IMPORTANTE: O Banco de Séries não serve para assistir séries! Somos uma rede social onde os fãs de séries podem controlar os episódios que assistiram, dar notas, comentar, criar sua agenda, saber quando passa o próximo episódio. Somos totalmente contra a pirataria e não disponibilizamos conteúdo que fere direitos autorais.

Orange is the New Black By wemerson

Episodio 2x11 - Nota 9 2015-05-02 13:21:35

odiando a vee

Larry e pollzzzzzzzzz

Não consigo odiar 100% a Alex, sempre tem algo que no fundo me faz gostar dela

Episodio 3x1 - Nota 9 2015-06-12 00:07:42

tava tudo em ordem na minha grande, quando de repente 14 tiros aqui

Episodio 3x3 - Nota 9.5 2015-06-13 21:06:29

Todas, menos a nicky cara ):

Episodio 3x5 - Nota 9 2015-06-16 00:20:45

e a nicky ein? ela não pode ficar p sempre lá, até hoje espero a volta da miss claudette :(

Episodio 3x6 - Nota 9 2015-06-16 21:05:07

RED, TE AMO!!!!!!

Episodio 3x11 - Nota 9 2015-06-21 00:03:43

Rosa, que saudadessssss ❤❤

Episodio 3x12 - Nota 9 2015-06-21 00:01:13

Que episódio :(
sophia :(

Episodio 3x12 - Nota 9 2015-06-21 00:02:16

essa season é da doggett e da big boo

Episodio 3x13 - Nota 10 2015-06-22 11:32:36

Final ótimo, e a judy king chegando na cadeia hhahahahaha

Episodio 4x1 - Nota 8.5 2016-06-27 17:15:07

-What did you see?
-A Kardashian, maybe?

Episodio 4x4 - Nota 9 2016-06-28 18:39:29

"You think I raped you?"
"Yeah. I mean, what else do you call that?"
"But I love you"

Episodio 4x5 - Nota 9 2016-06-29 15:26:55

sempre amei a maritza e amei esse flashback dela hahahhh

Episodio 4x6 - Nota 9 2016-06-29 18:59:10

"You're a straight white man, you don't get to be the victim"

Episodio 4x7 - Nota 9 2016-06-29 19:43:37

não gosto do healy mas to achando muito muito lindo a forma que ele tá procurando cuidar da lolly

o abraço da nicky com a red ♥

morri com a tentativa de foto com a judy king!!! sensacional hahahahh

Episodio 4x8 - Nota 9 2016-06-30 10:37:34

que dó da piper mano nmrl

Episodio 4x9 - Nota 9 2016-06-30 14:02:13

protect maritza!!!!!!!!!!!!

Episodio 4x9 - Nota 9 2016-06-30 14:03:09

elas falando sobre breaking bad, CSI Miami e TWD, amei hahahahah

Episodio 4x9 - Nota 9 2016-06-30 17:22:36

"I'm not trying to sell us short or anything, but it's like they're Beyoncé and Jay Z and we're just Kim and Kanye."

Episodio 4x10 - Nota 9 2016-06-30 21:08:26

Maritza quero abraçar e colocar em um potinho!!!!!

Episodio 4x11 - Nota 9.5 2016-07-01 21:17:25

pau no cu dos guardas
suzanne ):
lolly chamando pelo Healy meu coração não suporta

Episodio 4x12 - Nota 10 2016-07-01 19:55:53

além de matar a fav poussey ainda colocam o neném do Bayley como culpado, poderiam colocar o resto dos guardas que são podres, ele n merecia essa culpa nas costas...
chorei junto com a taystee, nunca vou superar

Episodio 4x13 - Nota 10 2016-07-01 21:20:59

parabéns ao cast, aos diretores, produtores, a netflix, a todo mundo que faz essa série acontecer, essa season foi intensa e deu tantos tapas maquiados de humor na cara da sociedade!!!! eu amo essa serie um tanto....

Episodio 5x1 - Nota 9 2017-06-11 16:33:55

"Her name was poussey washington. She was kind, and loyal and smart, and our best librarian, she don't deserve to be in here, and she definitely didn't deserve to die in here, she...I can say that.." "She was murdered, co bayley murdered her, AND WE WANT JUSTICE."

Episodio 5x2 - Nota 9 2017-06-11 17:50:52

"Earn up to twelve hundred dollars a week from home."
tadinha da T e o #blacklattesmatter a capacidade de fazer meme com assuntos importantes, senti a cutucada

"I got that"

oi, stratman e blake, sumidos rs

Episodio 5x3 - Nota 8.5 2017-06-11 21:31:42

"Worst thing you can do is take another woman’s voice when she’s finally found it. Even if she’s driving you crazy, messing up your house, sleeping in your bed even, you can’t deny her the right to say her piece."
amém oitnb

Episodio 5x3 - Nota 8.5 2017-06-11 21:35:49

M: If you could have one thing in the world what would it be?
N Vaginal orgasms, I hear it's a thing

Episodio 5x4 - Nota 8.5 2017-06-12 23:34:56

"She's my perfect, pretty princess."
"Okay, you've got to cut that out. She's not a perfect, pretty princess. She's a smart young woman. She's strong. She's beautiful. We gotta use empowering words. Not cute and princess."

"A princess cake?!"
"That's a mermaid"
"Until the end of the movie, then she's a princess who gave up her voice for a man!"

"This is Litchfield Idol!" gente socorro, todos os elementos de reality musical "Whenever you're ready, Lee" tipo os jurados sempre com algo para beber, as opiniões, eu to gritando muito ja quero season 2 e super amei o strip rsrsrsrsrs

Episodio 5x4 - Nota 8.5 2017-06-13 12:19:55

eu sei onde estamos, agora o que isso tem a ver com meu comentário??

Episodio 5x5 - Nota 9.5 2017-06-16 13:06:51

você vê o flashback e fica torcendo pra Janae ter um futuro brilhante dai vc lembra onde ela infelizmente está........

"They got so much culture, they ain't even knowin' they stealin' ours. It's a load of shit..."
"The Thurston students are privileged and advantaged, and sometimes you feel like you have to work twice as hard to get half as far, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it..."
"Why even bother playin' a game that's rigged? Courtney's going to a science camp this summer that cost more than my dad makes in three months.How could I ever compete?"

Episodio 5x5 - Nota 9.5 2017-06-16 13:19:53

"My name is Tasha Jefferson and I'm an inmate here at Litchfield. Two days ago, our friend and fellow inmate, POUSSEY WASHINGTON, was murdered by a prison guard. POUSSEY WASHINGTON. And I'm sayin' her name again because it can't ever be said enough. Now, as you can see, Judy King ain't injured and she ain't a hostage. And she has a statement that she'd like to make at this time...No, she will not She is not gonna be making a statement. Sorry. She will not be speaking for us because Judy King can't speak for the inmates of this prison. She was kept separate from us, held in a private room with better treatment and a seltzer-maker. And moments after our friend, POUSSEY WASHINGTON, was murdered by a guard for doing nothing wrong, Judy King was packing her bags to go home on early release. Because she's rich and white and powerful. Now, our fight is not with Judy King. Our fight is with a system that don't give a damn about poor people and brown people and poor brown people. Our fight is with the folks who hold our demands in their hands. Which you people need to read, by the way, and stop watching this fool shit comin' out of here online and get a hold of our demand list because those demands are fair and necessary, and show that we intend to keep this demonstration peaceful and focused on change."

Episodio 5x6 - Nota 8.5 2017-06-16 13:47:20



"Look, you let me know if you need anything in here, okay?" o flashback com a poussey me destruiu, o sorriso dessa mulher ♥

e pra finalizar o quote "one crime should not define a person"

Episodio 5x7 - Nota 8.5 2017-06-16 21:42:40


T: I told you.You a full-blown Slytherin. And I'm a lion-hearted Gryffindor with the intelligence of a Ravenclaw.
P: But how does it even know this? I lied for every answer.
T: They ain't all bad. Snape was a Slytherin. It turned out he had that selfless love.
A: You cold-blooded for sure.
P: Nobody asked you, Hufflepuff.
T: White girl hitting you with some mad expelliarmus!
A: Come on. I'll help you. 'Cause Hufflepuffs value friendship, loyalty and compassion.

Episodio 5x8 - Nota 8.5 2017-06-17 01:34:09

A: Negotiations are starting.
C: Ooh. Who they send? Queen Bey? I mean, 'cause she'd wrap this shit up in, like, two sequins flat.

M: It's like when Van Gogh cut off his ear.
F: How is it anything like that?
M: I don't know. It's the only sad artist story I know.

"Look, I ain't gonna tell you how to raise her or the kind of life that she should have or whatever. It's not like I'd know, anyhow. But if you could give her some space, you know? Like, when she's learning how to walk, you got to let her try. Even if she falls sometimes. Or a lot of times. But when she does don't be the kind of mom who picks her up, dusts her off and pretends like nothing happened.You got to be okay with her crying. And fucking up.'Cause she will.'Cause she's mine"

Episodio 5x9 - Nota 9 2017-06-18 11:56:15

amei a vibe suspense do episodio e a black cindy se safando sempre hahahahahhhh Piscatella entrou na minha lista de personagens que odeio junto ao ramsay e ao joffrey

T: Manual labor without instruction ain't an education, and it damn sure ain't no life skills.
B: You think she'd be sayin' "ain't" so much if we had an education program?

"The children is already dead, and I'm next because that's how it go for black folk in the movies."

" [in Russian] Son of a pig fucker." "Such a pretty language."
eu mesmo falando

"This how O.J. got off. [...] See? Just like O.J."

Episodio 5x10 - Nota 9.5 2017-06-18 21:52:53

me senti incomodado durante o episodio inteiro, o piscatella tem que pagar por tudo isso bicho, que nojo de personagem, amei o final e espero que ele não escape!!

J: Man, I keep tellin' you, T, white people mess up everything.
C: Twerking, cornrows, Africa, the White House.

Episodio 5x11 - Nota 9 2017-06-20 16:46:18

"We heard negotiations are going real good."
"Healthcare and better food, and maybe even Beyoncé gonna come say hi to us. You don't wanna miss out on that!"
"Beyoncé ain't comin' to Litchfield!"
"How dare you doubt her?"

"Now, can someone tell me how throwin' someone in a room by themselves and denying them access to sunshine and other people teaches them any kinda lesson? [...] That's what I thought."

Gina dona salvadora AMEI

esse final, a gloria e a suzanne meu coração bicho......

Episodio 5x12 - Nota 8.5 2017-06-20 16:54:28

"You got to trust the system to do its job."
"You mean the same system who don't give a shit when some pasty-ass cop shoots a black man for spray painting a wall? Or selling loose cigarettes? Or reaching into his pocket for his own damn keys? You mean that system? Oh, yeah, they real trustworthy!"
essa temporada definitivamente é da Taystee

"Whitout disappointment, she and I have nothing."

"You're as much a criminal as we are. You just haven't been caught yet."
red rainha

F: If we lived there, we would've got, like, super lynched.
M: No, down there, if you're super cute, you don't have to do crime. You just marry a drug boss or something.
F: We grew up on the wrong side of the border, I swear.

Episodio 5x13 - Nota 10 2017-07-03 11:51:10

"I've been reading, and people are making, like, a billion dollars a year off of their YouTube shit."

"Would care if I die"
< /3

G: Frieda, what do we do?
F: We keep our dignity.
juro que estou com muito medo pelas garotas na piscina

essa temporada foi da taystee e parabéns pelo incrível trabalho da danielle brooks

Episodio 6x1 - Nota 8.5 2018-08-02 23:36:03

"We have the strength of family, we have the strength of having faced a demon and triumphed, we have iron wills, we have patience, we have sharp minds and deep reserves of power, and fucking nothing to lose."

conforme a temporada vai avançando os guardas vão piorando...será que não existe uma alma boa nisso? e o que falar sobre a piper? queria um compilado cada vez que ela falasse alex acelerasse 3x

Episodio 6x2 - Nota 8.5 2018-08-02 23:53:19

"They want me to just take my check and fade into the scenery while they, they villainize a bunch of girls who were born a couple miles south of hardship and took the only road in sight."

aquela parede onde eles escolhem quem vai pegar perpétua ou aumentar sentença sem se importar se são realmente culpadas ou não a vida de todas na mão de um sistema podre desses, e eu sou muito manipulável morrendo de pena da companheira de cela da piper até descobrir que ela matou os próprios filhos bicho esqueci que agora é a máxima

Episodio 6x3 - Nota 8.5 2018-08-03 00:12:55

"You guys, this is like in Breakfast Club. One kid from every group in school."
flaca sempre vindo com quotes maravilhosos soube usar seu tempo de rebelião pena que não abriu caixa postal para receber os mimos

eu não queria entrar no mérito da piper pois muitos comentários aqui já demonstraram minha indignação mas "tall one? does she mean alex?" meus olhos reviraram automaticamente e sobre a frieda realmente achei que ela iria usar o produto químico para tentar suicídio novamente porém a bicha é esperta viu

Episodio 6x4 - Nota 8 2018-08-03 22:36:32

"The thing is, I actually like this Torah portion. Because I'm the ass, and I can finally talk.
So here's what I want to know. Why is it so important to God that you honor your mother and father when they really don't give a shit about you?"
go nickyyyy

"Do you always ask the victim what their attacker was thinking?"
a red bicho vai carregar tudo nas costas por uma coisa que ela não teve envolvimento diretamente para pegar perpétua...e que nojo desses guardas puta que pariuuuuu

Episodio 6x5 - Nota 8 2018-08-03 22:47:24

"After so many years, it starts to feel like your home, and that these people are your family, until you stop being useful, then poof, they're gone, and you remember that this is not your home and that you are alone here."
reeeed :(

"Might be a good time to toss her. Could get a day cry out of it."
"I thought we weren't supposed to interfere."
"Nah. It's not interfering if you're doing your job."
que hijo de la puta

Episodio 6x6 - Nota 8 2018-08-03 23:22:32

"You know what the Fantasy Inmate draft is? A slave auction. Think about it. You price and trade people based on specific skills and traits, then you profit off their actions while you watch from the veranda. The whole thing is morally reprehensible."
guarda mais sensato até agora não lembro de te agredido ninguém igual o lixo do hellman além de ser lindissimo e gostoso

Episodio 6x7 - Nota 8.5 2018-08-03 23:44:17

"You must've put on one hell of a show, 'cause you ain't a granny or a tranny, and that just leaves looney tooney."
"Hey, why am I in here? No. I'm an old soul."
tadinha hahahahhh

como eu odeio o luschek bicho nao consigo olhar pra ele mas esse "he's the poor man's chris pratt" me fez rir demais nunca tinha reparado na semelhança e o que essa alex ta fazendo isso nao vai acabar bem...nunca acaba

Episodio 6x8 - Nota 8.5 2018-08-03 23:57:38

"I think I realize that regrets are for people that have another choice. That regrets are a privilege for people that, uh, have free will. And regrets aren't for people that are, uh, stuck in hell trying to survive years and years of abuse at the hands of guards and a prison system that just looks the other way. So, no, I don't have any regrets [...] We are locked in cages, but they are the animals."

caralho tive que pausar que foda...queria um spinoff da taystee na vida antes da prisão esses quotes maravilhosos e proprietária dos melhores flashbacks a cena da larica maravilhosa e esse final representado a diferença de caminhos que iriam tomar no futuro? fode mais oitnb

Episodio 6x9 - Nota 8.5 2018-08-05 01:04:09

"I'm like a leopard. I learn from my mistakes, and I ain't gonna let no lion take away my second chance."
eu fiquei tão feliz por esse quote e queria tanto que ela não tivesse aceitado isso tava sendo tão legal ver ela tentar se estabilizar fora da prisão sem ser pelo mundo do crime, mostrando mais uma vez que você é "livre" porém não possuem nenhuma assistência assim como foi a taystee PORÉM preciso falar sobre essa soundtrack no final "the lion sleeps tonight" foi GENIAL

Episodio 6x10 - Nota 8.5 2018-08-05 01:20:36

"We the team that is devout! Exercise those demons out! God won't pitch what you can't take! Make those bitches bleed and ache! One, two. One, two."

"I'm still waiting on that tea you offered!"
"That's because I didn't fucking offer!"

"And from there, those two started turning us against one another, they expected us to buy into their fight, take sides. I wasn't gonna die over some stupid story."
meu deus SIM (?) totalmente e vejo que vai dar merda entre a red e nicky aaarrrrr

Episodio 6x11 - Nota 9 2018-08-05 12:50:33

"If you secretly love Taylor Swift and think that everyone is so mean to her? Basic."

B: Listen to yourself. This is a living, breathing human being we're talking about.
L: Not for long, though.
cada temporada esses guardas se superam que nojo o outro se aproveitando de um possível suicídio para ganhar pontos isso é doentio demais e a outra lá colocando duas irmãs que se odeiam em uma mesma cela aaarrr

P: What is it about me that makes people want to fuck with me?
T: Can I be real with you? It's 'cause what they see when they look at you. They don't see you.
They see the shit they never had. Money, education, opportunity. That's why they never gonna stop fuckin' with you, because of what you represent, but at least that's only in here. People out there been fuckin' with me my entire fucking life. They see dangerous, poor, ghetto black girl that should be locked up in here forever. So, like, if you want to trade places, I'm game.

Episodio 6x12 - Nota 9 2018-08-05 13:03:28

"With a world-class staff and over 100 educational programs I'm sorry, are they calling the book cart I push around 100 educational programs? 'Cause I haven't seen shit."

"That was Grey's Anatomy. Cristina Yang says it to Meredith."
"That is Olivia Pope from Scandal."
suzanne maior shondaland fã arruma um job pra ela shonda

"All I wanted was for the person who killed my friend to be up here where I am now, telling you why he murdered an innocent person, instead of me, explaining why I didn't kill a guilty one."
danielle brooks o mundo é todo seu meu anjo eu confesso que esperava mais tempo da cena porem mesmo assim foi maravilhosa ainda tenho fé que aquela guarda conte tudo sobre o tratamento que as detentas recebe depois de ouvir todo aquele lixo que os guardam falaram

a gloria matando real ali na radio e estava tudo desligado que odio e chocado que a piper acabou fazendo a coisa certa totalmente sem querer e vai sair mais cedo porem só acredito quando ela estiver totalmente fora e o que falar sobre a red? fez merda né meu anjo atacar a frieda ali perto da vários guardas

Episodio 6x13 - Nota 9.5 2018-08-06 23:46:32

"Freedom is not something anybody can be given. Freedom is something people take, and people are as free as they want to be."

Episodio 7x1 - Nota 8.5 2019-07-27 03:34:39

se eu estivesse numa sala sozinho com o hellman e tivesse uma arma carregada com três balas eu atirava três vezes pra cima e matava no soco

Episodio 7x2 - Nota 8.5 2019-07-29 00:03:58

"You are smart and funny, you have wisdom and insight, you deserve equal pay, and strength is beauty."
hahaha amei porra

S: This is serious. The court system actually made a mistake.
D: Big whoop! The court system always makes mistakes.
a inocência da suzanne me doeu

o episódio que me devolve a icônica maritza e mete um cara lindo desses é o mesmo em que é pega pela ICE oitnb me ajuda pelo amor

Episodio 7x3 - Nota 8.5 2019-07-29 00:45:50

H: Ward, this is crazy. You can't do all this!
W: Tell me again what I can't do.

toda essa situação da ICE é de partir o coraçao a maioria ali nem é ex-detenta e nem se fosse todas essas mulheres sendo colocadas em condições horríveis e a linda explicando como se fosse uma situação extremamente normal nojo

Episodio 7x4 - Nota 9.5 2019-07-29 23:34:13

"How do we restore justice in a world that is profoundly unfair? what do we do when we reach the place where we don't know what to do? There's no easy answer. Punishment is not the answer, giving up is not the answer. We have to find our own answers, and that can feel like it's beyond our strength, but all we have to do first is try."

Episodio 7x5 - Nota 9 2019-12-23 15:42:26

muito triste pelo final da maritza e aleida mas a série ta dando um show retratando a questão da imigração

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