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You're the Worst - 5x12 - We Were Having Such a Nice Day


5x11 | 5x13

Exibido em: 27-Mar-2019

Mini Sinopse: A mãe de Gretchen chega um dia antes do casamento e Edgar tem uma saída épica com Jimmy.
Ultima edição: carol_zinhaEditar minissinopse

Comentarios - You're the Worst - 5x12 (78)

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Gente eu amei como a metáfora funcionou perfeitamente. Que ela pode fazer o que ela quiser, que o Jimmy não vai deixá-la e nem impedi-lá mas ainda sim vai machucar ela completamente.

2019-03-29 09:37:07Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
A conversa da Gretchen com a mãe dela quebrou cada parte do meu coraçãozinho :(

ps: alguém dá um Emmy pra Aya Cash ONTEM!!!

2019-03-28 16:28:44Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
infelizmente edgar não disse nenhuma mentira

2019-03-30 17:16:06Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Depois disso que o Edgar eu não sei mais, mas eu tinha lido uma teoria dizendo que os flashforward são na verdade cenas de um filme que o Jimmy escreveu baseado na relação dele e da Gretchen, claro que se fosse um filme seriam outra pessoas, talvez eu só tenha me agarrado a essa teoria pra não acreditar que as coisas dariam errado

2019-03-27 17:07:22Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
''-You'll destroy each other.
-There is no way I'd rather go.''
Nossa, eu real não estava esperando isso. Já sabemos que provavelmente não vai rolar casamento (eles podem muito estar nos enganando), e ao mesmo tempo que eu vejo que eles se amam muito, e realmente amadureceram mais nessa temporada, não tem como negar que eles ainda continuam machucando um ao outro. É como o próprio Edgar disse, amar um ao outro não significa ser bom um para o outro < /3

''-When could I ever control you?
-When did you ever try? Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, all the terrible shit I did was a cry for help?
-Your father and I didn't want to indulge you.
-Why not?
- You wouldn't have figured out how to take care of yourself.
-I can't take care of myself! I have been suffering in the dark with a severe goddamn mental illness for my entire life!
-Oh, stop it. Just because you're blue now and again does not mean that you have an illness.
-You caught me drowning my American Girl dolls. Why didn't you do anything?!
-This is really too much.
-I tried to kill myself, Mommy. I did. When I was 17. I really wanted to die. I really did. I sometimes still do.
-You're right. Nothing we did was ever enough for you.
-Don't you think that if I had talked to someone when I was 13 or 17 or 26, that I would be better now? That I wouldn't be this person?
-What do you want? Do you want me to hold you and tell you that I'm miserable, too? That I haven't felt love for your father, for anyone, in 20 years? That I would kill to have an affair but I'm too scared of what people might say? Or worse, that no one would have me?
-Well, I don't. Everyone's fine. Life is good, Gretchen. I don't know why you have to make it so difficult for yourself.
-I don't make it difficult. It is difficult. To be honest, it feels like No one wants to hear these things.
-If you insist on sharing them, you'll just push everyone away.
-You're wrong, Mommy. Maybe it'll push you away, but not Jimmy.''

2019-03-28 22:32:56Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*

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