let's talk about the perfect murder.
Brennan: Of course at this point, I'm simply being theoretical.
Booth: What do you... what do you mean "at this point"?
Brennan: Well there's so many variables in a person's life, it would be irrational to completely rule out the possibility of murdering someone.
Booth: No it's not. You say "I'm never gonna murder someone".
Brennan: I don't believe in absolutes.
Booth: Scary, you know what? You're really scaring me right now.
Brennan: Because you know that if I did commit murder, you'd never be able to catch me.
Booth: I could catch you.
Brennan: No, my plan is foolproof.
Booth: Oh, now it's an actual plan.


Episodio 6x5 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-08 20:06:19

Não basta ficar com o Booth, tem que ter os óculos da Brennan também. Ata.

Episodio 6x6 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-08 20:41:32

Brennan: Booth, you've been shot, and beaten, and jumped out of airplanes. The skeletal damage alone...
Booth: Oh God, I'm falling apart.
Brennan: You're fine. It's your skeleton that's falling apart.

Episodio 6x7 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-08 21:06:49

O Booth imitando o OompaLoompa no começo e a Brennan imitando o Booth sem saber o que era kdjsfnsdkfjn

Episodio 6x8 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-08 22:07:42

Brennan: Because I'm cool, you know. The delinquents told me that and Parker said I was too when I did the cannonball into the pool, do you remember that?
Booth: Yes, I do, I do. You drenched my meatball sandwich, how could I forget.

Eu tô tentando imaginar esses 3 nadando juntos e to sofrendo horrores.

"She says weird stuff like that all the time. She's cool" ♥

Episodio 6x9 - Nota 10 2017-04-08 23:15:18

Brennan: Except I... I made a mistake.
Booth: No. I told you my opinion. I mean, you got it right.
Brennan: Not everything. She died with regrets.
Booth: Come on, Bones. Everybody has regrets.
Brennan: I heard her, you know? Micah says that all we get are these... dim, staticky messages from the universe. (...) The point is, she never gave him a chance. The helicopter pilot. He offered himself to her, but she never gave him a chance. That was her regret. I got the signal, Booth. I don't want to have any regrets.
Booth: I'm with someone. Bones. And Hannah... She's not a consolation prize. I love her. You know, the last thing I want to do is hurt you, but those are the facts.
Brennan: I understand. I missed my chance. My whole world turned upside down. I can adjust.
Brooth: I did.
Brennan: Yes, you did.
Booth: Do you want me to call someone to be with you, or...?
Brennan: No, I'm fine alone. Thanks.

Episodio 6x9 - Nota 10 2017-04-08 23:53:22

Eu não sei nem como dizer o quanto esse episódio é fantástico. Os comentários aí embaixo já falaram tudo o que eu queria, agradeço vocês por isso dskfjndskn

A Emily arrasou na atuação. Eu acho ela uma atriz maravilhosa, mas nesse ela conseguiu se superar. A Brennan não deve ser uma personagem fácil de fazer, por mais que ela seja toda rígida por fora, com o decorrer das temporadas ela tem um acréscimo de emoções reprimidas, principalmente depois do episódio que o Booth diz que queria dar uma chance aos dois, e isso não deve ser nada fácil de interpretar. É até estranho ver a Brennan desmoronando desse jeito, quando ele diz que ama a Hannah e ela começou a chorar meu coração ficou todo esmagadinho e parecia algo tão real. Você conseguia ver a mágoa dela, que lutou tanto pra aceitar/esconder o que realmente sentia, ao ser "rejeitada" da mesma maneira que ela rejeitou ele no começo.

Episodio 6x11 - Nota 9 2017-04-09 14:57:34

A cabeça da gravedigger explodindo é icônico demais! A primeira vez que assisti eu tomei um susto enorme kdfklskkkkkk

Max maior B&B shipper que você respeita junto com o Sweets.

Essa cena da Brennan toda feliz escutando a concha é uma das minhas favoritas da série ♥ Ela fica 100x mais fofa com essa franjinha, eu não tô aguentando. E o Booth olhando pra ela no final... não duvido que ele ame a Hannah, mas os sentimentos pela Brennan vão muito além disso e, pra mim, ele só tenta se convencer que tudo ficou no passado.

Episodio 6x12 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-09 15:51:01

A Brennan dirigindo e esses dois no carro rindo juntos jdshufhdf eu amo a risada da Emily.

Booth: You know, you could love a lot of people in this world, but there's only one person that you love the most.
Brennan: Well, how do you know which person you love the most when you're confused by chemical messages traveling throughout your limbic system?
Booth: You just do.
Brennan: What if you let that person get away?
Booth: That person's not going anywhere.

Episodio 6x14 - Nota 10 2017-04-09 18:57:49

Gostaria de ressaltar:
- A Angie dando um tapa na cabeça do Hodgins no começo klsjddfkjnsdgklk
- A Brennan com os telefonemas também foi demais dskfjldkslngmf
- A contagem regressiva no laboratório.
"Could I phone you back to tell you no? Thanks"
- O Clark com a namorada.
- O presente da Angela ♥
- E é claro, o final! Happy Valentine's Day Massacre, Booth < 3

Episodio 6x14 - Nota 10 2017-04-09 19:02:10

Comentando na resposta por motivo de: possível spoiler (?)

"You're the one that took me to shoot tommy guns on Valentine's Day" :(

Episodio 6x15 - Nota 9 2017-04-09 19:54:34

Brennan: I won!
Booth: What do you mean, you won? I got here first!
Brennan: No, you took off before me by approximately two seconds, which means that you were both mentally and physically prepared before you accelerated.
Booth: No, no. You're not gonna science your way to a win, here.
Brennan: I won, and you're buying the coffee.
Booth: Okay, listen. I'll buy the coffee, because I won, and I'm a gracious victor.
Ahhh, esse começo ♥

Brennan: How can I put this in a way that you will understand?
Booth: Why don't you try and say it in teeny tiny words?
Brennan: Oh... Okay. Broadsky is bad. You... are good. That's as simply as I can put it.
Booth: All right. You don't believe in absolutes like "good" or "bad." All right? You think it's where people stand.
Brennan: From where I stand, you are good, and Broadsky's bad.
Booth: Thanks for standing there, Bones.
Brennan: I'm standing right beside you, Booth. Like always. Like I always will. I'm being metaphoric, of course. Because we are currently sitting.
Booth: Thank goodness. 'Cause I thought I'd shrunk.

Episodio 6x16 - Nota 10 2013-10-22 20:08:04

Booth: I just need time. That’s all. I just need to time and kinda hang back and find that inner peace you know before I get back out there. You know what we’re talking about here right?
Brennan: Yes
Booth: You and me and - you know and love. Happiness and life and fate.
Brennan: I don’t believe in fate, but I know what we’re talking about. I’m improving.
Booth: Improving?
Brennan: Yes. I’m quite strong.
Booth: Yeah well you’ve always been strong.
Brennan: You know the difference between strength and imperviousness right?
Booth: Well not if you’re going to get all scientific on me.
Brennan: Well uh, a substance that is impervious to damage doesn’t need to be strong.
Booth: Hmm
Brennan: When you and I met I was an impervious substance. Now I am a strong substance.
Booth: I think I know what you mean.
Brennan: A time could come when you aren’t angry anymore and I’m strong enough to risk loosing the last of my imperviousness. Maybe then we could try to be together.

Episodio 6x16 - Nota 10 2017-04-09 21:32:38

"t's funny how fate intervenes sometimes, huh?" Sweets ♥

A Brennan gritando "no, don't touch him, Booth! Don't touch him!" sendo que o cara tava jogado em cima dele dsjkfnsdkjfn acho essa cena hilária.
Eu amo muito esse episódio. Além de ver os dois passando por aquela situação no elevador, eu AMO ver o pessoal no Jeffersonian se virando sem eletricidade.
Hodgins e Angela ♥
Esse final maravilhoso ♥

Episodio 6x17 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-09 22:51:30

A Brennan toda feliz na fazenda vale pelo episódio askdjndskjfn

Episodio 6x18 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-10 10:16:54

"I'm confused"
"Me too. And I don't like the feeling"

"Bones, at any time did you think that the chupacabra was real?"
"Then why did you believe that I saw the yeti in Nepal?"
"Because what I said you saw was totally rational"
"I never saw it. You see, what you did was rationally explain something that never happened"
"You never saw the yeti?"
"Or did I?"
"No, you didn't. But you... you did? Are you trying to confuse me?"
"I might be. Okay, what is your point?"
"That things are confusing, okay? Just because you can explain something doesn't mean that it's explainable"
"Do you mean 'explicable'?"
"Sure, like us. We don't make any sense at all"

Eu amo o Vincent, ele se desculpando com as pessoas foi engraçado fkjgnfsgm
A risada da Emily < 3

Episodio 6x19 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-10 10:28:02

Esse episódio é zzz
Sei lá, acho que fazer spin off de série sem que os personagens dele não tenham sido introduzidos em outros episódios anteriores da original não é uma boa ideia

Episodio 6x20 - Nota 10 2017-04-10 11:11:53

"Sometimes when I don't have clean underwear, I go commando"
A cara da Brennan nessa hora foi tudo

Brennan: The car guides itself into the parking spot.
Booth: Wow! Look at that, huh? Does it solve murders?
Brennan: Of course not.
Booth: Good. I like my job.

Read more at:

Hodgins e Angela ♥

"I would like you to reveal an instance in which you have lied"
"Oh, geez, not this again"
"You think you're protecting me, but by avoiding the truth, you inevitably cause greater harm."
"No, no, I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't do that to you."
"Lying to spare my feelings?"
"Maybe it's to spare my own feelings"

"Well, now that we've solved the case, you promised that you would give me an..."
"... An example of when I lied to you. I got it. All right. Fine. Do you remember when I broke up with Hannah?"
"Of course. That was very recently"
"I didn't lie to you. I just didn't tell you how much it meant to me that you were there for me. It meant the world to me"
"But you didn't tell me, so you lied by omission"
"Well, you didn't ask me. Therefore I didn't tell you"
"I'm an exceptional partner"
"Yes, you are"
"Why is it so difficult to tell me something I already know?"
"It's hard to explain"
"Some things are better left unsaid"
"To things that we don't say."

Tô só de olho nessas indiretas-diretas aí

Episodio 6x21 - Nota 10 2017-04-10 13:28:53

Brennan: I'm going to be the only one without a child.
Booth: Come on, please, Bones. I'll tell you what, when you get a good look at that pudgy little baby face, hormones are gonna go wacko. Right? And before you know it, bang! Mama Bones.
Brennan: That's not how it happens, Booth.
Booth: I think that's how it works.

"I'm not as cold as everyone assumes, Dr. Sweets" eu sei disso < /3

"I know how it feels not to trust anyone. People lie. But bones always tell the truth"

O Hodgins totalmente despreparado e surtado gritando oh god baby the baby okay the baby KJDSNFK

Episodio 6x22 - Nota 10 2017-04-10 13:38:04

- A Brennan e o Vincent felizinhos no começo;
- O Vincent chamando o Booth e imitando um dinossauro;
- O Hodgins e o Vincent com a queda de braço;
Pra depois acontecer o que acontece :(
O Vincent era o meu estagiário favorito, mas é claro que eu tenho que me apegar mais ao que ia morrer, né?? Valeu vida. Me partiu o coração ver ele pedindo pra não deixarem ele ir embora e a Brennan falando que ele não precisava ir e que ele era o favorito dela :( A Brennan aparecendo com um vaso de flores hahaha você tá no caminho certo. Me emociono muito no final com todos eles cantando a musica enquanto colocam o corpo no carro.

Eu acho tão maravilhosas as cenas que mostram o que cada personagem tava fazendo na hora que o Broadsky ia atirar, a primeira vez que assisti quase me fez morrer de tensão pra saber o que ia acontecer e com QUEM ia acontecer.

Bones chorando no colo do Booth que cena amigos, que cena.... /2

Quando ela conta pra Angela, o Hodgins entra na sala e a Angie começa a gritar pra ele sair dskjfndskjn ele andando todo irritado é muito engraçado.
"Because I don't want to yell hallelujah so close to losing Vincent" Todos somos Angela.
Os olhares da Angie e da Brennan depois que ela recebe a ligação dizendo que o Booth pegou o Broadsky e a Angie suspirando vendo eles de braços dados no final 💖

Muita gente se decepcionou com a forma que eles ficaram juntos, inclusive eu quando vi pela primeira vez, mas vou falar melhor disso no próximo episodio pra não sair espalhando spoiler.

Episodio 6x23 - Nota 10 2013-05-22 06:30:48

"I'm pregnant... You're the father"

Episodio 6x23 - Nota 10 2017-04-10 17:45:33

Só uma palavra: desnecessário!
Na primeira vez que vi a série, embora tivesse feliz com eles finalmente juntos, fiquei MUITO frustrada pela forma que isso aconteceu depois deles terem construído tão bem o desenvolvimento da Brennan em relação às emoções dela.

Tava tudo caminhando tão bem pra eles ficarem juntos de uma forma mais elaborada, mesmo depois de 6 temporadas eu não conseguia achar que a demora pra eles virarem um casal era uma enrolação - e revendo agora, não consegui achar de novo - porque o romance deles veio se desenvolvendo de forma tão sutil e natural, demonstrado nos gestos, na preocupação que eles têm um com o outro, que pra mim isso conta MUITO MAIS do que pegação, beijos, e coisas do gênero.

Não me irritei no episódio passado por não ter mostrado nada além do abraço, porque como eu disse acima, com tudo o que eles tem, o que menos me importa na relação deles é ver pegação. Mas eu fico irritada por terem engravidado a Brennan agora! Entendo que era porque a Emily que tava grávida, mas quantas séries não conseguem esconder a gravidez da atriz NO MEIO da temporada??? Seria mais fácil ainda fazer isso na season finale! Nem que tivessem que adiar o retorno da S07.

Como a Angie já disse, "you were a couple you just weren't having sex" e é verdade, porque eles se comportavam muitas vezes como um casal, mas eu queria MUITO ter visto eles se adaptando a isso, indo morar juntos, enfrentando as consequências disso com o FBI por trabalharem juntos... Pelo menos um tempinho como um "casal oficial", sem filhos :(

Mas depois de 6 anos acompanhando essa série já tive o tempo o suficiente pra me conformar com isso, agora segue o baile de boas, porque em 12 temporadas essa é a unica critica que eu tenho sobre Bones. Não existe série perfeita, é muito difícil achar alguma que não tenha uma falha, mas graças ao universo essa conseguiu seguir com um ritmo bom ao invés de decair de vez mesmo depois de terem feito isso e depois de tantos anos no ar.

Episodio 7x1 - Nota 10 2017-04-10 21:22:51

Eu acho que tudo andou rápido demais, odeio ter perdido a parte que eles contam pro pessoal que estão juntos, a reação de cada um ao saber disso e da gravidez, consigo imaginar vários momentos que teriam sido icônicos com B&B se ajustando a vida de casal x partners antes de ter uma criança... mas ainda assim fico toda besta com eles dois juntos. Esse final dele mexendo na barriga dela eu não aguento.
- ♥ Hodgins, Angie e Michael ♥
- O Sweets explicando o que aconteceu no caso com a comida skjdfnsdkjf
- A Brennan chorando na cena do crime e o Booth tirando foto dela kjdsfnsdkjfn

Episodio 7x2 - Nota 9 2017-04-11 00:00:39

Morta que eu tinha esquecido da existência do Finn socorro que dó, ele é legal demais

Episodio 7x2 - Nota 9 2017-04-11 00:06:25

A Brennan falando que ia ter uma menina como se não fosse big deal dsklfnmsdlkfm
Ela se passando pelo Booth foi ótimo, principalmente na parte que ela tava dirigindo e virou o carro com tudo, melhor pessoa ♥

"She has your prominent mental protuberance"
"Is that a good thing?"
"Yes. It's a very good thing"
"Right?! Did you hear that? Did you hear that? You have my probamental protuberance"

Eu amo minha família

Episodio 7x3 - Nota 10 2017-04-11 01:57:08

Brennan: I'm not good playing with toys. What if I can't connect with our child?
Booth: Okay, you connect with me, right?
Brennan: You know I do.
Booth: Okay, our child is half of me, so at the very least, you can connect with the me half. Get it, right? Listen, you're gonna be a great mom.
Brennan: Well, I'll definitely be good with homework. And when her fine motor skills develop, we can dissect a frog together.

"You're a genius scientist, right? So why don't you get over here and put this thing together? Or there'll be blood"

A Angie com o brinquedo, a Brennan brincando com o boneco, a Daisy fazendo a autópsia no brinquedo, o Booth ajudando a Brennan a levantar da cadeira e esse final maravilhoso deles atirando com a arma de brinquedo 💖 esse episódio é maravilhoso demais.

Episodio 7x4 - Nota 9 2017-04-11 09:58:02

Aponte uma personagem com um melhor character development que Temperance Brennan e falhe miseravelmente

Episodio 7x5 - Nota 9 2017-04-11 10:22:41

"Bones, I'm really sorry I lied. I'm really, really sorry, Bones"
"You think you have the right to control me because I'm carrying your progeny"
"Do you think maybe we could just use the word 'daughter'?"

Angie, Hodgins e Michael Vincent ♥♥

Episodio 7x6 - Nota 10 2017-04-11 10:28:55

Já tô com sangue nos olhos por ter que aturar o Pelant de novo

Episodio 7x6 - Nota 10 2017-04-11 11:15:01

We have a house, Booth. You found our house.
We have a home.

Episodio 7x7 - Nota 10 2017-04-11 12:41:27

"I wanna be cool"
Oh, Brennan, você já é cool. Se não fosse, você não andaria no meio de todos aqueles presos brigando kkkkkk Que cena ♥

A Brennan no começo analisando o hospital todo e todo mundo em volta olhando kkkkkkkkk

Sweets: The safest place to give birth is in a well-respected hospital or...
Booth: Why you looking at me like that?
Brennan: You are using this partner assessment to influence me on a personal matter. That is extremely unethical. Assuming that psychologists have ethics.
Sweets: Dr. Brennan, perhaps the... the emotions that you're experiencing during pregnancy are affecting what... what should be a carefully reasoned decision. I mean, for your sake and the baby's, the safest place to give birth is a hospital.
Brennan: No, that's not true. Are you the one who has to undergo wave after wave of mind-searing pain that only ends after a writhing, screaming object the size of a... a... a jack-o-lantern pushes its way through your vagina?
Sweets: No.
Booth: I thought you'd use the word "watermelon."
Brennan: I couldn't think of the word. When you give birth to a baby, you can make the decisions. Right now, I don't want to hear any more about this from you. Understood?

"Hey, I love you. And if anything happens to this child, I would die" ♥

Welcome Christine Angela Booth ♥

Episodio 7x8 - Nota 9 2017-04-11 18:25:20

Esse começo é a coisinha mais linda, gente.
"Well, she could be just like you, you know, brilliant and crazy about me"
A Angie levando o Michael Vincent pro Jeffersonian e escondendo ele na gaveta de arquivos skjfhsdfgjk É tão lindo ver as duas com bebês ao mesmo tempo.
O final também foi outra coisa linda, eu fico com um sorriso tão besta no rosto vendo isso tudo que, mesmo odiando e achando estranho esse salto temporal (mesmo vendo pela segunda vez), fica quase fácil esquecer que ele existiu.

Booth: So, are you gonna go put her in her crib so you can get some rest?
Brennan: No, I'm not.
Booth: Why not?
Brennan: I can't. I can't let her go. I just... I missed her so much.
Booth: I thought you were okay with this.
Brennan: It was fine that... It's not rational, I know, but I... I mean... Oh, look at her. I just missed her so much.
Booth: Maybe this was too soon for you to go back to work. Maybe you should have taken more time, you know, for yourself.
Brennan: No. No, I can't. I'm needed. You know, what I do is for her now, too. She should know that what I do is important. I know. And just because something is difficult doesn't mean that I shouldn't do it.
Booth: Look, I'm here for you and for her, okay? Anything you need. We'll go slow on this.
Brennan: I'm going to sneak her into the lab. Every day.
Booth: You're a good mom.

Episodio 7x9 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-11 21:23:16

"Hey, baby, baby. Dada... FBI"

"I feel like I'm in someone else's body"
"Oh, no. You are not in somebody else's body. Trust me. I know your body"
Menina Beatriz tá morta

Moça da loja: Are we talking apples or melons?
Sweets: Mangos.
Booth: Are you looking at her fruit?
Sweets: I am a doctor. Just accept the help.

Arastoo: I got word that journal isn't going to publish my paper.
Brennan: Is that all?
Arastoo: It got pulled in favor of a puff piece about Selena Gomez on a fossil hunt.
Brennan: I'm not familiar with Dr. Gomez's work, but I look forward to reading about it.
Arastoo: I worked on that paper for six months. It was excellent.
Brennan: Yes, I know. They sent it to me for review. You aren't supposed to know who's on the review board, but since they're not publishing it...
Arastoo: You thought it was excellent? Yes, although, I haven't reviewed Dr. Gomez's findings.


Booth tentando fazer ela se sentir melhor com o corpo dela ♥

Episodio 7x9 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-11 21:24:19


Episodio 7x10 - Nota 10 2017-04-11 22:42:17

Eu amo tanto a minha famíliaaaaaaa

Episodio 7x11 - Nota 9 2017-04-11 23:19:19

Eles se beijando no início e a cara do Hogdins dskjfnsdkfjsfngk
A Brennan fora do carro pra pegar sinal do telefone, claramente eu

Episodio 7x12 - Nota 10 2017-04-12 00:34:27

Brennan: Why don't we solve this murder?
Booth: No, no, no, no, no. We can't do that! No.
Brennan: Please? You know that we can. Dr. Filmore can assist me.
Dr. Filmore: It was more cost-effective for production to rent real equipment than to build look-alikes, so this is actually a fully-functioning laboratory.
Brennan: And you are a federal agent. You can claim jurisdiction. You know the department will back you. Please? Please? I've been dreaming of making a movie my whole life. Are you gonna let one little decomposing corpse get in the way of that?
A Brennan pedindo e a cara do Booth dskfjnsdkfjn que coisa mais fofinha.

Brennan: Booth, you know, I've been thinking, it is nice here.
Booth: I already turned down the job.
Brennan: What, why?
Booth: 'Cause working out here, I wouldn't be working with you, and you're my partner, always. ♥

O cara rolando no chão e gritando FBI morta
O FILME DA CAM GENTE JKDSFNSDKN Não sei se rio mais dele ou da reação deles assistindo.

Episodio 7x13 - Nota 10 2013-04-08 13:52:44

Eu tenho trauma desse episódio.

Episodio 7x13 - Nota 10 2017-04-12 11:10:05

"I love you the way you are"
"I swear to God, if you touch her, I will kill you"
"I love you, Booth. I don't want you to think that Christine is the only reason we're together" ♥
Lembro que quase morri do coração assistindo essa series finale por stream, esperar o hiatus foi uma tortura enorme, cês aí tem muita sorte de já ter o próximo episódio disponível. Sofro por traumas psicológicos causados por essa espera.

"Nobody is going to believe Brennan but us. When we stop looking, it's over"
Angie é maravilhosa sempre, mas ela tava mais ainda nesse episódio. Eu amo muito a amizade dessas duas, amo a forma como ela defende a Brennan até o fim ♥

Episodio 7x13 - Nota 10 2017-04-12 11:13:05

Eu não acredito que Bones inventou o caso do menino do Acre

Episodio 8x1 - Nota 10 2017-04-12 12:31:12

Hodgins gets to go home every night with with the woman he loves and gets to see his child. I don't. < /3
"This is an interesting fact: you're gasping for air, but see, it's not your lungs that are crying out for oxygen. It's your brain. That's what's dying. That brilliant brain of yours... You're getting weaker, aren't you? A little dizzy. I sound very far away, don't I? That big brain of yours isn't much help now." Hodgins < 3

Eu amo a minha série demais, é muito lindo ver como todo mundo se une pra ajudar um ao outro ♥
O Pelant ainda vai render muito, oh se vai.

S07 se foi e com ela a abertura boa, não consegui me acostumar com ela até agora.

Episodio 8x2 - Nota 9 2017-04-12 19:06:29

"FBI!! Angry FBI!!!"
Doeu ver eles brigando, mas as cenas foram muito boas, ainda mais com a reconciliação no final ♥
"I love you. I'm willing to do irrational things to prove it" ♥

Episodio 8x3 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-12 20:24:09

"Oh, you were never able to do this look before the baby. What did the baby do to you?"

Episodio 8x4 - Nota 10 2017-04-12 20:09:16

"Are you saying that you think I would be a bad candidate? Because Donald Trump was thinking of running" Brennan devia ter se candidatado :(

Booth: Come on! Don't ruin the zoo for me. I used to go with Pops. I have great memories there. I can't wait to take Christine.
Brennan: No, that will not be happening.
Booth: It's educational, okay? What, if she doesn't go to the zoo, how's she gonna learn about the animals?
Brennan: The satellite system you insisted that we buy provides us with 16 animal-themed channels. One, just for penguins.
Booth: It's not the same, okay? The TV won't give you a balloon.
Brennan: The balloons end up in the ocean, and very often choke seals.
Booth: Okay, all right, you know what? Find something bad to say about the kitty train they have.
Brennan: Burns fossil fuels just to go round and round in circles.
Booth: Cotton candy.
Brennan: Encourages Type 2 diabetes. I could do this all day, Booth.
Não canso de falar o quanto eu amo essa mulherrrrrr
Lembro perfeitamente de quando vi esse episódio antes, eu cheguei a chorar com a reação da Brennan e fiquei tão irritada quanto ela por causa do tigre :(

"It was beautiful and rare, just like you"
E esse final mais amorzinho com o Booth vestindo camisa apoiando ela ♥♥

Episodio 8x5 - Nota 10 2017-04-12 20:42:49

O Sweets é o primeiro filho de B&B.
Eu adoro esse caso e adoro a interação dos personagens nesse episódio.
O Sweets dobrando as roupas, mais tarde andando de toalha pela casa enquanto o Booth ficando irritado pela banheira e pra completar o Fisher ainda aparecendo no meio disso tudo é ótimo.
"Okay, listen, psychology and anthropology. I liked it better when you two were fighting"
O Hodgins fazendo bolão pra quanto tempo o Sweets vai ficar na casa deles ksdjfmkdsfk

Quero montar um altar pra enaltecer Emily Deschanel

Episodio 8x6 - Nota 10 2017-04-13 00:37:22

A Brennan no começo obcecada com basquete, claramente eu quando fico obcecada com alguma coisa dskjfndsfkjn Ela batendo na bunda de todo mundo falando "attaboy", falando com os squinterns em formação e fazendo analogia ao basquete a série toda é sensacional dkjfndkfjn "no more basketball for you"

Esse episódio é ótimo demais, o caso me lembra muito os que costumavam ter no começo da série. Ver todos os squinterns trabalhando juntos é muito bom, esse competição que eles tavam no início foi engraçado de ver, mas nada comparado ao aprendizado que eles tiveram juntos, fosse no momento que o Arastoo falou sobre a religião ou compartilhando o que eles tavam fazendo na hora que aconteceu o atentado. Esse dia teve um impacto muito grande na vida do mundo inteiro, até eu (que na época tinha só 5 anos) lembro o que eu tava fazendo quando tudo parou pra anunciar o que tinha acontecido em NY. Se eu, sendo brasileira e com a minha memória de criança, fiquei assustada e impactada, não consigo nem imaginar como as pessoas que perderam amigos, família e conhecidos por isso ficaram. O Hodgins disse "we might not be angels, but no one deserved to die that day" e ele não podia estar mais certo.

A Brennan chorando no final partiu meu coração, eu tenho tanto orgulho de ver o desenvolvimento dela. Falo isso praticamente todo episódio, mas é que não dá pra evitar. Podem falar o que for da série, menos da forma que eles lidam com a Brennan e as suas emoções. Eu amo tanto a minha filhota que não cabe tanto amor dentro de mim, parece até que sou íntima na vida real, e a Emily dando esse show de atuação um episódio atrás do outro acaba comigo, que mulherrrr.

Episodio 8x6 - Nota 10 2017-04-13 00:40:08

Booth: I'm a special agent. I beat up bad guys and I leap over things.
Sweets: You're describing Superman.
Booth: Exactly. Did you ever hear of Superman picking up the telephone?

Brennan: I've spent so much time trying to control my life. I thought it meant that I was strong, but... I was... just afraid.
Booth: Afraid of what?
Brennan: I dug out remains from the rubble of the Towers. For two weeks, I was methodical. A scientist. I did what was asked of me. I did my job. I never shed a tear. I was proud of that. All these years, I never let myself feel it.
Booth: Bones, we all deal with things in our own way, okay?
Brennan: I could avoid it all before I met you. I had no one in my life. And now I think of those people... And I think of you. Any one of them. It could have been you.

Episodio 8x7 - Nota 10 2017-04-13 10:29:57

Queria devida atenção pra certos momentos:
- Hodgins desmaiando no começo do episódio;
- A Brennan rindo da piada do Sweets dkjfndskfjn Ela é muito adorável;
- A Brennan falando "there there" pra moça chorando a morte do cara;
- A cara do Hodgins quando viu o Arastoo lendo o poema pra Cam;
- Hodgins lendo o poema traduzido pra Angie dkjfnsdfkj;
- O Sweets sendo 100% o filho adolescente deles;
- Eles revirando a casa toda em busca de evidência e a ideia brilhante da Brennan;
- First, you love me. Second, you love Christine. Third, your physicality is remarkable ♥

"Under the heavens fruit floats.
Love hurts as skin yells with new shoes.
You are my carburetor."

Episodio 8x8 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-13 11:08:10


Episodio 8x9 - Nota 10 2017-04-13 12:41:16

Esse episódio!! Quando vi pela primeira vez não gostei muito, achei meio zz mas agora que realmente entendi o propósito dele, me apaixonei ♥ Realmente me senti vendo as coisas pelo lado da vítima, achei muito interessante a forma que mostraram as coisas por esse ponto de vista e gostei mais ainda de ver os momentos que eles paravam pra conversar com o menino, pareciam que tavam olhando e falando diretamente comigo. Até a Brennan se sensibilizou com o caso e ver o Booth nesses raros momentos chamando ela de Temperance... ♥

A minha família dançando Hot Blooded no final é a coisa mais linda a aaa

Episodio 8x10 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-13 13:50:46

Eu sempre sinto vergonha alheia da Brennan nesses episódios undercover, mas nesse eu sinto mais que o normal sdjfklnsdkjgsnkj Mas é muito lindo ver ela se divertindo que nem uma criança feliz.
Outra coisa linda de ver foi esse esqueleto coberto de diamante.
Meia estrela a mais no episódio por causa deles dois dançando no final ♥

Episodio 8x11 - Nota 9 2017-04-13 14:50:36

- Brennan e Sweets brincando com a Christine no começo ♥
- Brennan lambendo o osso kjdsnkkkkkkkk
- Brennan e Clark competindo pareciam irmãos e a Cam parecia a mãe chamando atenção kkkkk
- O desfecho do caso e esse final é tão amorzinho ♥
- O soquinho que a Brennan deu na mão da Cam
- A Brennan parabenizando o Clark é mais uma das provas da evolução dela. Muita gente reclamava/reclama da arrogância e da falta de empatia, mas eu acho super necessário mostrar isso porque afinal ela é humana, erra e tá aprendendo muito com esses erros, principalmente agora.

Episodio 8x12 - Nota 10 2017-04-13 16:11:48

Seeley Booth que homem

Episodio 8x13 - Nota 9 2013-02-01 18:35:08

Apenas sem palavras com o final.

Episodio 8x13 - Nota 9 2017-04-13 23:15:11

Brennan: When your time comes, what should I do?
Booth: My last will and testament, everything is all written out in the locked drawer of my desk at work.
Brennan: My last will and testament is 312 pages long.
Booth: Whoa, geez. Mine's written on a sticky note. "Everything goes to Bones." But don't worry, don't worry, I used your real name to make it legal.

"Hey there, Christine. It's me, your father. Dad. Dada. Daddy. If... you're watching this right now, I'm dead. If I was a good father to you, you're sad right now. If we had some sort of, like, falling out, let's just forget about it and move on. It's just... It's not worth it. You know, personally, I'm doing everything I can to get into Heaven right now. But your mother believes... Well, she thinks that it's a... I tell you what... why don't you ask her? It's... complicated. These are the last... words that I'm going to speak in this world, so here goes. Okay. I like... God, I really like God, and I... and I think that he likes me. You know, I... I love Canadian beer. And hockey. They kind of go hand in hand. I really love loud music and really sad music. I love this country and I am proud to have served in the military. I'm the luckiest man... in the world because I got to spend time with your mother. And with you. And that's true, you know? It's true whether I... I die today or 50 years from now. It's true. Okay? I love you. And I want you to... to love life. Dive into life. Be... be courageous. Question things. And... and be happy. And don't forget to laugh. Oh, one last... favor. Help your mom to be happy. Because if she's alone, she's gonna forget. That's it. That's... from me to you." ♥

Episodio 8x13 - Nota 9 2017-04-13 23:16:22

Eu amo a Daisy e amo ela com o Sweets, não sei porque não gostam dela :(
As ideias de enterro da Brennan eu dei um berro
Que coisa mais linda esse vídeo é. Ela escutando e depois correndo pra abraçar ele é tão fofinho :(

Episodio 8x14 - Nota 8.5 2013-02-05 00:16:23

Fiquei muito feliz por estar tudo bem com a Christine, mas eu acho que se tivesse algo grave com ela etc ia dar um 'up' a mais na série.

Episodio 8x14 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-14 01:51:12

"I should give names to my interns. Peter Patella, Timothy Tibia..."

Episodio 8x15 - Nota 9 2013-02-12 00:17:46

Simplesmente AMEI.

Episodio 8x15 - Nota 9 2017-04-14 13:58:34

For some reason, I feel like it's you who keeps calling me back here ♥

Episodio 8x16 - Nota 9 2017-04-14 14:23:15

Cam x Michelle x Finn rendeu um plot bem legal jsjjisjusjjsjsjj
O Sweets tava ótimo nesse episódio
"Rape is never the victim's fault. Never."

Episodio 8x18 - Nota 8 2013-03-11 06:55:06

Arastoo ficando nervoso, deu vontade de dar uns tapas na cara dele.
Tá se achando ele. [2]

Tô sentindo falta dos casos com crianças. :

Episodio 8x19 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-14 18:44:31

"Mr. & Mrs. Sweets" B&B oficialmente são os pais do Sweets
"Your dad is hot" "apparently you're hot... dad" 😂

Os experimentos do Hodgins são sempre ótimos, mas ver o Booth envolvido em um é a melhor coisa

Episodio 8x20 - Nota 9 2017-04-14 20:23:10

Bones é arrogante, muitas vezes irritante e tudo mais sim, mas se ela não fosse assim ela não seria ela. E o Booth tem razão, ela não é má. Talvez ela seja assim tudo por consequência da vida que ela teve. Eu simplesmente não sei não gostar dela, apesar de todos defeitos que ela tem. E também tem o fato dela começar a aceitar ser tudo isso, ela tá evoluindo e mudando, mas chamar ela de bruxa é demais né /2

Eu não acho a Bones uma pessoa má.
Ela é uma cientista, não uma artista/atriz pra ficar fazendo graça na frente da camera. /2

As caras da Cam nesse episódio, a Caroline com crush e B&B na joalheria kddkkkkkk 💖

Episodio 8x21 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-14 23:13:01

"I'll just tell them that you did it while we were making love" 😂

Hodgins e o Finn com o molho 💖

Episodio 8x22 - Nota 10 2013-04-15 23:27:54

Gente, que episódio mais lindo foi esse :(

Episodio 8x22 - Nota 10 2017-04-15 11:52:13

A Brennan falando com ele sobre perdão ♥ mais um dos momentos onde a gente percebe o quanto ela mudou.
Booth mostrando o badge do FBI e todo mundo achando que ele era stripper e a Brenna rindo kkkkk ela tava linda demais nesse episodio


Episodio 8x23 - Nota 10 2013-04-22 23:37:50

Essa série ama brincar com minhas emoções. ^-^

Episodio 8x23 - Nota 10 2017-04-15 13:18:09

Eu amo forte a Brennan e o Hodgins trabalhando em parceria 💖
Booth quase esfregando a cara do assassino na Mia e a Brennan mentindo falando que tinha injetado o vírus nele, que casal meus amigos, que dupla 💜

Episodio 8x24 - Nota 10 2013-04-29 22:01:37

Tá todo mundo convidado pro meu enterro.

Episodio 8x24 - Nota 10 2017-04-15 13:35:41

O ódio que eu sinto pelo Pelant é algo além do normal do que eu devia sentir por um ~personagem~ mas não dá pra evitar.
A Brennan mudou tanto ao decorrer dos anos, aprendeu muito com o Booth e virou uma pessoa melhor por causa da influência dele na vida dela, conseguiu superar as dificuldades que tinha de confiar em alguém novamente depois de ter sido abandonada pela família a ponto de mudar de ideia sobre construir uma família e realmente querer um casamento, pra chegar esse desgraçado e fazer ela sofrer dessa forma.
Concordo que ele poderia ter tentado arrumar uma forma de avisar a ela sobre isso, mas do jeito que o Pelant é, ele ia descobrir e o Booth preferiu não arriscar, porque né gente, tem teria coragem na verdade? Olha as coisas que esse cara já fez com todo mundo ali.

Pelo menos dessa vez não tenho que esperar o hiatus amém nona temporada

Episodio 8x24 - Nota 10 2017-04-15 14:12:54

"You're not allowed to die, do you understand?"

Brennan: I want you to have it. I want you to be happy. That's all I want.
Booth: What's this about? Okay, look, I'm gonna be fine.
Brennan: I know. I mean, I don't know and neither of us know. We hope. I mean, I could be the target, or you could die of a heart attack or I could get hit by a bus.
Booth: Okay, just slow down for a second. Just, will you just slow down.
Brennan: The point is... I want to marry you. Will you marry me, Booth?
Booth: Are you serious?
Brennan: Yes. I've been afraid, I've been stubborn and I've been in love. And marriage would make you so happy.
Booth: Are you sure? You're not just saying this because of Pelant and everything that's going on here?
Brennan: Positive. All this just made me see things more clearly. I love you. I want you to be my husband. I want to... I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Say something.
Booth: Yes. Of course. Yes. ♥

Brennan: When I thought about living with Booth for the rest of my life, my phenylethylamine and ghrelin levels were clearly elevated, but...
Cam: You could just say it felt right.
Brennan: It did. It does. It's clearly irrational, but I feel I could never find a better man to spend my life with. And I'm...
Angie: Happy.

"Bones just asked me to marry her (...) and she did it with jerky (...) no, beef jerky. Come on, who does that? She's amazing" ♥

Episodio 9x1 - Nota 10 2013-09-16 23:17:00

De 7:35 foi pra 4:47 e depois pra 7:35 de novo que diabos foi isso

Episodio 9x1 - Nota 10 2013-09-17 10:12:52

Fiquei arrepiada akjdfnadkjfnksjgn

Episodio 9x1 - Nota 10 2017-04-15 19:13:38

Morta que eu não tinha reparado o Freddie Prinze Jr nesse episódio antes e tô rindo que nem uma retardada porque ele é casado com a Sarah Gellar que fez Buffy junto com o David.

"I'd die for you. I love you" < /3
Me parte o coração ver a Brennan desse jeito, mas esse final ♥

Episodio 9x2 - Nota 10 2013-09-23 23:21:53

Que episódio mais amorzinho ♥♥

Episodio 9x2 - Nota 10 2017-04-15 20:05:20

A Brennan na sauna eu quase tive um treco

Episodio 9x3 - Nota 8.5 2013-09-30 23:44:03


Episodio 9x3 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-15 21:02:20

To Sweets, my little brother who I never wanted but I'm glad that I have ♥ que brotp

Episodio 9x4 - Nota 10 2013-10-08 13:25:49

"I just know I always sleep best after several orgasms"

"Bones if I ask you to marry me will you say yes?"
"If I say yes will we get married?"

Episodio 9x4 - Nota 10 2013-10-08 13:26:17

Achei que a morte dele foi meio sem graça MAS WHO CARES O PLOT DELE FINALMENTE ACABOU

Episodio 9x4 - Nota 10 2013-10-08 23:56:49

Aconteceu o mesmo comigo ihskdnaskjfn eles "desmontando" o cadaver e eu almoçando de boas com os olhos brilhando porque amo cenas assim ♥♥

Episodio 9x5 - Nota 9 2013-10-14 23:35:57

You might not admit it, but… you're a dreamer. And this is… this is your bucket list

Episodio 9x5 - Nota 9 2017-04-15 23:19:40

- O começo do episódio hjdnfkjhk ♥
- Dr. Wells é um porre. A lista da Angie e o "why is he back" me representam.
- "VAL is a moron, all right?" coitado do Sweets sakdjsfkf
- As caras da Cam são as melhores
- A Brennan chamando a Angie pra ser a "matron of honor" dela.
- A Brennan com a foto daquele vestido guardado desde os 8 anos ♥

O caso é meio zzz mas ver a Brennan toda animada pro casamento me deixa tão feliz.

Episodio 9x6 - Nota 10 2013-10-21 23:07:52


Episodio 9x6 - Nota 10 2013-10-21 23:41:38


Episodio 9x6 - Nota 10 2013-10-21 23:44:50

"Dear Agent Booth, you are a confusing man. You are irrational and impulsive, superstitious and exasperating. You believe in ghosts and maybe even Santa Claus and because of you I’ve started to see the universe differently. How is it possible that simply looking into your fine face gives me such joy? Why does it make me so happy that every time I try to sneak a peek at you, you’re already looking at me. Like you it makes no sense, and like you, it feels right. If I ever get out of here, I will find a time and place to tell you that you make my life messy and confusing and unfocused and irrational and wonderful. This is that time, this is that place."

Episodio 9x6 - Nota 10 2013-10-22 18:58:17

Simplesmente passando a tarde toda revendo o final sem parar quase morta jogada no chão

Episodio 9x7 - Nota 8.5 2013-11-05 00:00:35

Eu só to querendo saber o que aconteceu com a outra atriz que fazia a Christine

Episodio 9x7 - Nota 8.5 2013-11-05 00:12:15

Eu também vi isso deles terem problemas com as atrizes e tal, mas não achei que fossem trocar pra uma com uma diferença de idade tão grande. O Michael é mais velho que a Christine e ficou parecendo tão novo perto dela... Fiquei chateada, sdds da outra :(

Episodio 9x7 - Nota 8.5 2013-11-05 18:17:58

Pois é :( quando soube que a Angela ia cuidar deles eu fiquei tipo "own meu deus que coisa fofa os dois finalmente brincando juntos" e isso acontece ;_; mas fazer o que né... se pelo menos tivessem pego uma atriz mais parecida com eles sl, n gostei dessa guria.

Episodio 9x7 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-16 09:35:48

A Emily tava mais linda que o normal nesse episódio
Todo mundo falando espanhol e o Booth sem entender nada njedjnfenjdjncnj coitado
Angie e Hodgins cuidando das crianças e elas brincando juntas 💕

Episodio 9x8 - Nota 10 2013-11-12 11:28:31

Notas tão baixas mas virou um dos meus preferidos <3
O hodgins com o inseto socorro

Episodio 9x9 - Nota 9 2017-04-16 11:35:22

A Brennan desenhando no tribunal eu mesma durante as aulas.

Booth: I'm ying, and you're yang.
Brennan: "Yin", not "ying."
Booth: Everybody says "ying yang."
Brennan: Well, everybody's wrong.
Booth: Oh, ying yang.
Brennan: Stop saying it. It's incorrect.
Booth: Oh, okay. Yang thinks it's incorrect, but Ying knows that it's right. That is why we fit together. Ying, yang.
Brennan: We do fit together.

Episodio 9x10 - Nota 10 2013-11-23 02:03:38


Episodio 9x10 - Nota 10 2017-04-16 14:00:10

what's a skank

Episodio 9x11 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-16 14:36:52

Being kind doesn't need an excuse, okay?

Episodio 9x12 - Nota 9 2017-04-16 15:46:21

Eu AMO que toda vez que a Brennan começa a perder a linha da lógica o Booth fala que ela precisa continuar buscando evidências e que ela ensinou isso a ele e a mesma coisa ao contrário: quando ele começa a racionalizar demais as coisas, ela puxa ele de volta falando que ele precisa levar as emoções em consideração em determinado assunto porque ele ensinou isso a ela. Eles eram dois extremos e agora equilibram um ao outro, acho isso lindo.

Episodio 9x13 - Nota 10 2017-04-16 16:27:35

A Brennan toda emotiva ♥

Episodio 9x14 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-16 17:09:49

Cam, Angie e Brennan ♥

Episodio 9x15 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-16 19:44:53

Booth é o amorzin da minha vida gente, olha isso. Uma das coisas que mais gosto nele é essa coisa de sempre querer ajudar ao próximo. Ele tendo a ideia de oferecer o dinheiro pra Angie e pro Hodgins e querendo investir em feridos no trabalho ♥

Booth: Take the files. Go shrink them. Shrink it down.
Sweets: I don't "shrink" files. I read them.
Booth: Just shrink it down.

Sweets e Booth < 3

Episodio 9x16 - Nota 9 2014-03-10 23:41:07

This is not for my wife, this is for my partner who I occasionally kiss.

Episodio 9x16 - Nota 9 2017-04-16 20:27:13

Brennan: What is this?
Booth: It's a little something for you. Go ahead, open it up.
Brennan: Scotch?
Booth: Not just Scotch. That's 30-year-old Scotch. Single malt, too.
Brennan: Angela would say that traditionally a husband buys his wife flowers.
Booth: Yeah, that's true. But you know what? This is not for my wife. This is for my partner, who I occasionally kiss.
Brennan: The universe demonstrates that no matter how we protect ourselves, we will never be completely safe. But... with reasonable caution, we can still be together in the field, when appropriate.
Booth: And you're willing to pay extra for that?
Brennan: Always.
Booth: Like I'm willing to pay extra for the Scotch.
Brennan: And that's why I love you.

Episodio 9x17 - Nota 10 2014-03-17 23:14:21

You and I, we’re bound to one another. So much so that I don’t feel that I could survive without you. You nurture me, you protect me. You are my home. If I were to damage that by a meaningless dalliance, it would be like killing myself, something that I would never do. I would never let anything compromise the life we share, Booth. I love you.

Episodio 9x17 - Nota 10 2017-04-16 21:14:49

Brennan: Dr. Fuentes is a defector from Cuba. Brilliant but arrogant.
Booth: Brilliant and arrogant... Must be tough to work with.
Brennan: It is.
Booth: I know it is.
Lembrando deles no começo ♥

O Booth pedindo ajuda pro Sweets pra convencer a Brennan a levar a Christine pra igreja ladjmsfkmdf

"You and I, we're bound to one another. So much so that I don't feel that I could survive without you. You nurture me. You protect me. You are my home. If I were to damage that by a meaningless dalliance, it would be like killing myself. Something that I would never do (...) I would never let anything compromise the life we share, Booth. I love you" ♥


Episodio 9x19 - Nota 8 2017-04-16 23:21:55

Finn: I even ate at a restaurant where I didn't understand one word on the menu.
Brennan: Oh, that's wonderful. That's how I tasted my first tarantula.

"Oh, has Daniel done something illegal?"
"No, he's dead, which is perfectly legal."

Brennan kljdmsfklmdflk ♥

O Booth tirando selfie com o cálice, eu mesma

Episodio 9x21 - Nota 8 2017-04-17 10:00:52

B&B é o que me mantem viva

Episodio 9x22 - Nota 9 2017-04-17 10:26:19

"I told him no matter what happens to us, we're still a team"
"Well, that's basically the definition of marriage, isn't it?"

Episodio 9x23 - Nota 9 2017-04-17 12:20:07

Brennan: Why didn't you wake me?
Booth: Why? 'Cause I didn't want to wake that big, brilliant, beautiful brain of yours.
Brennan: I doubt you would find a brain oozing cerebrospinal fluid attractive.

"What does it mean to Brennan someone? Is that a compliment?"

"If you're not with me, I have no interest in that job" ♥

Episodio 9x24 - Nota 10 2014-05-19 23:44:45

Mas é claro, porque Bones nunca pode ter uma season finale feliz, bonita e harmoniosa sempre tem que explodir minha cabeça assim nÃO DÁ

Episodio 10x1 - Nota 10 2014-09-26 00:01:04

Se Bones tá assim na season premiere tô com medo de como vai ser a season finale.

Episodio 10x1 - Nota 10 2017-04-17 15:36:13

Quando eu assisti esse episódio pelo stream eu não acreditei que isso tava acontecendo mesmo, foi um choque pra mim ver um dos meus personagens preferidos dessa série morrendo e foi agora de novo, mesmo sabendo que isso ia acontecer. Sweets deserved better sim, ele era maravilhoso demais pra ter um final desses :(
E o pior de tudo foi ver todo mundo do Jeffersonian se reunindo pra fazer a autópsia nele, tem que ter muito sangue frio e profissionalismo pra isso :(

Episodio 10x2 - Nota 10 2017-04-17 17:57:02

"I do believe Sweets is still with us. Not in a religious sense, because the concept of God is merely a foolish attempt to explain the unexplainable (...) but in a real sense. He's here. Sweets is a part of us. Our lives... who we all are at this moment, have been shaped by our relationships with Sweets. Well, each of us is like a delicate equation. And Sweets was the variable without which we wouldn't be who we are. I might not have married Booth. Or had Christine. Daisy certainly wouldn't be carrying his child. We are all who we are because we knew Sweets. So, I don't need a God to praise him or the universe he sprang from, because I loved him. I used to try and explain love, define it as the secretion of chemicals and hormones, but I believe now, remembering Sweets, seeing what he left us, that love cannot be explained by... science or religion. It's beyond the mind, beyond reason. What I do know... loving Sweets... loving each other, that's what makes life worthwhile. Right now... I don't need to know more than that. Which is embarrassing coming from an extremely intelligent, fact-based person"


Episodio 10x3 - Nota 9 2014-10-10 00:51:58

its a weird combination but works somehow
like us

Episodio 10x3 - Nota 9 2017-04-17 19:07:28

Uma das coisas boas de rever é que agora eu posso prestar a devida atenção no Aubrey do início. Quando os episódios foram saindo, eu ficava vendo ele como um substituto do Sweets e não me importava muito com ele porque ainda tava triste pelo Sweets, mas ao decorrer da série ele conseguiu me cativar. Eu sabia que não era culpa dele a saída do Daley e sabia que tava sendo infantil a ficar associando, mas era mais forte que eu djksfndskfjn Agora posso ver com a atenção que ele merece < 3 Ele é uma gracinha.

Angie flertando e o Hodgins fazendo piada com isso, um casal desses bicho

Episodio 10x3 - Nota 9 2017-04-17 20:03:51

Brennan: You enjoy being bitten
Booth: No, I don't.
Brennan: When we make love, sometimes I nibble your ear. Your response is very positive to say the least.

"You know, I can probably get to two shades of Grey, but I'm not gonna be making 50" Booth dofkldsmfkdsm

Brennan: Remember it's pronounced "Albi-cans," not "kahn."
Aubrey: What if I just say "thrush"?
Brennan: No, no. I will not have my science dumbed down just because you don't know Latin, is that clear?

"I know a good man when I see one. I picked you, didn't I?"

Booth: You're gonna love it. It's called B&B.
Brennan: You named it after us?
Booth: Beer and bourbon. I'm kidding (...) It's got some tequila in there. A little ginger beer, some creme de cassis. I mean, it's a weird combination, but it works somehow.
Brennan: Like us.
Booth: Like us.

Episodio 10x4 - Nota 10 2017-04-17 21:39:10

Booth: Come on, Christine, if you want to be a big girl, you got to eat your breakfast. It's good for you.
Christine: Mommy says size is determined genetically.

Brennan: It's nice spending time together, just us, like we used to.
Angie: Yeah, except now we're talking about day care rather than sex.
Brennan: had extremely satisfying sex last night, actually. It began in the tub.
Angie: You guys like the tub, don't you?
Brennan: Yes.
Angie: When Hodgins and I feel like getting a little crazy, we go to the kitchen. We always get hungry afterwards, so then we just don't have to move.
Brennan: I can't fault your logic. Christine? You have reached your maximum potential energy on the swing. Lower your center of gravity, please.
Angie: Does she actually know what you're saying?
Brennan: Of course.
Angie: Michael Vincent? If you run up that slide one more time, I'm never feeding you again. He understands me, too.

O Aubrey todo animado com o caso dfknsdkm A Jessica é uma gracinha né, gente? Ela e Hodgins com o experimento foi ótimo

Episodio 10x5 - Nota 10 2017-04-18 01:07:47

"Go find a Kardashian"
"Do not compliment the murderer"
Não lembrava o quanto eu amava esse episódio 💖
Aubrey, eu escolhi te amar

Episodio 10x6 - Nota 9 2017-04-18 09:51:15

Brennan: Anthropologically speaking, in any society, one group will always occupy a higher status and will exploit those who are more vulnerable.
Arastoo: Are we just supposed to accept that?
Brennan: No, Mr. Vaziri, we fight it. No matter what the anthropological reasons, we fight to make the world a better place.

O Aubrey e o Hodgins correndo atrás da cabra no começo sdklfkgfkkkkkkkkk

Episodio 10x7 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-18 10:13:08

O Aubrey roubando o sanduíche do Booth fdlsjkdnfkjn ♥
B&B&C no final aaaa < 3

Episodio 10x8 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-18 10:39:16

As caras do Booth no parto kkkkkkkkkkk

Episodio 10x9 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-18 11:48:10

A Brennan errando o teste de Booth skdkkdkkkkkk you're supposed to be a genius
Amei ver ela trabalhando com o Aubrey 💖

Episodio 10x10 - Nota 10 2017-04-18 14:06:12

esse episódio é muito gostoso de assistir ♥
Don't call me darling dskjfnsdkgmf

Episodio 10x11 - Nota 9 2017-04-18 14:48:42

"Dedicated to Temperance Brennan and Seeley Booth, the people who taught me that understanding, compassion and love are not just notions in a book. My life means more because I know you" :(

Booth: What am I gonna do with all this cake that I got? It's gonna go to waste now.
Christine: Daddy...
Booth: Yeah?
Christine: The cake isn't real.
Brennan: Yeah. The cake's not real, Daddy. ♥♥

O Booth lembrando do aniversário do Sweets no começo, o Hodgins lamentando por ele não ter chegado aos 30 anos e esse final maravilhoso com a Angie e a Avalon chegando com o livro do Sweets :(

Episodio 10x12 - Nota 10 2017-04-18 15:22:34

#BestHusbandEver ♥

A Brennan com twitter é a melhor coisa que existe

Episodio 10x13 - Nota 8 2017-04-18 21:53:24

"You sound like an anthropologist, Booth"
"Yeah, look, that's not gonna make me hang out in the lab, if that's what you're thinking, okay?"


Episodio 10x14 - Nota 8 2017-04-18 22:11:54

As caras do Aubrey ♥♥

Episodio 10x15 - Nota 10 2017-04-19 10:08:07

Esse, pra mim pelo menos, teria sido o timing perfeito pro primeiro filho deles. Do final da s06 pra agora teria dado tempo da gente ver tudo: eles se adaptando como casal, contando pras pessoas, tendo uma vida juntos antes de se tornarem pais... Enfim, eu amo a Christine, amo as cenas deles juntos na sétima temporada e me acostumei com a série desse jeito, mas não canso de tentar pensar em como seria sem aquele salto temporal :(

Mas fora isso, eu amo ter visto a reação deles descobrindo que iam ter um bebê. O Booth dando cambalhota na cama e a Brennan gritano i can keep eating cookies ♥
"we are going to our first crime scene together"

Episodio 10x16 - Nota 9 2017-04-19 11:21:28


Aubrey x comida amo muito

Episodio 10x17 - Nota 10 2017-04-19 12:05:20

Brennan: I have you now. I can tell you how scared I am.
Booth: Scared? You?
Brennan: Yes. Me. The reason I convinced myself I wasn't as pregnant as I am is... I just kept thinking... the more our family grows, the more we have to lose.
Booth: Yeah. On the flip side, we have more to gain. Hey. We're gonna be fine, Bones.
Brennan: What, faith?
Booth: Love. Lots of love.

A Brennan se identificando com a vítima < /3
Me sinto quase culpada por amar o Aubrey tanto quanto amo o Sweets, mas claro que um não substitui o outro né.

Episodio 10x18 - Nota 10 2017-04-19 12:23:13

O Aubrey oferecendo doce pra Christine antes da janta no começo, aaaaaa ♥

Episodio 10x19 - Nota 9.5 2015-05-15 00:04:13

i don't tell my name to strangers, i tell strangers that my daddy works for the fbi

Episodio 10x19 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-19 14:32:57

Doi muito ver a Brennan expulsando o Booth de casa, mas foi merecidíssimo. Além dela ter dado a chance dele confessar antes, ele foi lá e mentiu de novo quando ela perguntou :/

Episodio 10x20 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-19 15:52:42

Se eu tivesse no meio dessas pessoas do começo do episódio eu ia rir demais cara kkfsdjnfksdfnkkkkkkkkkk

A Christine brincando com o Michael Vincent no começo do episódio, que amorzinho ♥

Aubrey e Jessica < /3

Episodio 10x21 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-19 15:55:34


Episodio 11x1 - Nota 10 2017-04-19 18:01:09

Esses flashbacks não me fizeram bem, to largada no chão
E que vontade de socar essa Miller, que mulherzinha chata meu jesus
Aubrey ♥

Episodio 11x2 - Nota 9 2017-04-19 18:40:05

I can't imagine a world where Booth doesn't come home

Episodio 11x3 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-19 19:55:00

A Christine com o Hank 💖
Eu amo tanto o Aubrey cara

Episodio 11x4 - Nota 9 2017-04-19 20:07:24

Betty White 💖
O Booth no início sobre a Brennan querer matar o Andy ksskkkkkkkkkkkkj

"You were right."
"Of course I was. About what?"


Episodio 11x6 - Nota 9 2017-04-19 20:56:20

Eles dois brigando pelo controle ♥

Episodio 11x7 - Nota 10 2017-04-19 21:30:46

A Brennan destruindo todos os truques do Clark dsjkfdslkmfgkl
O Booth no final confundindo ela e ela tentando entender como ele fez aquilo ♥

Episodio 11x9 - Nota 10 2017-04-19 23:25:14


Episodio 11x10 - Nota 10 2017-04-20 00:08:47

whore sauce

Episodio 11x10 - Nota 10 2017-04-20 00:11:13

Quando esse episódio saiu eu quase tive um troço com o Hodgins assim e agora, mesmo sabendo que isso ia acontecer e da continuação dessa história, me dá um aperto no coração :( O Hodgins é um dos meus favoritos e tudo isso acontecendo com ele doi muito, ele não merecia :(

Episodio 11x11 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-20 09:04:11

A Brennan querendo corrigir o desenho da Christine sjlknjkdfdks

Episodio 11x12 - Nota 10 2017-04-20 09:39:10

"Booth, I've told you this before, skimming Wikipedia does not bolster your arguments"

Booth: I suggest you stop talking before I do something we both regret.
Brennan: Booth, stop. You could lose your job for striking a civilian. Whereas, I... might face disciplinary action at most (...) Actually, the problem isn't my mouth, it's yours.


Booth: Now you're looking at me like I'm some kind of piece of meat.
Brennan: I would never look at you like that. I'm a vegetarian.

Episodio 11x13 - Nota 10 2017-04-20 10:42:39

A Brennan com o aplicativo com som de arma, socorro

Episodio 11x14 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-20 11:29:58

Aubrey e Jessica < /3

PAGE 187

Episodio 11x14 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-20 11:39:00

Booth: The first kiss is always awkward. There's lots of awkward moments. I mean, Bones and I, we had many awkward moments.
Aubrey: Yeah, but now you're happily married.
Booth: Yeah, but we wouldn't have been happily married if we gave up after that first awkward moment. ♥

Episodio 11x15 - Nota 8.5 2017-04-20 11:44:56

Wells vc é muito chato

Episodio 11x16 - Nota 9 2017-04-20 12:13:12

"You're not afraid he'll turn out like one of the Lynwood kids or me?"
"Let me tell you something, Bones, if he ends up turning out like you, I will be the proudest dad ever." < 3

O VÍDEO DO AUBREY, todo mundo reunido pra assistir só me lembra quando todos se juntaram pra ver o filme da Cam dsjkfnsdkfjn

Episodio 11x16 - Nota 9 2017-04-20 12:27:11

Tadinha da nova estagiária, pena que não durou sdkfjndskfj A Brennan confortando ela é exatamente eu quando começam a chorar perto de mim

Episodio 11x17 - Nota 9.5 2017-04-20 13:00:48

Fisher, que saudade ♥
A Brennan doente kdjsfnsdkfng

Episodio 11x18 - Nota 10 2017-04-20 13:46:30

Booth: Look, we support our daughter.
Brennan: No.
Booth: No matter what she does, we love...
Brennan: Not me.
Also Brennan: I'd like to be the mother of the world's greatest car salesperson. ♥

Esse episódio é fantástico!!! Amo poder ver um pouco mais da vida deles; Eles falando sobre o Sweets, Zack e Vincent; Eles falando o que querem ser quando crescerem; As crianças passando mal e com nojo do trabalho da Brennan, mas a Christine toda feliz de ver a mãe dela; O Hodgins separando a comida do Michael Vincent; O Aubrey no início falando que as pessoas exageram quando falam sobre ele comer muito, sendo que ele tava com sujeira no rosto dsjfkndskfj ♥

"Dr. Brennan's our mentor, and even though she'll never admit it, I think she tends to regard all of her interns as her children" Não acredito que sou obrigada a concordar com o Arastoo

Ps: A filha do David no episódio ♥♥

Episodio 11x19 - Nota 10 2017-04-20 14:54:38


A Brennan torcendo pelo Booth, só lembro daquele episodio da quarta temporada < 3

Episodio 11x19 - Nota 10 2017-04-20 15:00:38

"Angela, one more thing (...) please press the thumbs up button. I find imbeciles amusing"

Episodio 11x20 - Nota 9 2017-04-20 15:25:04

B&B&C assistindo tv no começo < 3

Episodio 11x21 - Nota 9 2017-04-20 15:36:43

I don't need to hear him tell me that i was right. It's enough to know that he knows I was right

Episodio 12x1 - Nota 9 2017-01-04 13:40:44

"So much of hugging. Perhaps I should be kidnapped more often"

Eu torcia muito por uma volta do Zack e fico muito feliz que tenham colocado ele nessa ultima temporada e com ele uma onda de nostalgia das primeiras temporadas, o que é ótimo pra ferrar mais ainda com o meu emocional por estar acabando ♥

Episodio 12x2 - Nota 8.5 2017-01-18 21:35:50

Quero chegar aos 40 assim

Episodio 12x4 - Nota 9 2017-01-26 22:02:15

Já tô com saudade da minha seriezinha

Episodio 12x7 - Nota 10 2017-02-15 12:48:22

Eu não tô acreditando no que acabei de assistir... de boa... qual a necessidade...

Episodio 12x11 - Nota 10 2017-03-22 00:19:00

Quando Bones quer fazer um episódio pra desgraçar a minha mente, eles fazem isso muito bem QUE FINAL TENSO
Mas tensão a parte, queria dizer o quanto eu tô encantada com esse episódio, a forma que ele foi feito, mostrando o ponto de vista de cada personagem e depois ligando aos outros foi sensacional demais ♥ Não acredito que semana que vem minha série acaba :(

Episodio 12x12 - Nota 10 2017-03-22 16:51:01

Ok, vamos lá, eu não sei nem por onde começar. Foram 6 anos acompanhando essa série, e 6 anos que passaram tão rápido que pareceram 6 meses. Acho que foi a terceira série que comecei a assistir e a primeira que ainda não tinha acabado. Ver uma das minhas séries preferidas indo pra lista de finalizadas vai doer, na verdade tá doendo desde que anunciaram que ia acabar. Já vi muitas séries que eu amava terminando, mas me despedir dessa tá sendo de longe a mais difícil. Foram muitos anos acompanhando os personagens, vendo eles evoluindo como pessoas, crescendo, casando, tendo filhos, alguns morrendo (sigh), superando um obstáculo mais complexo que o outro, sempre unidos e fazendo o impossível pra ajudar uns aos outros, brigando algumas vezes e fazendo as pazes... enfim, se relacionando mais do que como se fossem apenas colegas de trabalho. Isso faz com que eu sinta como se literalmente fizesse parte da vida deles e é muito surreal saber que vai acabar de vez, ao invés de ser só mais uma season finale com uma temporada nova planejada pra sair em alguns meses.

Mas como nem tudo são flores, a série teve seus momentos fracos e pode ter deixado um pouco a desejar depois da season 6, a diferença da qualidade pesou um pouco com aquela correria que seguiu na vida pessoal de B&B e foi estranho precisar me acostumar tão rápido com eles sendo um casal depois de ter visto 6 temporadas seguidas de algo que tava sendo construído tão bem! Da forma que eles vinham desenvolvendo a série (e por tanto tempo dessa tensão entre os dois), eu esperava algo mais bem elaborado e entendo que eles só fizeram dessa forma porque a Emily engravidou, mas acho que seria melhor se eles tivessem esperado ela ter o filho e depois retomarem pra história como fazem em outras séries, ainda mais tendo o tempo do hiatus da sexta temporada!!! Enfim, já foi feito e acho que essa é a minha unica crítica sobre a série, e mesmo com ela tendo caído um pouco por causa disso, ela conseguiu se manter bem, os casos não caíram na mesmice e eles continuaram nos provando até hoje, que mesmo na 12° temporada, conseguem fazer episódios tensos e de tirar o fôlego.

É muito difícil levar 12 temporadas dessa forma e acho que eles escolheram o timing perfeito pra acabar. Fico muito, muito feliz mesmo por terem decidido encerrar com dignidade, antes que Bones se tornasse algo que só fica no ar porque gera lucro (o que acaba acontecendo com muitas). Mas isso não torna as coisas mais fáceis jhfnjdskf inclusive eu tive que vir escrever isso agora, uma semana antes do episódio ir ao ar, porque sei que depois não ia ter estrutura pra escrever tudo o que queria. Se eu não tivesse baixado os episódios (em rmvb, que nostalgia) pra minha amiga – oi Jessica, sei que você está por aqui – eu não teria conhecido essa série e só os astros sabem quanto tempo eu levaria pra conhecer essa belezinha. Sou muito agradecida também pelos ensinamentos que essa série me deu, por me apresentar uma das protagonistas mais fortes, inteligentes e preferidas da minha vida aka Temperance Brennan, por umas cenas/quotes que me fizeram refletir mais sobre a vida e que me servem de incentivo até hoje, pelos personagens que amo e conheço tão bem que sinto como se realmente fossem pessoas que fazem parte da minha vida, pelos atores e produtores que tornaram essa série o que ela já foi e o que ela se tornou, pelos momentos de risada/choro/tensão que já me foram proporcionados, enfim... Com seus altos e baixos, considero uma das minhas séries favoritas e sempre vou ter um carinho enorme por ela.

Como diria o filósofo Seeley Booth: everything happens eventually. Obrigada pelos 6 amazing anos ♥

Episodio 12x12 - Nota 10 2017-03-28 23:36:52

"You're my partner"
Pode até não parecer, mas tem tanta coisa nessa frase.

Episodio 12x12 - Nota 10 2017-03-29 00:06:24

Brennan: This is not a simple case of amnesia... my brain... it's different. I mean, I'm different.
Booth: Look, you know what, you're healing, alright? You're gonna get better.
Brennan: What if I don't? I didn't have so much in my life, my intelligence is all I've had. You know I... I may not have had a family, but I understood things that nobody else could. My brain, the way I think, is who I am. Who I was. Now I don't know... I don't know anything, Booth, I mean, if the thing that made me... me... is gone, who am I?
Booth: You're the woman I love. You're the one who kissed me outside of pool house when it was pouring rain, took me to shoot tommy guns on Valentine's Day. That's who you are. You're the one who proposed to me with a stick of beef jerky in her hand even though you're a vegetarian. You're the Roxie to my Tony and the Wanda to my Buck. Who else is gonna sing 'Hot Blooded' with me? And besides, we are way better than Mulder and Scully.
Brennan: I don't know what that means.
Booth: I don't care if you know about the bones or if you know how to solve crimes. All I know is that I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. This is you. Temperance Brennan. You... You're my partner. Don't forget that.

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