Exibido em: 06-Set-2017
Ultima edição: carol_zinha | Editar minissinopse |
''-I'm gonna talk to Marlon.
-You don't have to talk to him. I haven't spoken to my ex-husband in three years. Trust me! -Why don't you talk to him? -Why would I need to? -When you drop off the kids. -I pull into a parking lot, I flash my lights twice, they get out of my car, they hop into his, and that's it! That's how you do divorce! -That is also how you do a drug deal.''
12 0 0 |
a mulher traficando os filhos kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
11 0 0 |
Hey Zack, you can close your bedroom window, mommy gave me the key back!
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Gracinha de episódios. Marlon tem muito jeito com crianças, talvez seja pq tem a mesma idade mental delas.
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O cenário da última cena parece MTO com a que o Michael Kyle jogava em Eu a Patroa e as Crianças
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