
Listas de Fael:
⏳ - Marvel Universe [Avulsas]
✨ - Marvel Cinematic Universe
🏆 - Badges: Talvez um dia
👀 - Vem aí
👑 - Game of Thrones Universe
💅 - Drag Race Franchise
💫 - Star Wars Universe
🔴 - Marvel Spotlight
🖖 - Star Trek Universe
🤖 - Whoniverse
🦇 - DC Universe
🦸🏼‍♀️ - DC Universe [by James Gunn]
Listas favoritas de Fael:
maratona falsas

👑 - Game of Thrones Universe (3)

Formato Thumbs
NomeOnde VerNota
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight
Game of Thrones 9.06
House of the Dragon 9.00
Uma lista de Fael

2 seguidor(es)

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